Falling for Your Flaws

I see you have flaws
But I do not think yours are trying to compete with mine
I think they are trying to latch onto each other
Forcing themselves to be mended by another's blemishes
Indiscreetly asking for reasons to be able to find ourselves beautiful
We are endlessly confronted with mirrors to our ugliness
We try valiantly-

Even if in vain-

To secure a calm ocean for our souls to sleep
We've spent too many years churning on the volcanic waves
Of silent bruises and blaring reminders of our inadequacy

I see you like a wound I can heal with smiles
I see you like a wound that can distract me from my own
I can't cure you
I can pour you some coffee
And tell you stories about forever and the stars

Or we can both quiet our minds
And stare at the birds
Wondering where we'd go if we could fly

I want to teach you that your feet are wings
And your genuine laughter is a waterfall drenching these dried out and dying lands
That have not yet known your presence

I want to romance you with your own soul
Written by candencecollapsing (cadencecollapsing)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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