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Poet Introduction
In the depths of night, I find my voice—thoughts forming into feelings, then words on paper; a poet navigating a tainted world. My journey began with music and flickering flames. I write to capture fleeting moments, timeless memories, and deep desires.
Favorite Poets/Writers
Shakespeare, Sylvia Plath, Jim Morrison, Lenoard CohenAbout Me
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Artist | Photographer | Poet | Filmmaker
The way words and music touched me and evoked emotions in me started my path as a poet. In my poetry, themes of love, grief, and the silent strength of the human spirit are often explored through an elaborate dance between light and darkness.
The way words and music touched me and evoked emotions in me started my path as a poet. In my poetry, themes of love, grief, and the silent strength of the human spirit are often explored through an elaborate dance between light and darkness.
Lost Thinker