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Poet Introduction
The truest words ever spoken, never made it past the lips of those who held them so tightly to their hearts.
Favorite Poets/Writers
Frank Peretti, Stephen King, Poe...About Me
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Words written without passion contain no steel and therefore are brittle to the touch; such are the truest words ever spoken, never made it past the lips of those who held them so tightly to their hearts.
I like writing short stories and quotes..
I write much on personal experience, thoughts and feelings. I have a variety of interest and yet struggle with my personal addictions.
I truly hope that even if just one of my thoughts touches your soul, then as a writer, I am complete. For is a word or a passage is remembered, and remembered well, then the poet lives on.
I like writing short stories and quotes..
I write much on personal experience, thoughts and feelings. I have a variety of interest and yet struggle with my personal addictions.
I truly hope that even if just one of my thoughts touches your soul, then as a writer, I am complete. For is a word or a passage is remembered, and remembered well, then the poet lives on.
My Reading List
Full Reading List
You Are My Amaranthine
by PhantomPoet (Zoe..)
A Shattered Mind
by PhantomPoet (Zoe..)
why are you still on my mind
by brokeninside2024 (Gabby.S2378)
Tears of Blood
by PhantomPoet (Zoe..)
Compare My Feelings To An Ocean Wave.
by PhantomPoet (Zoe..)
by PhantomPoet (Zoe..)
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truprophet (Earl Lee)
Lost Thinker