random_4_ever (Erika)

Lost Thinker
Read Poems (29)
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Age 14
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Member Since 8th February 2010
random_4_ever joined 5339 days ago and last visited 5133 days ago
Comments 14
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Poet Introduction

Favorite Poets/Writers

forever-for_real; AquaKaulitz; wanna_b_some1_else; inky babyx

About Me

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I am really bad at writing poems (I'm getting better though), but i like reading them :)read my poems and let me know what i can work on. i like the constructive critisism.

My Reading List

Full Reading List
It'll Be Ok by forever-for_real (Tess Stoops)
two sides by Crow-Eye
Shrapnel by Cayleigh
In The Garden Of Orchids by KandiceBush (Kandice Bush)

Poets I Follow
