
Strange Creature
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Birthday 11th September
Relationship Status Taken
Member Since 19th September 2009
oOEyesOo joined 5480 days ago and last visited 4314 days ago
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About Me

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I like long walks on the beach as the sun set's. The smell of salt water touching my nose,the wind in my hair which tangles it. Looking into the eyes of a loved one, watching their sparkleing eyes stare back. The warmth of his hand on my back....

Haha ok thats jokes that doesnt really happen.

Well I love the counrty especially walking in forests.
I cannot live with out TimHortons.
I also like to Cook,Design things,Reading&Writing stories/Poetry,I cannot go a day without Hanging out with Friends, I have sarcastic humour I always get people laughing. I love music. I am 5'2 (yea I know im super short, but very much happy), I’m a Science nerd But I don’t look like one at all;) I like to take pictures of Models and landscapes.