
Strange Creature
United States
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Member Since 23rd November 2011
misstj1997 joined 4686 days ago and last visited 3837 days ago
Comments 11
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Poet Introduction

i might write sometimez maybe but i dont believe in putting things online because next thing you know somebody is receiving a noble prize for your piece

Favorite Poets/Writers

langston hughes, tupac, eminem, lil wayne

About Me

Read Full

Hi umm really i love reading poetry but they just don't have violent or painful poetry in books or in libraries they have  love or confusion but pain they just don't have.....ummm i get on DU on my phone so excuse my typos and well thats it soo good bye 4 nowXD

My Reading List

Sick of It All by weloveyou (u suck tho)
anyshit. by weloveyou (u suck tho)
delussional state by antigone

Poets I Follow
