
Strange Creature
Read Poems (6)
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Member Since 18th August 2015
maremma joined 3358 days ago and last visited 3355 days ago
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Poet Introduction

I don't consider myself a poet, I just express the words from my mind and am curious as to what people think of them.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Dickens, Kerouac, Emily Bronte, J.D Salinger, Faulkner, Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller

About Me

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I moved from UK to Italy to change my life because I spent 8 years abusing cocaine and temptation was all around me and I could only move away to stop it. I became an English Language Teacher and live in Italy because I had visited Tuscany since I was a child and for me, this place was the most pure and untainted.

NB: I had to open a new DU account under a new name because people were able to find me easily on the internet and discover my personal problems and someone blogged about me and I don't want my new employers or new people I've met professionally to know about my drug problem so I am resubmitting my own poems.

I love film, music, literature, theatre, art, London and Italy.
One day I hope to travel around America because I've been fascinated my whole life through my love of film.

I have a degree in English and American literature.