
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (5)
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Member Since 24th May 2011
drigz49 joined 4878 days ago and last visited 4574 days ago
Comments 4
Forum Posts 4
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

scibbles on paper , or keyboard , How fake , but that's how we now relate , A flat screen and a monthly rate for the machine to take.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Blake ,jack ,and me!!!

About Me

Read Full
           Mindless , Random  , Shit from my brain!
           Why should one care what one scribbles on paper
           or in this case one who has managed to buy
           a lap top , Read , Enjoy , Hate what I create.
           Just words , Hope some can relate , If I
           miss spell a word or two ....Well Fuck You,
           Spell check I don't do...I write for me,
                         NOT YOU!!!!!
