dkzksaxxas_DanielX (DadaDoggyDannyKozakSaxfn)

Tyrant of Words
32awards United States
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Member Since 10th December 2011
dkzksaxxas_DanielX joined 4835 days ago and last visited 1453 days ago
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Poet Introduction

 Oct2019 DEATH &THE LADY'CHYLDE..Poems of grief &despair at death of daughter, Edited, formatted, published by Poetic Medics / produced by LULU.    /Fall 2009 Danforth Quarterly (Lawrence,Ks) devoted to my poetry & collage'work./  

About Me

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Brooklyn,NY hometown / poetrist, saxophonist, flutist, clarinetist,photographist,creator of "new words", former festival founder/producer, concert producer, 25yrs mentalhealth work, addictions work. Radioshow producer/director/host"TheJazzShow"1991-96,"Jazz&BluesClassics"1998-99 / unofficially(not nearly "old enough")'retired' except musicwork, 3000+performances streetmusician, fotografist, nonsectarian buddha-ist, paradoxymoronist, etcetera-ist, anti-capitalist, anti-corporatist,
Pleas READ:
Jack Spicer, Gregory Corso, Rexroth,AGinsberg,L.Cohen, Brautigan, AmiriBaraka(&LeRoiJonee),Whitman,AnnSexton, Ted Joans, Kim Addonizio,Frederick Seidel, Samuel Menasch, jamesDickey, Anne Waldman,Wm.Blake,Diane DiPrima, Philip Whalen, Ferlinghetti,Kerouac,Guillaume Apollinaire, Max Jacob, Delmore Schwartz, John Berryman, LaoTzu, ChuangTzu,Merton, Shinkishi Takahashi, Anais Nin, Frank O'Hara, Jayne Cortez, eecummings,Rimbaud,Basho,Dogen, Baudelaire, Ambrose Bierce,Ed Sanders(&Edward Sanders),MinaLoy,,Paul Blackburn,Robt.Creely,Byron,Shelly,Keats,Coleridge,Shakespear, Chas.Olson,Zukovsky,StevenDalachinsky,TedBerrigan, Mayakovsky, Joanne Kyger, Carolyn Cassady,JanKerouac,EileenKauffman,MaryFabilli,EliseCowen, HettiJones, Joanna McClure,ruth Weiss,BrendaFrazer, LenoreKandel, Jane Bowles,LewWelch, GendunChopel,BobKauffman, Aram Saroyan, Theodore Drieser, Richard Farina, Gertrude Stein, \'s'that for sum hefty name-droppins?

~~NOTE:ALL PHOTOS Shown Wit This Guy's Pooms Are Thee O'riginal Creations of the Poot(poet)himSelf~~~

~Meditation and Poetry~
"Traditions of deliberate attention to consciousness, and of making poems, are as old as humankind. Meditation looks inward, poetry holds forth. One is private, the other is out in the world. One enters the moment, the other shares it. But in practice it is never entirely clear which is doing which. In any case, we do know that in spite of the contemporary public perception of meditation and poetry as special, exotic, and difficult, they are both as old and as common as grass. The one goes back to essential moments of stillness and deep inwardness, and the other to the fundamental impulse of expression and presentation."
 - Gary Snyder, “Just One Breath” -

LOOKUP:'Dan Kozak'** on Farce(imean)Facebook(sorry, not-a-'fanpage'2'like')& YouTube for lottsa sweet homemade pixtrs& o'riginal music videoMalografy
**('Dan Kozak' is a ficxticious char'acter,loosely based on the realLife,makebelieve Master-of-Reality otherwise known as: 'dkzk')

My Reading List

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The Grip by Amorous_tryst
interpretation of hell by dartford (Paul S...)
thing is by dartford (Paul S...)
the odd customer by anna_grin (ANNAN)

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