
Lost Thinker
United States
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Member Since 26th November 2012
deathdealer34 joined 4481 days ago and last visited 3098 days ago
Comments 14
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About Me

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my name is Nikki I'm 18 years old i love reading swimming and laying in the grass staring at the full moon. i would have to say if u believe in such things my element would be spirit and my animal would be a wolf. although I'm a loner all i want is for someone to care about me some one to tell me everything is fine to tell me they are there and there not going to abandon me. i have no mother in my mind she lost that right a long time ago and i have just found my father. I'm extremely loyal to my friends and I'm respectful to everyone as long as long as they give me the same courtesy. i don't see the point in petty fights. and i have always wanted to go mud boging. I've been through hell so don't complain to me about a bad hair day. my motto is :
if every one in the world would close there eyes for an hour and imagine world peace think how quite it would be

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