
Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (13)
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Age 50
Member Since 27th October 2012
casyn joined 4511 days ago and last visited 3211 days ago
Comments 71
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About Me

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I'm a mother, a daughter.  A friend, a lover.  Peaceful, yet a fighter.  A metal-head, a classically trained singer, an old school hip hop junkie and a lover of the blues. I give, and I take.  I'm confident and can be aggressive, yet I am also a submissive.  I'm dark and light, soft and hard, goofy and serious, clumsy and graceful, giving and greedy, intelligent and ditsy...I'm just me...casyn here, Cynthia to those closest to me.

After going through some life altering events in 2012, I began writing.  While I've always enjoyed writing, I've never done much of it until now.  So here I am with all my flaws, all my perfections, and all my emotions...just feeling my way through.

My Reading List

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the myth of beauty by JohnFeddeler
dwelling on thoughts of you by BlackVelvetRose (Ragdoll Raven)
Carnal Captive by JohnFeddeler
she's a shadow by JohnFeddeler
Man Versus Monster by MissJayne

Poets I Follow
