
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (5)
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Member Since 10th October 2013
Twistednutcase joined 4164 days ago and last visited 1669 days ago
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About Me

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I am a simple man from Arkansas and I first started writing poetry on the day that I actually participated in an 11th grade English/Literature class assignment. I wrote TIME BOMB. I have added it to my list open for critics to tell me how bad my punctuation is. I may have been a dreamer in school and was always quiet, calm, and collective. But I have come to learn as I have matured into the middle ages that it wasn,t such a bad thing not being able to listen to my teachers on the count of being extremely bored out of my mind at what they tried to teach me. Before I started poetry, I was into drawing and sculpting. And it is funny because ever since my parents or whoever(probably my kindergarten teacher)taught me to spell and pronounce words, I could spell exceptionally well. I won two spelling bees throughout the school days and I only entered into three of them in total. I went neck and neck with the smartest kid in school and yet I couldn't do much better than an average GPA. I also only keep a poem if I think it is really good. And if any good looking females wanna chat sometime, hit me up.

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