ThreeDaysGrace01 (Zachary)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (24)
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Member Since 16th September 2013
ThreeDaysGrace01 joined 4208 days ago and last visited 4138 days ago
Comments 16
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About Me

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Ok so I really do not know what to put other than that I am me, a sadomasochistic sociopathic psychopath. I am sadistic towards those who try to harm my loved ones. Masochistic towards myself in the sense that I would rather have pain inflicted on me than on the ones I care about. Sociopathic in the sense that I will never show mercy or emotion on those who deserve it and I will enjoy bringing pain to anyone who dares to test me on this statement without any cares in the world. And psychopathic in the sense that I do not tend to show control in precarious situations like fights because as soon as you manage to land a hit, you are immediately in death's reach, in the most extenuating ways and I will enjoy every second of playing mind games until the person who attempts my life or anyone's life I care about begs me for death. now then I am approachable, kind, friendly, and am up for anyone's criticism on my poems. Fire away.

My Reading List

Hungry... by BlueBeastGirl (Beasty)

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