
Strange Creature
Read Poems (4)
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Member Since 20th February 2012
ThePoisonRose joined 4760 days ago and last visited 4733 days ago
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About Me

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Hello, you can call me Susie. I struggle with self-injury, unspecified episodic mood disorder, self induced starvation, sensory processing disorder, purging, and severe depression. Possibly bipolar and borderline personlity diorder as well, i'm too young for that to be final.I'm thirteen, and l use poetry mostly to release emotions, but l post them in hopes people will see they are not alone. If you could appreicate them, tell me they speak to you. Do l hate life? I don't know, i'm not done with it yet. Do l hate myself? More than anything.Comments and advice just make my day, so please give me your feedback.

Yes, l cut myself. Yes, l have choppy layers and long sidebangs. No, I am not emo. l am Susie. I hold the firm belief labels are for jars and not for people.

If the story has a happy ending, your not being told the whole thing.

I like honest critism: not hate comments. Know the diffrence, but don't sugarcoat on my behalf (=