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Poet Introduction
Hello all! I haven't been active much for the past two years, but I am hopeful that will change! I look forward to continuing my learning experiences as a writer. If you could give me any advice or tips please do!
Favorite Poets/Writers
One special poem - A Pizza, a Party, and a Moonlight Ride . . . Anonymous~About Me
Read Full--~♥~--
Hello! You can call me Astaria if you would like! My username is seriously ironic to me. It seems to be of a dark tone, but it was honestly not intended! Although I may be in a dark place myself, I always saw my name as the opposite, quite joyful ^-^ If you are wondering what this little symbol means, "--~♥~--" it honestly doesn't mean anything actually! This was a symbol that I came up with to represent myself and stand out from others, so you could technically say this symbol is me~
There isn't much to say about myself! I'm just a basic senior high school girl with nothing special about her.I frequently enjoy drawing, spending time on Flight Rising (if any of you know this game, if not you should really look into it, we are a great community and many of us love to write lore and RP!]), and of course, writing. I'm actually a really shy girl, but I love to talk to people once I get comfortable! I'm pretty awkward and weird, but the good kind of awkward and weird, the kind that makes you laugh! Not the kind of awkward that makes you uncomfortable XD I also ramble a lot when talking (heads up).
I love to make people's days and listening to other's whether it be through direct words or through their writing. If anyone ever needs a friend or someone to vent to I will always be here to help as much as possible!I have a lot of empathy for everyone, no matter what. I love to put myself in someone else's shoes through their stories or their actual life. It takes me away from my own and allows me into another world.
I'm an imaginer and a very deep thinker, I'm constantly thinking or dreaming all throughout my day. Sometimes I will lay in bed for 5 or more hours just listening to music and thinking. (Not sure if that is very healthy, but I've always been like that since a child). Which is why I think I like to write and draw, because it can either take me away from my thoughts or bring about new creativity!
Don't be afraid to talk to me! If you want to just talk or need a shoulder you can either message me on here or on Flight Rising my username is LaAstaria if I never get back to you on here (I'm always on Flight Rising XD)!
♥ I hope everyone has a lovely day / night / life ♥
SuicideSunshine (Astaria)
Strange Creature