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Poet Introduction
I've always loved speaking within my journals I'm not a public person. But I'm a writer from what I see and think. I think of words and sentence all the time. I've been writing since third grade, of oceans and mysteries.
About Me
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I've always loved speaking within my journals I'm not a public person. But I'm a writer from what I see and think.
I think of words and sentence all the time.
I've been writing since third grade, of oceans and mysteries.
I'm rather dark & sexual.
I keep different types of journals around for different things.
I've been write for a long time now. But know want more people see what I write. I've been told there really good. So wondering what others think of it. So I would like if people who view this, would give me feed back. So thank you for reading.
I think of words and sentence all the time.
I've been writing since third grade, of oceans and mysteries.
I'm rather dark & sexual.
I keep different types of journals around for different things.
I've been write for a long time now. But know want more people see what I write. I've been told there really good. So wondering what others think of it. So I would like if people who view this, would give me feed back. So thank you for reading.
My Reading List
Full Reading List
Back from the Dead
by mynumber1 (Travis McMahan)
Sexual Fanticies (must be 18 to view this)
by mynumber1 (Travis McMahan)
My First Love
by mynumber1 (Travis McMahan)
Beautiful Unknown and You
by kiebthekarrottower
badge of honor
by shaunda
call it what you want sweetheart, it's just a chemical reaction
by EveAteRedApples
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All Poets I Follow (13)





Spunky4ever (Aliyah Ann Marie)
Lost Thinker