SilentReign1 (Mariposa)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (10)
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Member Since 25th October 2012
SilentReign1 joined 4293 days ago and last visited 4239 days ago
Comments 29
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Poet Introduction

Ive journeyed thru Hell and vacationed in the Abyss and only now do I dream of a Heaven....

About Me

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Being able to express my feelings, my deep inner thoughts is essential to my survival..... Ive lived thru some horrid circumstances to escape unscathed physically yet scarred horrendously emotionally.... But still I stand with so much experience in every aspect of life... Poetry is my lover and I cherish her unconditionally.....

My Reading List

Beautiful One by crimsin (Unveiling)
Immobilized by crimsin (Unveiling)
Split Personality by crimsin (Unveiling)
LOVE by trouble8me

Poets I Follow
