
Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (3)
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Member Since 31st July 2011
Shiron joined 4965 days ago and last visited 4825 days ago
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Poet Introduction

Bringing forth deep thought's

About Me

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I'm 24 year's old. I'm just a regular guy that is all ways questioning thing's. I am adventure's and open minded. I tend to speak my mind in a blunt full way. I have Imagoes and creative thought's that are ready to be written down. I normally don't let people read what I write. I tend to feel judgmental. I just recently wrote a poem for my x love, she told me, "you should find something and let people hear your you out." So I'm willing to give it a shot and hope you would like what I write. I am a beginner and will like to for experience writers to tell me what I am missing in my hidden messages.