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Where to start? Well, let's see... I'm homeschooled, I live in Northern Ireland, and that's all I can think of right now. Oh, and I love most science fiction.
Likes: Science fiction (already said that), fantasy, writing, reading, Lost in Space (even the movie), Star Wars, Star Trek, Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter, Watership Down (book, film and series), wolves, vampires, and a lot more.
Dislikes: Doctor Who (the modern series - the original was watchable, but only just), Twilight, bullies, people who only care about themselves, cruelty to animals.
Occuptaion: Right now? Still in school. Future? An author.
Full-Length Stories I'm Working On: Vampiru. I started a different story before that, but then it came and took over. I might go back to the other one (it's called Haunted, if anyone cares), but I probably won't.
Favourite Characters In My Stories: In no particular order, Dani, Celeste, Walnut, Nancy, Abi, Nightmare, Lacey, the Captain, An Fen, Hazel... have I forgotten anyone? Oh yes, O'Hara, Boone, Jack, Autumn, Jackson... the list goes on.
Least Favourite Characters: In other words, the ones you can expect to see killed off pretty quickly. Gadget, Edward, Lady Terror (no, I don't know why I keep giving her her full title - yes, I am looking at you, Dekia13Jazzmyynn on FictionPress), Attykcca, Steven, Janice, Niall, Legina, basically everyone who isn't listed as a favourite.
Likes: Science fiction (already said that), fantasy, writing, reading, Lost in Space (even the movie), Star Wars, Star Trek, Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter, Watership Down (book, film and series), wolves, vampires, and a lot more.
Dislikes: Doctor Who (the modern series - the original was watchable, but only just), Twilight, bullies, people who only care about themselves, cruelty to animals.
Occuptaion: Right now? Still in school. Future? An author.
Full-Length Stories I'm Working On: Vampiru. I started a different story before that, but then it came and took over. I might go back to the other one (it's called Haunted, if anyone cares), but I probably won't.
Favourite Characters In My Stories: In no particular order, Dani, Celeste, Walnut, Nancy, Abi, Nightmare, Lacey, the Captain, An Fen, Hazel... have I forgotten anyone? Oh yes, O'Hara, Boone, Jack, Autumn, Jackson... the list goes on.
Least Favourite Characters: In other words, the ones you can expect to see killed off pretty quickly. Gadget, Edward, Lady Terror (no, I don't know why I keep giving her her full title - yes, I am looking at you, Dekia13Jazzmyynn on FictionPress), Attykcca, Steven, Janice, Niall, Legina, basically everyone who isn't listed as a favourite.
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ShaylaRah (Pauline)
Strange Creature