Shadowblood13 (Ashen)

Twisted Dreamer
1awards Malaysia
Read Poems (59)
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Member Since 28th May 2013
Shadowblood13 joined 4135 days ago and last visited 2695 days ago
Comments 40
Forum Posts 3
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

The ashes that come after a fierce flame, darkness born of light.

About Me

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A depressed lesbian artist. Returning after a 3 year hiatus. I recently left an unhealthy relationship(she was also my writing partner). I don't really know why I'm back here. Maybe I think I can reconnect to my words without missing her. Without having to hurt.

My Reading List

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Song For the Skyline by xxkassidy (KC Fietek)
Take Me by Angel_Of_Darkness (Rune L)
Round and Round by DiamondDustMirror (The White Rabbit)
"Only By Blood" by Kitty (Kat)
My Goddess by MissJayne
Angel-Vice by metalamor

Poets I Follow
