Lost Thinker
Read Poems (39)
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Age 45
Member Since 12th February 2014
RED joined 3970 days ago and last visited 437 days ago
Comments 27
Forum Posts 5
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Poet Introduction

I talk before I think. Talking and writing makes me think. So my words are no truth, they are the blocks I build so I can walk on something. Weird enough, English is not my mother tongue, so I get some distance between feelings, words, and understanding.

About Me

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As a former scientist, I tried to understand the world by shuffling atoms around.
later I figured out it is not the understanding that is my purpose, but teaching to think. So now I am a teacher. When ever I need to understand, I need to talk about it. So I write. Does that make sense?

My Reading List

the girl who never was by JohnFeddeler
Everyday Valentine by blocat

Poets I Follow
