Pencil (Arie Sorin)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (26)
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Member Since 7th June 2011
Pencil joined 5016 days ago and last visited 3421 days ago
Comments 28
Forum Posts 5
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Poet Introduction

I named myself Pencil because while writing wrote extremely fast with a pencil. I was fast, as I was writing, I entered a new dimension. The whole room slanted and went back to horizontal again. It was a cool feeling and experience.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Shakespeare, Poe,

About Me

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I have written poetry before. Have had 4 poems published. And have recently been writing poetry again.

I play the violin and have played for 33 years. I am in a band and we have been recording all original rock, blues and love ballads. However, hit a snag. The creator of all of our lyrics and style had just signed a contract with a producer and he passed away last Christmas before he could tell us any info about who it was with. Bummed out, but I found that writing again has helped me mourn his passing. Time to write poetry to be inspired to write song lyrics. That is what is up with me as of the present moment.

Been hanging in there from my friends passing. It is now March 13th 2014. I have been ill with cervical dystonia from psych medicine and have been in pain. But i feel good today and am coming back to the community of poets.

I have found it fun to go out to coffee shops where I can people watch. That way I can use a table. As I people watch I get inspiration to write about there style of dress or a woman's beauty and as i write the music playing in the cafe mingled with with what people say and my own ideas formulate what I write about. What is fun about the creative process of writing poetry, is that my mind goes into a poetic style of thought process. I suppose this is a common experience for all poets. It is cool to exercise my brain in this way.

My Reading List

Full Reading List
My secret by Grace (IDryad)
She's here by Kurtknot
What is this? by 1tornheart (Scarlet Rose)
Leaving Town by rainbow_sunshine (Wendy)
Beauty by rainbow_sunshine (Wendy)
Broken Ballerinas Land On Their Toes by Midnight_Sun (Jules)

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (9)