Mrs_Sin (Lillith)

Twisted Dreamer
Read Poems (119)
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Age 19
Relationship Status Single
Member Since 6th December 2009
Mrs_Sin joined 5585 days ago and last visited 4600 days ago
Comments 25
Forum Posts 6
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

I see, I hear, I experience, am inspired, start writing, sit back, and wonder when I stopped being in control of the words...

Favorite Poets/Writers

Edgar Allen Poe, Stephen King, James Herbert, Tolkien

About Me

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Well, I'm me. I don't fit into any categories; I'm just who I am. You can either love me or hate me

Physical appearance:
Hair: Dirty blonde, straight, long (almost down to my ass)
Eyes: Blue/grey, I've had different answers to that one
Smile: Crooked. Believe me, now that my wisdom teeth are coming through and f*cking up all the work my braces did, my smile is extremely crooked.
Height: 5'9
Build: Well, I'm not fat, but I sure as hell ain't a twig, either. I have tits, an ass and a damn good set of legs, and that's fine by me.

I'm something of a sadist, and something of a saint.
Your wishes will come true but your dreams will have to wait
I'm something of a lover, and something of a lie
You know you've enjoyed it when you ask to die...

Enjoy my work!

My Reading List

Full Reading List
brevitas by Misconducted
The Sycamore by PierreTheMad
Bloodsucker by PierreTheMad
Chesire Cat by Number16Busshelter (Number 16 Bus shelter)
Bloodied Knees, and Diamond Vision by Number16Busshelter (Number 16 Bus shelter)