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Poet Introduction
I see, I hear, I experience, am inspired, start writing, sit back, and wonder when I stopped being in control of the words...
Favorite Poets/Writers
Edgar Allen Poe, Stephen King, James Herbert, TolkienAbout Me
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Well, I'm me. I don't fit into any categories; I'm just who I am. You can either love me or hate me
Physical appearance:
Hair: Dirty blonde, straight, long (almost down to my ass)
Eyes: Blue/grey, I've had different answers to that one
Smile: Crooked. Believe me, now that my wisdom teeth are coming through and f*cking up all the work my braces did, my smile is extremely crooked.
Height: 5'9
Build: Well, I'm not fat, but I sure as hell ain't a twig, either. I have tits, an ass and a damn good set of legs, and that's fine by me.
I'm something of a sadist, and something of a saint.
Your wishes will come true but your dreams will have to wait
I'm something of a lover, and something of a lie
You know you've enjoyed it when you ask to die...
Enjoy my work!

Physical appearance:
Hair: Dirty blonde, straight, long (almost down to my ass)
Eyes: Blue/grey, I've had different answers to that one
Smile: Crooked. Believe me, now that my wisdom teeth are coming through and f*cking up all the work my braces did, my smile is extremely crooked.
Height: 5'9
Build: Well, I'm not fat, but I sure as hell ain't a twig, either. I have tits, an ass and a damn good set of legs, and that's fine by me.
I'm something of a sadist, and something of a saint.
Your wishes will come true but your dreams will have to wait
I'm something of a lover, and something of a lie
You know you've enjoyed it when you ask to die...
Enjoy my work!
My Reading List
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by Misconducted
Seeking Comfort With A Tiger
by PierreTheMad
The Sycamore
by PierreTheMad
by PierreTheMad
Chesire Cat
by Number16Busshelter (Number 16 Bus shelter)
Bloodied Knees, and Diamond Vision
by Number16Busshelter (Number 16 Bus shelter)
Mrs_Sin (Lillith)
Twisted Dreamer