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Poet Introduction
Cynical, satire and romantic with subtle surrealist touches. Not all in one go though obviously. Most of my poems are non rhyming, poetic short stories.
Favorite Poets/Writers
Charles Bukowski, William S. Borroughs, Thomas De Quincy, Vladimir Nabokov, Charlotte RocheAbout Me
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Young and aspiring.
My name is William, but most call me Will or Whitey.
I'm 19 and I live in Australia, Queensland specifically. I am an unemployed freelance writer and photographer. I enjoy sketching and drawing, and I like to practice calligraphy when I have writers block.
My name is William, but most call me Will or Whitey.
I'm 19 and I live in Australia, Queensland specifically. I am an unemployed freelance writer and photographer. I enjoy sketching and drawing, and I like to practice calligraphy when I have writers block.
My Reading List
Full Reading List
Love in The form of Trash
by Danii
The Day of Her Burial
by nellul (Train Wreck)
Im so in love
by Hallielove
Why did you leave?
by BordelineChick15
by Gg78
You are nothing.
by SychophanticSlag
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Mitochondrial (Will lou White)
Thought Provoker