LenaMcCree (Lena McCree)

Strange Creature
United States
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Birthday 8th September
Relationship Status Taken
Member Since 6th July 2012
LenaMcCree joined 4643 days ago and last visited 4530 days ago
Comments 11
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About Me

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Well hai, I'm Lena.
I've been through a lot in my life.
I'm all about music. My taste in music includes everything but rap and country. ESPECIALLY NOT RAP. I don't care if you like rap, but I'll always be a hater of it. I enjoy taking the "t" out of "can't." I broke up with Adele and she wrote an album about me.If I was a dj my name would be dj enzyme because I’m always breaking it down. Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game. I get turned on with neck kisses and embraces from behind.i hate it when people joke about things you are really insecure about. I like roleplaying. Not like faking another person, but like i.e) -hugs you.- I do indeed say btdubs a lot. It means by the way. i find it hard to tell anyone what i'm feeling.In dreams, we enter a world that is entirely our own. When people say "everyone is beautiful" I wonder if they're taking EVERYONE into consideration. I'm a gamer. As in huge gamer.I play everything. Yoshi's Story, Zelda (all of them), Skyrim, Mario, Super Mario, Kingdom Hearts, COD, MW, MW2, MW3, Mortal Kombat, Metroid, Minecraft, Siren Blood Curse, Final Fantasy etc. My role models are Peter Pan, Michael Jackson, Batman, Link, Princess Zelda, Ash Ketchum, Winnie the Pooh, and most of all; Hayao Miyazaki... AND HOWL.  
Full Name: Lena May McCree
Age: 16
Birthday: September 8th
Taken, <3
Glasses: No.
Favorite colors: black, pink, blue, green.
Natural hair color: Light brown/Dark Blonde
Hair color as of right now: Changes more than a slut changes boyfriends.
Gauges: 1/2 inch
Piercings: Nose, lip.
Upcoming piercings: Septum, tongue
My youtube is youtube.com/WheresMyLiteBrite subscribe to me there and I'll subscribe back.
Other sites: Facebook; http://www.facebook.com/lena.nicole.5
Twitter; twitter.com/Akira_Hoshiko