Lost Thinker
United States
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Member Since 8th February 2011
KiDViCiOUS joined 5137 days ago and last visited 2662 days ago
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About Me

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I write what I feel I write what I hear I write what helpless souls whisper through tears I write what others are afraid to even consider I write what the voices scream at me I write what my soul carves into my burning flesh.

Life is a banquet. Death is Desert.

I'm just a girl trying to make a fairy tale, but instead it's turned into a nightmare

I've endured bipolarity, anger issues, depression since i was born. Since i could write i've been writing twisted things. Since i could talk I've been saying demented words. Since i could walk, i've been following the path of darkness. Think you know me? Think again, I'm a mystery, in the end.

I stand before you as a sinner. Hood up, head down

For as long as darkness exists, my soul will be consumed by hatred.

Walls built of rage, and doors of anger. Windows barred with pure hatred off all things. Yet even in this house of fiery fury... I can not burn away my feelings for you.

I will kiss your bleeding heart. As the world you know falls apart.

Hello, My name is Kelli. My religion does not matter. My political view does not matter. I am currently single. I am a genuinely good person. Unless you hurt me or someone I love, then my dear you have fucked yourself. I genuinely loathe myself. Every day I wake up and I have to convince myself I deserve this life. Every moment looking into the mirror is a war. If you think there's nothing wrong with me, then my darling think again. I do not take pity upon myself. And I do not expect pity to be bestowed upon me. I am a human being just like the rest of you. Yet with more knowledge and understanding of what's out there. I've been to hell and back multiple times. I am not afraid to stand up for what I believe in, even if I am standing alone. I will carry out my beliefs with pride and stand tall until the day I die.

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