Jasmine05 (Firebird)

Thought Provoker
United States
Read Poems (71)
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Member Since 12th June 2012
Jasmine05 joined 4649 days ago and last visited 3865 days ago
Comments 103
Forum Posts 344
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Poet Introduction

Fantasy. Is my secret addiction its my poetic high. When i desire something/someone or when i want to escape forget my surroundings, my age, who i am. Poetry is my escape goat..

About Me

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 There is not much to say about myself. My story has yet to be fully completed...

 But what i can say is simple really I'm young a free spirit who sometimes realizes she needs to be tamed. I find comfort in writing and novels (poetry's my drug). I would rather spend my days creating and my nights experiencing. I crave the unknown. And act on impulse. My wrongs are mixed up with my rights. My weakness is my strength and my body has a mind of its own. I'm odd but sometimes it can add intensity to the design of an interesting poem so i try to embrace it. I don't write poetry for comments or rates i write it because i know that somewhere someone laughed,smiled,cried, moaned or even frowned upon my words. And all because i searched the boundaries of my mind all because i let fantasy take a role in my "poetry high"...Its thrilling, exciting, and sometimes numbing. just depends on the words that come tumbling...

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