HeatherBairefoot (Heather)

Strange Creature
United States
Read Poems (4)
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Relationship Status Single
Member Since 20th April 2013
HeatherBairefoot joined 4179 days ago and last visited 4177 days ago
Comments 3
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Poet Introduction

I loves to write poem but I would also be appreciate if you are being honest about my poem. I would like to see what the errors that I have in my work so that I can do better next time.

About Me

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Heather is the name.
My people call me Butterfly.
I blow candle on October 17.
I enter the world of poetry when I was 9 years old.
Not too talent but I write from my heart.

.Proudly lesbian.
.Profoundly deaf.
.Loves to laugh.
.Isn't afraid to get dirty.
.Sweet but a little bit sour.
.Single but my heart is taken.
.Hardheaded but can be soft.
.And that is just me;
plain ol' Heather with a big dream...

My Reading List

Sing by surfermatthew22
Dealing with anger by brokeninside2024 (Gabby.S2378)
What If by Mystic_Dreamer (Chels)
Those Days. by XxJvilleXPoetxX
Rainbow by Blacktalia

Poets I Follow
