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Poet Introduction
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Anyone who has bothered to write seriously.About Me
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I have a strong need to express myself in many different ways. Sometimes I experience emotions that would be detrimental to my lifestyle if I were to express them publicly. As a result, I vent many of my strongest and untamable feelings through the mediums of writing, singing, music, and physical artwork. Without these outlets, I would surely be locked up away from society due to a complete mental breakdown and emotional explosion that would harm myself and others. These feelings can become so strong that I find myself needing to jump between my mediums of self-expression constantly. Sometimes, I even mix my mediums for experimentation purposes and to assist further in the venting process. Therefore, my work is very inconsistent, experimental, and sometimes downright confusing. However, my work is usually, if not always, very deep. I give a lot of thought to my work but occasionally you will see that I use improvisation techniques as well. I may post a very well thought-out poem one day but a completely improvised musical rendition of a poem the next. You cannot predict anything I do on this site or in life. My work belongs to a million genres, yet it all stems from one very active, deep, and original mind. I sometimes attempt to recreate things you can see or things you cannot see if I'm not feeling particularly emotional about creating a new piece of work. These works of mine are for experimentation purposes and exist only to broaden my knowledge of my selected mediums. On this profile you will see it all. Also, I use a lot of symbolism in my work. If you feel that I'm creating some sort of scenario, or "world", for that particular piece then it's probably because I have. Oh, and my horoscope is Cancer.
My Reading List
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Adore You
by Firebyrd
partial recall
by johnrot
Awakening....Creators Light
by Firebyrd
.:Parody of Time, Thought & Position 1.0:.
by kriticool
by MissMorbid
Windex and Lies
by MissMorbid
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HDxFFp9e (Michael Charles Perna II)
Lost Thinker