
Twisted Dreamer
1awards United States
Read Poems (9)
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Member Since 11th August 2013
Ghos joined 4230 days ago and last visited 1640 days ago
Comments 93
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Poet Introduction

Nomadic poet...I will admit my work is raw. I haven't written in so long but looking to grow and learn. I love rhyming and always will. I strongly believe that poetry is FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION. It is what you want it to be.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Poe, Madchild, Sully Erna

About Me

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A nomadic poet... I will admit my work is raw, messy, scrambled, I haven't written in so long but looking to grow and learn.

Even though I am a bit of a reclusive cynic I truly miss connecting with other souls. Love seeing the world through another's perspective and lending my eyes out to whomever dares... O.o

The initial poems I will post on here will be the few  old ones I salvaged from emails as I lost most of my pieces. I pretty much numbed myself out for many years and stopped writing. Started doing like random quotes and what not but I want to get back into the swing of poetry. So I welcome any feedback as I am now looking to mature as a writer. I enjoy rhyming and wordplay and goofing with words as well.

Ever notice how on Friday at the end of the work day, you are straight up depleted? I'm talking about shields down, health on red status. Then magically as soon as you walk through those doors it's like SHAZAM!! LEVEL UP!!! SUPER MARIO STAR SONG REVVING U THE HECK UP TIME! I love me some mothafuckin Friday!

I am an eclectic music lover! I can go from some swollen... to deftones quick as hell!

My Reading List

Fallen by Mystic_Dreamer (Chels)
Ghouta Blues by DarcAnGeL (Araweelo)

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (14)