
Strange Creature
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Birthday 29th April
Relationship Status Taken
Member Since 31st March 2011
Drew_Johnston joined 4931 days ago and last visited 4785 days ago
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About Me

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Name: Drew Johnston
Profile: Quick to anger, but uses anger as an arsenal for words.
Status: Angry, Sad, Happy, Depressed = Bipolar?
Point in life: Recording Engineer, happily in a relationship
People I love the most: Anyone who can stand me, Ashley(best friend ever) and God(christianity)
People I hate the most: My mom, People, Pricks, Assholes, sluts,skans,whores etc., you [just kidding :)]
Favorite word: Fuck (and any variation of the word)
Second favorite word: Bumsen (fuck in german)
Third favorite word: Shiza (shit in german)