
Lost Thinker
United States
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Member Since 2nd April 2011
Contagiouselixir joined 5095 days ago and last visited 4588 days ago
Comments 13
Forum Posts 9
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About Me

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Just here for a bit of fun, to put some of my stuff out there, encourage myself to keep writing, and read some good stuff by other people <3

I am honestly probably one of the most nonjudgmental people you will ever meet. I am very much an independent person and don't care at all what other people think of me. I, like everyone else, have been through a lot. Music, poetry, dance, and art are things that I constantly keep available to myself as a means of coping and an expressive outlet.

I look forward to reading everyone's contributions to this poetic community and wish everyone nothing but the best in finding whatever they are looking for within this site.

Best Wishes. Thanks for showing an interest in me.

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