BlackOrchid666 (Ribbons)

Lost Thinker
United States
Read Poems (20)
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Member Since 4th July 2014
BlackOrchid666 joined 3896 days ago and last visited 3677 days ago
Comments 20
Forum Posts 13
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

Dark, macabre, & shy I'm sorry I'm the unexpected little girl. The bloody little girl that everyone fears.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Robert Frost, Edgar Allan Poe, Jodi Picoult, Lewis Carroll, William Shakespeare, Anna Akhmatova,

About Me

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Hello....I am a 15-year-old writer in America. I just started getting into poetry and I love it. The words, feelings, depth everything! They are like shorter, deeper novels fit into just a few words.

I am a huge anime nerd and am obsessed with Alice
In Wonderland.

I am not Goth. I am not emo. I am emo-punk. Trust me, there's a difference. X)

I despise the color pink, sweets, sunlight, and people that are loud.

I love reading, sleeping, the colors black & gray, and relaxing outside at night.

My real name is Ribbons (believe it or not) and I would appreciate it if nobody makes fun of me for it.

I play piano and acoustic guitar and am in a band. We're called Bloody Fairy Wings and my older sister is the lead Singer
I try to make new friends, but I admit that I'm a little rude....sorry

My Reading List

Full Reading List
Freaky Goth by Angel-Blood
Black Rose by Angel-Blood
The truth and it's meaning by Sir-Writes-A-lot (Michael Granger)
DROWNING by tigress626
Mental by UnknownEmo (Goes Without Saying)
The Last Laugh by DirtyPrettyThings (Dave)

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (15)