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Poet Introduction
I'm in awe of the power and effect of words in all forms and always felt a connection to them. I'm learning, trying to let go a bit, just sensing how the words feel as they spill out or go in, trying to connect to myself more?
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Neruda, Angelou, Masefield, FrostAbout Me
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This crazy beautiful life is full of surprises and certainly provides us with an ever changing mindful of data to process....incredibly good or mind blowingly bad, different for each of us. To me, writing words can absorb the way l feel, soak up and release some of the excess? I enjoy the feeling. Others unique interpretation can sometimes be deeply felt? pique my curiosity? spark an unexplored feeling? make me smile? Do we ever really stop learning on our unexpected journey to who knows where? I don't consider myself a poet, just a gentle breeze who can become a tempest, ever curious with an intense imagination l can't always articulate, so sharing a few words along the way feels good to me....
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Worshiping Psyche
by eroseternal (Tim Eros)
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All Poets I Follow (9)Ahavati
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