
Strange Creature
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Age 15
Relationship Status Other
Member Since 25th April 2010
Adrenalin-Angel joined 5264 days ago and last visited 5246 days ago
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About Me

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My real name is not important. nor is anything more personal like that. but there are things people can know:


music is my life, and for the rest of those words those are my moods, except when i think i find love, which wont most likely happen very much anyways but i have things about me that. i have a great life, amazing friends, talents, loves BUT there are times when im so down i feel like im invisible and when im alone... my thoughts go into this world of unknown and it scars me.

there are manythings u can tell about a person by how the act, talk, write, draw, etc. lets see what all you memebers can figure out about me.

My Reading List

Life... by RaistlinMajere