Image for the poem Within the LInes

Within the LInes

Lines create an experience beyond the literal.
There is so much potential in losing and finding
the line again.Like letting go and being awakened.
Lines, like music,create potential for mystery.
(Linda Saccoccio)
I learned
to paint in the dark..
tracing lines
( Palpitated )
each vertical flutter
voiced beneath
your skin..

finger painted your soul between
the folds of my riven as I set modifying
metaphorically speaking with abstract strokes
of my pen…. drawing you in zigzag lines
that contour to the pages like lips against
skin branding and claiming tongue and spines.

we curved into distorted  courses
leaving our digits embedded in the
pavement of us...where lips become
the waves eroding invincible
lines that pencil in moans as fingers faded  
charcoal strokes along hips and thighs.
outlining the whimsical flow that
wrapped around calf’s and curled toes
as skin bended into ceases where tongue
left residual of you
posted on the tip of my brush…
feeling the pulse of you moving
along my tongue as we fell onto
this unstable canvas of lite breast strokes
and back strokes to slow strokes that
moved us along ecstasy unstructured lines  
where bliss released streams that flowed
into a river that had no boundaries
where passion was concerned.
We painted us in lines the moved
like forever then hung our passion
on walls  for all to see…
WE were Within the
Written by Eccentric
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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