One Night
(Something older I wrote, just for fun)
Well- I was toolin' along, just doing my days,
When I came across this Sister, kinda in a daze-
In the middle of nowhere, which is just kinda like
somewhere without a name.
It might have struck me peculiar, if she wasn't so
damn cute
And me being male, that kind of thinking just doesn't compute-
You can't just go diving into folks' faux paus like
that, especially when little brother testosterone give ya nudge and says, "Hey man, you need to check that out."
Now, I'm never really sure whether to trust my
On account of that I'm not really sure, whether they
friend or foe-
Strong arguments could be made for both sides of that
particular issue- so I was tenuous, but curious
She said "Hi"- and I nodded, said "That's what I
figured too."
And it took a little bit, for the wit to work its way
Before this grin came out, she rolled her eyes a
little and said- "No I'm straight."- and I said "I'm
sorry"- then let her fill in the blanks.
"Well I got a remedy, for that unfortunate condition;
There's a bar down the ways, with a few musicians-
Who manage to play every song you never-ever wanted to
hear again in your life, but the booze is good." I
said, which even odder still- worked.
The band was in rare form, doing a cover of Spandau
Which I thought was sufficiently covered, without the
But they must have been doing it well, because I was
instantly reminded how much I didn't like that song in
the first place.
Well, we had worked our way through some of the
awkward parts,
Talking about the joys & woes of the life, and the
affairs of the heart-
Where I just proceeded to nod alot, because. .. well,
I didn't really have anything to complain about.
I mean sure, that happily ever after thing never quite worked out;
But I had more than a few grins and smirks, and my
fair share of smiles to think about-
And was in the process of trying to pad out my little
mental cache of more pleasant memories.
And once we got beyond the asses and villains
Who did the Sister down, with no respect for her
There just came a point where I brushed all that off
our table, because what someone might have wanted to
happen don't mean a damn thing against what did.
And you can get as pissy and ornery about it as you'd
But there are alot softer and warmer things to cozy up
to at night-
Which brings us back to my tale, which has its own
turns and twists to tell.
You see, I was thinking one thing, but not avoiding
the other
I thought I was playing, but I was being played
Or Sister- I'd imagine this kind of shit works both
ways, no matter if your booties were pink or blue.
The band took the trouble, to knock us out of our
making nice groove
By dedicating a song, "to the couple at table number
And I groaned and told her, "Now they're trying to
blame us for the shit.", and she giggled as my head
dropped as they launched into a fairly accurate
rendition of "Precious & Few". (Which I do NOT
consider a good thing.)
I told her- "There's the exit, make a fast break.
I got your back, better not wait-
I'll grab a chair if I have to keep the angry mob
back.", to which she chuckled and patted my hand- and
said "I think we'll probably be alright."
"Aw hell yeah.", I nodded. "Gotta love a woman who
make her stand;
Even when put in harm's way, by a hack house-band."-
Her brow arched, she said "Oh really?" To which I
replied, "Umm. ..err. .uhh . . ...well.", and she just
smiled and let me off the hook.
Which in some pecuilar way, drew me closer.
Kinda cool not to make me squirm, under that female
type torture-
Of having to explain every damn fool thing you ever
said and did, with some better justification and
rationale than - "It sounded cool at the time."- or "I
didn't really mean it like that".
We sat through the tune- which I made clear to her was
not "our song".
I was never quite sure how a band with such a cool
name, could write something so wrong-
But I would be lying if I said I was shocked that the
tune was Clymax's one and only claim to fame- on
account that there is only so much syrupy drivel one
person can take, no matter how bad their sweet-tooth
might be.
Somehow, somewhen, we ended up walking outside.
And there were some parts that still shine, like stars
and the moonlight-
Which is all one is likely to hear about it from the
likes of me, and it's not really what this is all
about. Try True Confessions man- because when it comes
to that, this books is closed.
Point is- I woke up the next morning feeling like I
had been stoned.
I'm not talking about the boozing kind, but more about
the kind that hurts your bones-
Sort of like in the Biblical sense; back when the
national past-time seemed to involve chucking rocks at
folk they didn't particularly care for. Kind of gives
one a finer appreciation of baseball, because there is
just no one wants to be in that kind of pickle.
I woke up feeling nasty, and alone.
Eventually I got up, and made the long walk home-
Where I was immediately struck by the less than
wonderful aspects of yodeling. My roomie at the time
liked Slim Whitman. Don't ask me, I'm not even sure
what was wrong with him.
Well Brother Slim, just had to go.
So I peeled out the disk, and gave it a good throw-
And the cat sort yo-du-ladee-hooed across the parking
lot of the apartment complex.
"Bad night?", my roomie grinned wide.
"The nightwas fine, but this morning has room for
improvement.", I said, rubbing my eyes-
It wasn't really like a hang-over so much, but my
pillow was beckoning me - come hither man, before you
crash. Which was the plan- but my roomie decided to
get conversational.
"What happened to you neck?", which brought about a
cheeky grin that hurt
Said, "Don't ask stupid questions man.", I said as I
stripped of my shirt
Looking for anything that might make this all go away,
far away- which ended up leading back to my cure-all.
If there was really any worthwhile remedy against the
evils of the world- numb worked for me.
"Damn dog, you look like something that cat drug in.
And speaking of that, Theo pissed on my clean clothers
He said with a snarl, to which I asked "What'd you do
to piss him off?" My cat has a vindictive nature, to
which no mortal could hope to break through. A virtual
diabolic genuis in the art of revenge- to which I was
blissfully spared.
Ignoring his query, I said "I'm hungry man, what do we
He sort smirked and said," For munchies,
Crunch-berries always hit the spot."
I shook my head and his brow raised, said "No, I'm
craving something.", and he began to nod.
"Crunch-berries Dude, I'm tellin' ya man!
It's like the most perfect food, for a batchelor-pad.
You don't have to cook it, you can't hardly mess up on
the recipe and ingredients- and even if it gets a
little stale, it's still not bad.", he said. "No
really Dude! Crunch-berries are a single man's major
staple- along with Spaghettios and beer."
I just sort of looked at him and blinked,
I wasn't really even sure what to think.
It scared me a little, sorta like a slap in the face.
I'd known him all of my life- and yet, there it was.
Every little nit-picky thing I'd ever heard a woman
utter had just sprouted wings man, and came home to
roost. I felt dirty and ashamed, which was pretty much
back to good after a bit more more of my home-spun
remedy for everything I didn't care to think on too
And almost like an act of rebellion- I took off my
socks and flung them on the floor.
I went in and lifted the toilet seat, grabbed a beer
and turned on sports-
Which might seem childish. but this is America man.
And one is still pretty much free to act as much an
ass as their natural inclinations are so disposed.
And that might have endured, if thoughts of the night
Hadn't trickled back in; some good times there, and I
wanted more-
I went to sleep for a while, and when I woke- I picked
up my socks and lowered the seat back down, just in
case she came over. But I wasn't changing the channel,
even if it was just sports news. I had pretty much
made a vow that if I ever got hooked up again, I was
calling the cable company to have the "Lifetime"
channel blocked from access.
That and Oprah man, are just bad times
When you come home from work to find-
That Mama is pissed off at you already, and you didn't
even do a damn thing- but you're male, and you damn
well best have some Crunch-berries in supply. (Or
Spaghettios. Best not to push the beer-thing though my
Brother, and you will be experiencing a sports
black-out that has absolutely nothing to do with
In marriage, it's best to forget all you know about
the free-world,
Where you plunk down your money, and get its
approximate worth-
You just sorta sign your pay-check, and for the
investment- you get to figure out why the roof is
still leaking, why you have brown-spots on your front
lawn, how you are going to afford this or that after
you done gave up all you had- and my personal
favorite, why the toliet keeps running, or the washer
keeps making "funny noises" when in the spin-cycle.
(Believe it or not, you will become a funny noises
expert- whether that be the car, your furnace, or even
the family pet.)
The good news though, is that you don't have to have
the right answer
Because the Sister has already figured out you don't
know shit, and has prepared for the disaster-
Which will naturally lead to you calling someone in to
figure it out, that don't sound too bad until you get
the bill. If you're really good, you'll sorta just
stand around the defective what-not, call over some
friends and have a few brews. Which not only gives you
some time with your buds, but also someone else to
blame when things go terribly wrong.
And if by some fluke chance, you happen to make it
Don't count your chickens man, because its not over by
a far-sight-
On account that there is always stuff that needs to be
changed; remodeled, repaired, replaced, renovated,
removed, or re-routed. Remember back in school when
there were only three R's?
Okay- all that being said, logic might seem to
That you don't do what you're going to do anyways-
It's a paradox man, and just by that similar sort of
engima was I provoked to pick up the phone. I mean, I
obviously had the Crunch-berries to fall back on. But
I had just heard "Precious and Few" on the radio,
which still sucked- but well. ..
"Hey.", I said, not a clue why I was smiling
It wasn't like she could see it, nor even devining-
The whys and wherefores of anything you do when you
just happen upon one of life's so ever rare peaceful
easy feelings- that can be provoked by just a sound of
a soft voice saying hello.
All my sickly feelings just sort of went away.
We made some plans, everything seemed okay-
Except for this gnawing feeling that something had
changed inside of me- acting odd and not feeling prime
until I heard her voice. I told myself as I hung up
the phone I was too old to be acting like this.
Yet, it wasn't really like that- different,
And that craving really never left-
But I was feeling better than before, better than
usual actually- strangely better and rather ravenous.
We met and made some merriment, shared a few laughs.
Once alone again, given to chance-
I wasn't drunk this time, which all started out to be
very cool- and then suddenly went dark.
My breaths came in harsh and angry throes,
It wasn't about what you might typically think those
things go-
Mostly the same, except I suddenly had become aware
that I could no longer breathe.
She was leaned in close, seemingly nibbling
Except that Gal had a longer set of teeth-
I tried to fight her back, feeling everything go
uncomfortably numb and distant- fading fast into a
cold black oblivion.
When I wound my way back around to the land of the
I was kicked back into a lush bed, with only what
nature had give me-
A half nekid Glen Danzig staring back at me, a bunch
of stuffed animals strewn around my head, and the
omnipresent scent of pot-pourri. I wasn't quite sure
if this was Heaven or Hell, or some place in between.
I sat up and found my clothes folded at my feet,
And Glen was just a poster, which was a little more
reassuring to me-
On account of that while I might think his music was
alright, that Brother was tarrying in some dark wood
that I'd just as soon forego.
In my head that old Blind Faith song kicked up,
With Clapton on guitar, and Winwood's all whispery and
winsome stuff-
And maybe finding my way back home wasn't such a great
idea, seeing as Brother Roomie had probably ate all
the damn Crunchberries.
I hit the door, only half dressed
Not even sure, what kind of mess-
I had gotten myself into, when a Strat hit my ear- not
the guitar but the violin. Hey man, I might be a
long hair, but I wasn't born in a commune.
It was Big Brother B, Beethoven that is
All soft and calm, the Pastoral Scene-
The Fifth wasn't my personal fave, but you had to
count 'em when you got 'em- and it a blessing it was,
as the little Gal strolled on over with a glass of
wine in her hand.
Now, just for the record, I'm not the vino type
Like Kool-Aid gone bad, but the server looked nice-
And there were candles all about, where everything
seemed warm and nice, and smelled nice too- which was
a far-cry from the place I called home.
I mean- the dishes were not only done, but put away
And there probably weren't any chunkies in the
From one of my roomies failed cooking experiments- The
boy tries, ya got to give him that, but I still did
most of my eating out of a bag.
There's only so many french fries a cat can handle
And there wasn't anything one could do with a burger,
that I hadn't done before-
Including more than a few things that should never
have been done with it, like that extra-funky Rodeo
thing- and I was working my way through the chicken
versions of pretty much the same ole- same ole. (Just
for the record, funky isn't good. Well okay, I like
Sly & the Family Stone- but that's pretty much the end
of that list.)
She asked, "How do you feel Baby?"
And there was a subtly magic word there, that there's
just no saving-
Because it sorta lulls ya into a stupor, and it's sort
of like a possessive pronoun without the apostrophe.
I shrugged and said, "Okay I give, what'd you do?
I'm not a young pup, but that was all new.
And a little scary- fun is fun and all, but. .", and
everything just sort of got derailed with a small
smirk and shrug. It's a feminine power that makes that
answer work- So don't even try it guys, unless you
just bought a fresh box of Crunch-berries and miss
that quality time with Captain.
It took us a bit to get back to talking,
I'm surely not complaining, just sorta hopping-
Sort of like a made for TV movie, with all the more
risque' scenes left to your imagination- and is
probably one of the stronger arguments for cable.
Well after that, it didn't take long to come out;
And by the time she was done, my brows were way down-
But she kissed my forehead and made it better, which
is just one more of those things you can blame your
mother for.
It's sort of like classical conditioning man,
Because it don't change a damn thing, but you think it
And it's sorta like that Precious & Few thing, it
sucks- but well. . .
We hit the night, like two toddlers cut loose,
Experimenting with life, and looking for stuff to get
When we crashed and tumbled into this little joint
called the Noctuary- Big time spooky man, where all
the bad little children come out to play.
Now I've been down a few stranger avenues
But this was like a greatest hit, in that particular
Four dogs up on the stage jumping and screaming about
how they had been screwed in life- and not seemingly
in a nice way.
Hey man- I'm all about cuttin' loose and getting wild
Chuckles and giggles, and cheeky little smiles-
But wasn't anybody smiling, which I guess isn't chic'
in nosferatu land- Which led me to humming George
Harrison's "I'll Follow the Sun".
Not a good go, not by a long shot man,
Seems Brother George didn't have too many fans-
Not in that crowd least-wise, and they were a bit
sensitive about the subject matter as well. I'd say I
felt like a leper, but a leper might have fared a
little better in that room.
Doesn't take too much shoving to get me gone,
Which is fair to say, we didn't stay long-
But the bigger problem was what the hell a
revamped butterfly-baby was going to do with his new teeth.
The Sister shot down, my initial solution.
She said "No, you can't eat the politicians."-
But I got a little giggle out of the deal, which sort
of helped with the disappointment- but not the problem
at hand.
She came out with this enchanting little theory,
Well at least at first, then it got a little dreary-
I was a tad shocked that she suggested I should try
seduction, even if I had a prayer of making that kind
of thing work.
"Now Sweetheart, that's just rude.
A sister lets you in her goodies like that, and you
just use her as food."
Which got another little giggle, and she said "You're
not human anymore."
Now folk, I'm here to tell ya- it takes a real strange
To make me think, my humanity has gone amiss-
I never counted it as one of my blessings. But like a
heavy enlightening, it just sorta fell on me like a
ton of bricks.
I mean, it was human that said "Give me liberty or
give me death."
Another that said "Freedom never rests."-
And I sure as hell didn't need any more vices in my
life- we just sort of stopped on the street, my
eyes rising up slowly to hers as I said, "I can't do
"Sure", I went on. "Every damn fool thing that has
happened, was most likely man-made.
As many new lives as we create, we seem to dig just as
many graves.
And it pretty much sucks most of the time, but there
are times that it don't." I shrugged and looked away.
Sometimes when you flip the coin, you don't get
the side you wanted to see.
Which isn't entirely about her and me-
But kind of how life is and goes- it's a living thing
that's still breathing and growing and becoming what
it needs to be.
And there has been more than once, where I was ready
to write it off,
But like Joni Mitchell said, "You don't know what you
got till its gone"-
I rather figured this was the end; whether I was right
or wrong, who the hell knows- I couldn't change that
man, it was about what I was about.
She went her way, and I went mine
Even if it didn't truly go away for some time-
I went home to more bad yodeling action, and as dumb
as it seemed- I just got this strange grin.
I mean, why in the hell would anybody care to learn
To bellar out like that, like their feet were on fire
and their ass starting to burn-
But it's a human thing man- sometimes trivial and
dumb- but I turned it up anyways.
My roomie looked up at me, as I sat on the couch
His brow lifted up, as I sighed and sorta slouched-
"Do we have anymore Crunch-berries man?" I asked, and he just grinned and nodded.
Well- I was toolin' along, just doing my days,
When I came across this Sister, kinda in a daze-
In the middle of nowhere, which is just kinda like
somewhere without a name.
It might have struck me peculiar, if she wasn't so
damn cute
And me being male, that kind of thinking just doesn't compute-
You can't just go diving into folks' faux paus like
that, especially when little brother testosterone give ya nudge and says, "Hey man, you need to check that out."
Now, I'm never really sure whether to trust my
On account of that I'm not really sure, whether they
friend or foe-
Strong arguments could be made for both sides of that
particular issue- so I was tenuous, but curious
She said "Hi"- and I nodded, said "That's what I
figured too."
And it took a little bit, for the wit to work its way
Before this grin came out, she rolled her eyes a
little and said- "No I'm straight."- and I said "I'm
sorry"- then let her fill in the blanks.
"Well I got a remedy, for that unfortunate condition;
There's a bar down the ways, with a few musicians-
Who manage to play every song you never-ever wanted to
hear again in your life, but the booze is good." I
said, which even odder still- worked.
The band was in rare form, doing a cover of Spandau
Which I thought was sufficiently covered, without the
But they must have been doing it well, because I was
instantly reminded how much I didn't like that song in
the first place.
Well, we had worked our way through some of the
awkward parts,
Talking about the joys & woes of the life, and the
affairs of the heart-
Where I just proceeded to nod alot, because. .. well,
I didn't really have anything to complain about.
I mean sure, that happily ever after thing never quite worked out;
But I had more than a few grins and smirks, and my
fair share of smiles to think about-
And was in the process of trying to pad out my little
mental cache of more pleasant memories.
And once we got beyond the asses and villains
Who did the Sister down, with no respect for her
There just came a point where I brushed all that off
our table, because what someone might have wanted to
happen don't mean a damn thing against what did.
And you can get as pissy and ornery about it as you'd
But there are alot softer and warmer things to cozy up
to at night-
Which brings us back to my tale, which has its own
turns and twists to tell.
You see, I was thinking one thing, but not avoiding
the other
I thought I was playing, but I was being played
Or Sister- I'd imagine this kind of shit works both
ways, no matter if your booties were pink or blue.
The band took the trouble, to knock us out of our
making nice groove
By dedicating a song, "to the couple at table number
And I groaned and told her, "Now they're trying to
blame us for the shit.", and she giggled as my head
dropped as they launched into a fairly accurate
rendition of "Precious & Few". (Which I do NOT
consider a good thing.)
I told her- "There's the exit, make a fast break.
I got your back, better not wait-
I'll grab a chair if I have to keep the angry mob
back.", to which she chuckled and patted my hand- and
said "I think we'll probably be alright."
"Aw hell yeah.", I nodded. "Gotta love a woman who
make her stand;
Even when put in harm's way, by a hack house-band."-
Her brow arched, she said "Oh really?" To which I
replied, "Umm. ..err. .uhh . . ...well.", and she just
smiled and let me off the hook.
Which in some pecuilar way, drew me closer.
Kinda cool not to make me squirm, under that female
type torture-
Of having to explain every damn fool thing you ever
said and did, with some better justification and
rationale than - "It sounded cool at the time."- or "I
didn't really mean it like that".
We sat through the tune- which I made clear to her was
not "our song".
I was never quite sure how a band with such a cool
name, could write something so wrong-
But I would be lying if I said I was shocked that the
tune was Clymax's one and only claim to fame- on
account that there is only so much syrupy drivel one
person can take, no matter how bad their sweet-tooth
might be.
Somehow, somewhen, we ended up walking outside.
And there were some parts that still shine, like stars
and the moonlight-
Which is all one is likely to hear about it from the
likes of me, and it's not really what this is all
about. Try True Confessions man- because when it comes
to that, this books is closed.
Point is- I woke up the next morning feeling like I
had been stoned.
I'm not talking about the boozing kind, but more about
the kind that hurts your bones-
Sort of like in the Biblical sense; back when the
national past-time seemed to involve chucking rocks at
folk they didn't particularly care for. Kind of gives
one a finer appreciation of baseball, because there is
just no one wants to be in that kind of pickle.
I woke up feeling nasty, and alone.
Eventually I got up, and made the long walk home-
Where I was immediately struck by the less than
wonderful aspects of yodeling. My roomie at the time
liked Slim Whitman. Don't ask me, I'm not even sure
what was wrong with him.
Well Brother Slim, just had to go.
So I peeled out the disk, and gave it a good throw-
And the cat sort yo-du-ladee-hooed across the parking
lot of the apartment complex.
"Bad night?", my roomie grinned wide.
"The nightwas fine, but this morning has room for
improvement.", I said, rubbing my eyes-
It wasn't really like a hang-over so much, but my
pillow was beckoning me - come hither man, before you
crash. Which was the plan- but my roomie decided to
get conversational.
"What happened to you neck?", which brought about a
cheeky grin that hurt
Said, "Don't ask stupid questions man.", I said as I
stripped of my shirt
Looking for anything that might make this all go away,
far away- which ended up leading back to my cure-all.
If there was really any worthwhile remedy against the
evils of the world- numb worked for me.
"Damn dog, you look like something that cat drug in.
And speaking of that, Theo pissed on my clean clothers
He said with a snarl, to which I asked "What'd you do
to piss him off?" My cat has a vindictive nature, to
which no mortal could hope to break through. A virtual
diabolic genuis in the art of revenge- to which I was
blissfully spared.
Ignoring his query, I said "I'm hungry man, what do we
He sort smirked and said," For munchies,
Crunch-berries always hit the spot."
I shook my head and his brow raised, said "No, I'm
craving something.", and he began to nod.
"Crunch-berries Dude, I'm tellin' ya man!
It's like the most perfect food, for a batchelor-pad.
You don't have to cook it, you can't hardly mess up on
the recipe and ingredients- and even if it gets a
little stale, it's still not bad.", he said. "No
really Dude! Crunch-berries are a single man's major
staple- along with Spaghettios and beer."
I just sort of looked at him and blinked,
I wasn't really even sure what to think.
It scared me a little, sorta like a slap in the face.
I'd known him all of my life- and yet, there it was.
Every little nit-picky thing I'd ever heard a woman
utter had just sprouted wings man, and came home to
roost. I felt dirty and ashamed, which was pretty much
back to good after a bit more more of my home-spun
remedy for everything I didn't care to think on too
And almost like an act of rebellion- I took off my
socks and flung them on the floor.
I went in and lifted the toilet seat, grabbed a beer
and turned on sports-
Which might seem childish. but this is America man.
And one is still pretty much free to act as much an
ass as their natural inclinations are so disposed.
And that might have endured, if thoughts of the night
Hadn't trickled back in; some good times there, and I
wanted more-
I went to sleep for a while, and when I woke- I picked
up my socks and lowered the seat back down, just in
case she came over. But I wasn't changing the channel,
even if it was just sports news. I had pretty much
made a vow that if I ever got hooked up again, I was
calling the cable company to have the "Lifetime"
channel blocked from access.
That and Oprah man, are just bad times
When you come home from work to find-
That Mama is pissed off at you already, and you didn't
even do a damn thing- but you're male, and you damn
well best have some Crunch-berries in supply. (Or
Spaghettios. Best not to push the beer-thing though my
Brother, and you will be experiencing a sports
black-out that has absolutely nothing to do with
In marriage, it's best to forget all you know about
the free-world,
Where you plunk down your money, and get its
approximate worth-
You just sorta sign your pay-check, and for the
investment- you get to figure out why the roof is
still leaking, why you have brown-spots on your front
lawn, how you are going to afford this or that after
you done gave up all you had- and my personal
favorite, why the toliet keeps running, or the washer
keeps making "funny noises" when in the spin-cycle.
(Believe it or not, you will become a funny noises
expert- whether that be the car, your furnace, or even
the family pet.)
The good news though, is that you don't have to have
the right answer
Because the Sister has already figured out you don't
know shit, and has prepared for the disaster-
Which will naturally lead to you calling someone in to
figure it out, that don't sound too bad until you get
the bill. If you're really good, you'll sorta just
stand around the defective what-not, call over some
friends and have a few brews. Which not only gives you
some time with your buds, but also someone else to
blame when things go terribly wrong.
And if by some fluke chance, you happen to make it
Don't count your chickens man, because its not over by
a far-sight-
On account that there is always stuff that needs to be
changed; remodeled, repaired, replaced, renovated,
removed, or re-routed. Remember back in school when
there were only three R's?
Okay- all that being said, logic might seem to
That you don't do what you're going to do anyways-
It's a paradox man, and just by that similar sort of
engima was I provoked to pick up the phone. I mean, I
obviously had the Crunch-berries to fall back on. But
I had just heard "Precious and Few" on the radio,
which still sucked- but well. ..
"Hey.", I said, not a clue why I was smiling
It wasn't like she could see it, nor even devining-
The whys and wherefores of anything you do when you
just happen upon one of life's so ever rare peaceful
easy feelings- that can be provoked by just a sound of
a soft voice saying hello.
All my sickly feelings just sort of went away.
We made some plans, everything seemed okay-
Except for this gnawing feeling that something had
changed inside of me- acting odd and not feeling prime
until I heard her voice. I told myself as I hung up
the phone I was too old to be acting like this.
Yet, it wasn't really like that- different,
And that craving really never left-
But I was feeling better than before, better than
usual actually- strangely better and rather ravenous.
We met and made some merriment, shared a few laughs.
Once alone again, given to chance-
I wasn't drunk this time, which all started out to be
very cool- and then suddenly went dark.
My breaths came in harsh and angry throes,
It wasn't about what you might typically think those
things go-
Mostly the same, except I suddenly had become aware
that I could no longer breathe.
She was leaned in close, seemingly nibbling
Except that Gal had a longer set of teeth-
I tried to fight her back, feeling everything go
uncomfortably numb and distant- fading fast into a
cold black oblivion.
When I wound my way back around to the land of the
I was kicked back into a lush bed, with only what
nature had give me-
A half nekid Glen Danzig staring back at me, a bunch
of stuffed animals strewn around my head, and the
omnipresent scent of pot-pourri. I wasn't quite sure
if this was Heaven or Hell, or some place in between.
I sat up and found my clothes folded at my feet,
And Glen was just a poster, which was a little more
reassuring to me-
On account of that while I might think his music was
alright, that Brother was tarrying in some dark wood
that I'd just as soon forego.
In my head that old Blind Faith song kicked up,
With Clapton on guitar, and Winwood's all whispery and
winsome stuff-
And maybe finding my way back home wasn't such a great
idea, seeing as Brother Roomie had probably ate all
the damn Crunchberries.
I hit the door, only half dressed
Not even sure, what kind of mess-
I had gotten myself into, when a Strat hit my ear- not
the guitar but the violin. Hey man, I might be a
long hair, but I wasn't born in a commune.
It was Big Brother B, Beethoven that is
All soft and calm, the Pastoral Scene-
The Fifth wasn't my personal fave, but you had to
count 'em when you got 'em- and it a blessing it was,
as the little Gal strolled on over with a glass of
wine in her hand.
Now, just for the record, I'm not the vino type
Like Kool-Aid gone bad, but the server looked nice-
And there were candles all about, where everything
seemed warm and nice, and smelled nice too- which was
a far-cry from the place I called home.
I mean- the dishes were not only done, but put away
And there probably weren't any chunkies in the
From one of my roomies failed cooking experiments- The
boy tries, ya got to give him that, but I still did
most of my eating out of a bag.
There's only so many french fries a cat can handle
And there wasn't anything one could do with a burger,
that I hadn't done before-
Including more than a few things that should never
have been done with it, like that extra-funky Rodeo
thing- and I was working my way through the chicken
versions of pretty much the same ole- same ole. (Just
for the record, funky isn't good. Well okay, I like
Sly & the Family Stone- but that's pretty much the end
of that list.)
She asked, "How do you feel Baby?"
And there was a subtly magic word there, that there's
just no saving-
Because it sorta lulls ya into a stupor, and it's sort
of like a possessive pronoun without the apostrophe.
I shrugged and said, "Okay I give, what'd you do?
I'm not a young pup, but that was all new.
And a little scary- fun is fun and all, but. .", and
everything just sort of got derailed with a small
smirk and shrug. It's a feminine power that makes that
answer work- So don't even try it guys, unless you
just bought a fresh box of Crunch-berries and miss
that quality time with Captain.
It took us a bit to get back to talking,
I'm surely not complaining, just sorta hopping-
Sort of like a made for TV movie, with all the more
risque' scenes left to your imagination- and is
probably one of the stronger arguments for cable.
Well after that, it didn't take long to come out;
And by the time she was done, my brows were way down-
But she kissed my forehead and made it better, which
is just one more of those things you can blame your
mother for.
It's sort of like classical conditioning man,
Because it don't change a damn thing, but you think it
And it's sorta like that Precious & Few thing, it
sucks- but well. . .
We hit the night, like two toddlers cut loose,
Experimenting with life, and looking for stuff to get
When we crashed and tumbled into this little joint
called the Noctuary- Big time spooky man, where all
the bad little children come out to play.
Now I've been down a few stranger avenues
But this was like a greatest hit, in that particular
Four dogs up on the stage jumping and screaming about
how they had been screwed in life- and not seemingly
in a nice way.
Hey man- I'm all about cuttin' loose and getting wild
Chuckles and giggles, and cheeky little smiles-
But wasn't anybody smiling, which I guess isn't chic'
in nosferatu land- Which led me to humming George
Harrison's "I'll Follow the Sun".
Not a good go, not by a long shot man,
Seems Brother George didn't have too many fans-
Not in that crowd least-wise, and they were a bit
sensitive about the subject matter as well. I'd say I
felt like a leper, but a leper might have fared a
little better in that room.
Doesn't take too much shoving to get me gone,
Which is fair to say, we didn't stay long-
But the bigger problem was what the hell a
revamped butterfly-baby was going to do with his new teeth.
The Sister shot down, my initial solution.
She said "No, you can't eat the politicians."-
But I got a little giggle out of the deal, which sort
of helped with the disappointment- but not the problem
at hand.
She came out with this enchanting little theory,
Well at least at first, then it got a little dreary-
I was a tad shocked that she suggested I should try
seduction, even if I had a prayer of making that kind
of thing work.
"Now Sweetheart, that's just rude.
A sister lets you in her goodies like that, and you
just use her as food."
Which got another little giggle, and she said "You're
not human anymore."
Now folk, I'm here to tell ya- it takes a real strange
To make me think, my humanity has gone amiss-
I never counted it as one of my blessings. But like a
heavy enlightening, it just sorta fell on me like a
ton of bricks.
I mean, it was human that said "Give me liberty or
give me death."
Another that said "Freedom never rests."-
And I sure as hell didn't need any more vices in my
life- we just sort of stopped on the street, my
eyes rising up slowly to hers as I said, "I can't do
"Sure", I went on. "Every damn fool thing that has
happened, was most likely man-made.
As many new lives as we create, we seem to dig just as
many graves.
And it pretty much sucks most of the time, but there
are times that it don't." I shrugged and looked away.
Sometimes when you flip the coin, you don't get
the side you wanted to see.
Which isn't entirely about her and me-
But kind of how life is and goes- it's a living thing
that's still breathing and growing and becoming what
it needs to be.
And there has been more than once, where I was ready
to write it off,
But like Joni Mitchell said, "You don't know what you
got till its gone"-
I rather figured this was the end; whether I was right
or wrong, who the hell knows- I couldn't change that
man, it was about what I was about.
She went her way, and I went mine
Even if it didn't truly go away for some time-
I went home to more bad yodeling action, and as dumb
as it seemed- I just got this strange grin.
I mean, why in the hell would anybody care to learn
To bellar out like that, like their feet were on fire
and their ass starting to burn-
But it's a human thing man- sometimes trivial and
dumb- but I turned it up anyways.
My roomie looked up at me, as I sat on the couch
His brow lifted up, as I sighed and sorta slouched-
"Do we have anymore Crunch-berries man?" I asked, and he just grinned and nodded.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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