True Meaning.

To whome it may concern.
My heart is healed, she brought me back to life. Showed me to forget about the past and live for the future, to forget about pain and live.
We were all brought to this earth for a reason, to live, not to take it all away for no reason what so ever.
You might have your ups and downs, but there's more to life then what you might realize, you have to explore the different aspects of life, live to show everyone who you are. There are people like this who think there lives arent at all that great and nothings gonna change.
You have to make the move, make the choice to get out of there or keep living in hell.
Its up to you no one esle.
You are your own self.
Show everyone who you really are, show them you really care, be carefull though because there can be people who think there all to good for you and think of you as a little pet, but your better then them and you know it.
They have no life, there life is fucked because they didnt want to make that change, they wanted to keep living there little lie. They have no idea about life and what its all about, they should wake up and smell the roses, there are people like this out there.
There are people who care.
Some people need to change for the better, because if living a lie is what you want to do then your just goning to hurt yourself and your just gonna keep digging yourself a bigger whole.
It just takes that one split second for you to turn your life upside down, either for the best or worst. You make the right decisions in life.

People can say to you to grow up, when for a fact alot of people dont need to, they like having fun and being big kids. Honestly were is the fun in being so patheticly grow up that you dont even know the true meanong of ''having fun.''
Its sad there are people out there in this world like thats. Those who read this may think im talking alot of shit and i need to grow up but take a look at me im 17, got my whole life ahead of me, got time to explore who i am and who i want to be. I dont need or want people telling me how to live MY life when i can do that myself. Everyone get out there and explore who you really are.

Let out your emotions dont keep them held back, because its all going to come out one day and you will regret it.

Life isnt just a game, were born for a reason, remember that.
Written by baybayBoo009 (Teesha)
Published | Edited 11th Sep 2011
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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