
Lightly whipping wind and whispering willows
The subtle tones of autumn that hung in the air
Like the first recognizable notes of a song
Auburn leaves falling into the river
In the distance, the call of geese
Gliding to an unheard melody
A light jacket pulled a little closer
On our walk 'round the park
The first week the temperature fell
The fading summer sun's rays fell on your hair
Making you part of the vision I frequent,
An extra layer for when the temperature plummeted

That feeling of heaviness in our silence
So many topics to broach that lost their urgency
In the lazy drift of the water we circled
I swear your eyes were lighter
In the soon-to-be-past season
I'd have inspected them forever
If we'd had forever
But precious time was doled out in the form
Of an all to quickly fleeting afternoon

Laughing while feeding voracious ducks
The way your eyes crinkled
When the sun set in our direction
Holding you on that weathered bench for the last time;
I wanted you to know
That I flip though that photo journal in my mind
When I feel myself growing colder
On bleak, never ending white nights

And I wonder if, while writing letters of your exploits
On those long train rides
Your mind ever wanders to that day,
And the distance melts for you
Like it does for me.
Written by Micah
Published | Edited 13th Aug 2012
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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