
Glacial entropy star petal dictating the umbrage centripetal osculation of cot                    
Melt construction micro thorn passivity thus lit external stillness in woods                    
Gelidity demise god dirt-seed direction if black core rotation under cellar                    
Flame erecting insecticidal sky chaos for pallid eternal stop is heaven                    
Glacial  Melt  Gelidity Flame                    
entropy construction demise erecting                    
star micro god insecticidal                    
petal thorn dirt-seed sky                    
dictating passivity direction chaos                    
the thus if for                    
umbrage lit black pallid                    
centripetal external core eternal                    
osculation stillness rotation stop                    
of in under is                    
cot woods cellar heaven                    
Flame Gelidity Melt Glacial                
erecting demise construction entropy                
insecticidal god micro star                
sky dirt-seed thorn petal                
chaos direction passivity dictating                
for if thus the                
pallid black lit umbrage                
eternal core external centripetal                
stop rotation stillness osculation                
is under in of                
heaven cellar woods cot                
Stuck Style-turn              
Heaven is stop eternal pallid for chaos sky insecticidal erecting flame              
Cellar under rotation core black if direction dirt-seed god demise gelidity              
Woods in stillness external lit thus passivity thorn micro construction melt              
Cot of osculation centripetal umbrage the dictating petal star entropy glacial          
glacial heaven            
entropy is star stop petal eternal dictating pallid the for umbrage chaos centripetal sky osculation insecticidal of erecting cot flame woods gelidity in demise stillness god external dirt-seed lit direction thus if passivity black thorn core micro rotation construction under melt cellar            
cot flame            
of erecting osculation insecticidal centripetal sky umbrage chaos the for dictating pallid petal eternal star stop entropy is glacial heaven melt cellar construction under micro rotation thorn core passivity black thus if lit direction external dirt-seed stillness god in demise woods gelidity          
glacial for woods if        
heaven umbrage gelidity passivity        
entropy chaos is black        
is centripetal demise thorn        
star sky stillness core        
stop osculation god micro        
petal insecticidal external; rotation        
sternal of dirt-seed construction        
dictating erecting lit under        
pallid cot direction melt        
the flame thus celler        
cot for melt if        
flame dictating cellar lit        
of pallid construction direction        
erecting petal under external        
osculation eternal micro dirt-seed        
insecticidal stop thorn god        
sky entropy core in        
umbrage is passivity demise        
chaos glacial black woods        
the heaven thus gelidity        
I was supine on the prison cot for about 20 years of that afternoon, when a mass of dark clouds scudded past. They left a canicular pool of glistening skin, marble like, with pin-pours. As my cold blood began to melt I decided that if the climate wanted change from flowing raiment and hugging silk habiliment to artillery, I will concede like a soldier in drill formation! The flame is dictating the body count! Other's hide in the cellar, hoping for a slave tunnel to appear; waiting for the underground express, lit by a sprig of edelweiss; a spell of intestinal army ant worms  to stop writhing and nesting in the construction of raw flesh they've nibbled off and piled calculatedly, each brick, a different direction, every plank, alternating from horizontal, to versicle, to horizontal, then versicle; erecting a palatial utopia for enlightened exterminators. As they sow, your petal wilts and the dried husk turns to dust, and renders itself to the body, it cultivates a known growth from under verdant blanket. The external effluvium is so vile a maypole like osculation turns chopper. Eternal salvation, like heavy body bags on the curb, a macro and micro spectrum of memories; that evolution fettering timescales to dirt-seed, craves the ultimate insecticidal stop. The thorn god lording over the pistil stigma created the sky; a housing for slinky cottony shifts and the tiny pours from which the signs of inferno's rage escape; ornate; rich in projection and a base for gnosis, and then created the core entropy of which our infections bask in. What is an umbrage when heat and light rise to ravage the universe. Rebellion is passivity – consume your fall. The arborists from abba will utterly annihilate the forest of temporal animation. These angels of death will lave themselves with the oceans of tree water, ensuring a dry demise for the wind to carry off into the chaos of the vindictive natural atmosphere. The glacial nemesis' trace of ablation that roiled and ceded, giving way to choreographed destruction, and stiffened in it's ballet of slothful like creeping, confronted the singed remains of war by christening the acacia black woods as the cipher heaven, thus emancipating gelidity by boil.
Written by Conley (Delling)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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