The Great Escape Chapter 18, Part 6 of 9

The Great Escape
Chapter 18, Part 6 of 9

"Same here. Nothing will change my love for you."

"But I don't think we'll be bedmates when I'm eighteen."

"No, we won't. When did you realize?"

"Two days ago. You?"

"When I saw you at the Cloner Fair."

"What happened there?"

"I hadn't seen you for nearly a year, and you weren't the same girl; no longer my little Goldilocks, the fragile twig I wanted to protect. You're now a woman with a new strength and purpose. Our hearts as children are not the same as adults."

"I know. So, no heartbreak and no regret?"

"No, none. And you, what changed for you? Why two days ago?"

"I changed," Tamar explained. I grew, but I hadn't realized it. Then I saw how Hazel's love satisfied you and felt happy for you. I asked myself why I was delighted and not jealous, and the answer came: "You and I love each other differently from how you and Hazel love each other."

Wildchild listened as Tamar explained, thoroughly understanding the girl whose life had been for such an extended part of her own life. She loved her friend in a way she could hardly explain. They had the most profound and most satisfying friendship two women could have without being the sexual kind of lovers. They needed to capture the essence of their love to preserve it.

Wildchild said:

"We need a new sign for what we mean to each other."

"Go on."

The Wildchild crossed her middle finger over her forefinger, a sign sometimes called 'cross-keys,' and held her hand over her heart.

"What does it mean?" Tamar asked, doing the sign herself.

"It means 'sisters,'" Wildchild said, speaking the word.

Tamar hugged her friend, and the Wildchild hugged her back. As all the Woodlanders did, they kissed on the lips and sighed in unison.

"I love you, sister," Tamar said.

"I love you, too, sister."

They held the hug for a couple of minutes, and then Tamar let the Wildchild go. There was one thing more to say.

"What about Carlin?" Tamar asked, using a sign that meant 'a delicate forest flower'. "She's in love with you, and I feel sorry for her."

"Carlin's been over me for a while," the Wildchild said. "She fell for someone else."

"How do you know? Whom?"

Wildchild laughed.

"I'm surprised you've not seen it. Go and ask her."

Tamar thought about it. Of course, there were many things she didn't know, but she was bold enough to ask any question that occurred to her. Yet what Wildchild said made no sense. There was no one with whom Carlin could fall in love because everyone else was taken. Urulla was with Dipti.

Dagma was with Sharne. Annela was with Erin. Tamar herself was the only one who.

She stopped. Was it possible?

Smiling curiously, she kissed Wildchild again and skipped off to interrogate Carlin.

Erin and her daughter were sitting on the veranda of their hut, weaving baskets when Tamar came and sat next to Carlin. She didn't speak, but she began to help thread reeds through the canes to build up the sides of the basket.

Carlin had picked up some of Tamar and Wildchild's gesture language, so she completely understood when Tamar gave her the sign, which meant she had something important to ask.

She turned to face Tamar and heard what the girl had to say, but Tamar said nothing.

She put her hand on Carlin's cheek.

Carlin's reaction was instinctive. As a cat might, she rubbed her cheek against Tamar's hand, shutting her eyes briefly, then raised her hand to hold Tamar's in place.

It was body language in the purest form, telling Tamar everything. She smiled, lifted Carlin's other hand to her cheek, and held it there.

When Erin looked over, they dropped their hands. Carlin looked guilty, but Tamar looked triumphant, smiling widely. A discovery was made and welcomed. Carlin smiled shyly, showing only her perfect top teeth and cute dimples.

Erin said nothing, but she seemed to understand. Her guess was confirmed when her daughter bowed her head, letting her white-gold hair fall over her face, hiding the blush that prettified her cheeks.

Carlin was a sweet, quiet girl who preferred silence to talking, but Tamar couldn't contain herself for long. The least she expected was a detailed explanation and a thorough sharing of feelings. So, when Erin concentrated on her basket-weaving again, Tamar signed meaningfully to her friend, and after a pause, Carlin began to give her explanation.

Translating such nuanced feelings into their sign language was hard, but Tamar was a bright girl who filled in the gaps. She understood why Carlin had fallen so heavily for Wildchild when they first met, making the wild girl into a hero and seeing her as a sort of goddess.

Strong where Carlin was gentle, active where she was timid, forthright where she was accommodating, courageous where she was humble, Wildchild was everything Carlin dreamed she could be. The meek girl adored the girl who was her opposite.

They were alike only in preferring not to speak, but even here, they were opposite. Carlin was silent because she was shy and easily embarrassed. Wildchild was rarely shy and never ashamed. She was quiet because she was angry, so when she decided to speak again, she did so without hesitation, as if she'd never stopped talking.

It was to be with Wildchild that Carlin bravely joined the excursion to the White Mountains, and it was Wildchild's example helped her grow in confidence. However, with every gain in self-assurance, the distance between Carlin and her idol lessened, and her feverish adoration likewise waned.

Falling out of love with Wildchild was not a harsh realization but a gradual manifestation. Like a snake that grows into its new skin, discarding the old one, Carlin left behind the girl who pined hopelessly for Wildchild, letting her feelings wash away as if they'd been a mere crush and not her first real love.

When Wildchild returns to the forest with Hazel, Carlin feels only pleasure for the two girls, knowing that Hazel complements Wildchild in a way she could never do. But this makes her sorry for Tamar.

Carlin often considered Tamar, admiring her vivacity, unbridled curiosity, and bold questions.

She thought Tamar's affirmative virtues were the opposite of her gentle submissiveness.

But as often happens among the meek, Carlin didn't understand her strengths, thinking she had nothing to offer except patient devotion. Thus, while she began to fall for Tamar, it was typical that she said nothing but preferred to be quietly adoring.

Tamar laughed - and laughed again later, many times - at the idea that she could be Carlin's ideal, someone whom the older girl hero-worshipped, but it was Carlin's nature to adore, look upward, and seek someone to admire. It got them both into trouble, as when Carlin followed.

Tamar in her mischievous frolics and harebrained schemes.

Now that they had revealed their feelings, things would change.

Her gentle diffidence made Carlin easy for Tamar to love, though it might not be suitable for a girl with no shortage of self-esteem to acquire an acolyte who worshipped her. Yet Carlin was bolder now that she was on the verge of womanhood, and some of Tamar's exuberant positivity would doubtless rub off on her. Maybe Carlin would always want to follow, but her gentle steadiness would temper Tamar's vibrant enthusiasm.

The girls solemnly agreed to be bedmates when Tamar turned eighteen, which would be in a year and a half. Until then, they would cement their friendship during their daily chores, the pigeon hunt with Hazel and Wildchild, and every wild antic that four healthy, happy, and lusty young women could conceive of in the abundant forest they ruled.

The Mariner party, including Ezra, Gerta, and her young, cloned daughter, were enthusiastically welcomed back from the Cloner Fair by Kalyndra, Devon, and Thalassa, the brunette threesome who stayed behind to look after the camp.

Thalassa greeted Ezra with flush-faced enthusiasm. Vastly pregnant with about a month to go, she looked terrific. Devon was more serene, but her greeting was just as deeply felt and sincere. She was tired. Her young daughter was a keen explorer, interested in everything.

Kalyndra was happy to pick up the slack. Strong and willing, she did most of the work, preparing a good spread of food and a big campfire so the tired and hungry travelers could enjoy a restorative dinner after stowing all their packs and having a good wash in the river.

Kalyndra welcomed Gerta back kindly and made a fuss of her daughter. They had been friends in the same position before Belena was banished. No one blamed Gerta for Belena's crimes, so there was no hesitation in picking things up from where they'd left off before Gerta went to Cloner City to get pregnant.

But one thing was different. Kalyndra and Gerta had been bedmates for a time. They were never lovers, but they had been together as young women for curiosity and lust. Now, Gerta was disappointed that Kalyndra was in a threesome with Devon and Thalassa. It meant she was on her own.

She was also slightly surprised at the feast that night when Kalyndra knelt before Ezra to hand him his dinner plate. The other Mariners hadn't told her about this. She looked on with a bemused expression and couldn't wait to talk to Kalyndra about it.

However, that conversation would be delayed because her bedmates snuck Kalyndra away early from the feast. About five minutes later, Thalassa came to fetch Ezra, saying she had something for him in her hut. He went along willingly.

In the hut, he found Kalyndra tied up on the bed. She was blindfolded, gagged, her arms crossed behind her back, wrists tied tightly to her ankles, spreading her knees wide. She was on her back. Her long black hair was tightly braided and secured to the rope between her ankles, forcing her into an arch, pushing out her gorgeous tits, her hard brown nipples pointing upward. They were decorated with cruelly pinching pegs from her bondage kit.

"Welcome home, Ezra," Devon said. "Your Pet is ready for her Master."

She took Thalassa's hand to lead her out of the hut and back to the feast.

"But I want to watch," Thalassa protested. "I want to see Kali get a good hard shagging."

"Come on, Darling," Devon said. "This is Kali's special time. She's earned it."


"No, come on. We can come back when the rain starts."

Still arguing, the girls left Ezra in the hut with Kalyndra.

Tied, vulnerable, subdued, but eager, Kalyndra was beginning to sweat. Breathing as heavily as her restraints permitted, her heaving chest brought his focus onto her tits with the teasing pegs. The tight skin on her ribs and the glorious mounds with their painful peaks made her seem so sexily vulnerable, so irresistibly fuckable, that Ezra had to stop himself from just leaping on her and stuffing his cock into her welcoming pussy.

"You are beautiful, my sexy Pet," he said, admiring her as calmly as he could, stroking up from her muscular thighs, across the taut drum of her stomach held firmly in, to the valley of her luscious tits. "Coming home to you is the sweetest thing there is."

He pulled the gag from her mouth and kissed her, grabbing a big round tit, his finger idly flicking the peg on the sizeable brown nipple, giving her a satisfying jolt of pain, the sort that went to her pussy. Her reaction to the kiss was her usual blend of lust and longing.

She popped out her tongue and hummed happily in her throat. Now Ezra was here; the uncomfortable stretch, the throbbing in her nipples, and the tight restraints were nothing.

Whatever he wanted, she wanted more.

She teased his tongue into her mouth and sucked on it. She tried to push her tit harder against his hand and met the limit of her restraints. She sighed in disappointment and then gasped with mingled pleasure and pain as he flicked the peg halfway around. After a few seconds, she had the pain under control. She kissed him even more eagerly, letting him know he could do anything to her, and she would thank him.

Ezra's cock was rock hard already. She was making it impossible for him to resist her.

He pulled back, stripped off his clothes, turned her so her head was over the end of the bed, and pushed his cock into her open mouth. She responded with delight, greedily sucking. Stuck in place, she couldn't bob her head, so she twirled her tongue around his shaft and sucked hard on the knob.

He started thrusting slowly, letting her serve his cock, flicking her tongue side-to-side as he pushed deeply into her mouth. Getting more turned on, he thrust faster, holding her tits hard, pressing the pegs into her nipples. She hummed in her throat as she sucked, feeling the joy of submission, the pleasure of pleasing him.

When she was subdued, tied tightly, deprived of sight, and in slight pain, Kalyndra went to her special place, the mental state she craved, where she could give up the burden of strength and be supported, as if she were a fragile, weightless thing, floating on air.

He slowed his thrusting to let her breathe. She took a deep breath and sucked him with renewed passion. When he stuffed his cock deep into her mouth, she flicked his balls with the tip of her tongue. He was becoming crazy with desire.

"My God! Kalyndra, you're amazing!" he cried out. "I love you!"

Those were words she always enjoyed hearing. Eyes tight shut beneath her blindfold, pussy soaking, jaw muscles starting to ache, a painful squeeze from the pegs, yet Kalyndra felt only the floating kind of joy and an aching need for him.

He pulled his cock from her mouth, turned her around again, and began to play seriously with her nipples, giving the pegs hard flicks. She breathed out heavily.

He twisted a peg, and she winced with pain, releasing a breathy moan. He twisted again, and she tried to squirm away. It was involuntary. She didn't want him to stop.

He twisted the other peg, and she squirmed the other way, unable to move far because of her bindings.

Then he twisted them both together. Now, she had nowhere to go. She moaned loudly in delicious agony, imploring as well as accepting.

He took the vial of oil and smothered it on his fingers and around his cock. He pushed a finger into her tightly puckered hole, twisting it around to smear the oil. He added a second finger.

The painful pleasure was intoxicating. Her anguish was beautiful. She suffered in a way that always turned him on.

Ezra gagged her again and lifted her bottom, supported on a pillow. He knelt and put his tongue to her succulent pussy, aching for his touch. The trim of black hair dripped with her juice.

He licked well, teasing her long pussy-lips and sensitive clitoris hiding under its hood. He licked until she moaned and begged, begged and moaned, on the verge of a big orgasm. He stopped and asked:

"Are you ready, Kali?"

It was something she had to indulge in him, his forgetting to use her real name, 'Pet,' showing his loving concern when all she wanted was for him to take her, bind her, and fuck her, whether she wanted it or not. She calmed herself enough to say:

"Yes, Master. Please use your Pet now!"

He stood behind her and stuffed his stiff cock into her arse.

She gasped, yelped, and let out a contented whine as he pumped her slowly, holding her tightly by the waist. She moaned even more now, tripped into her special place again by the painful stretch and the delightful rub.

As soon as the first part of the night's rain fell on the roof, Thalassa came brightly back into the hut, followed by Devon, a demurrer. Devon carried her sleeping daughter, who lay in a cot in the corner of the hut, while Thalassa stripped and climbed onto the bed. She knelt beside

Kalyndra looked at what was happening, liking what she saw.

Kalyndra was moaning loudly, bucking and squirming as far as she was able in her tight restraints, breathing heavily, her chest heaving, the pegs on her nipples jiggling. She was sweating. Her pussy was soaked, the lips engorged and flaring, her pelvis rocking with every one of Ezra's long slow thrusts.

From the urgency of her moans and the heat radiating from her body, Thalassa could tell how close the beautiful girl was to Cumming. A quivering in Kalyndra's pussy was another tell-tale sign.

Thalassa leaned up and kissed Ezra. His ready response was all the permission she needed.

She put her thin, delicate fingers on Kalyndra's pussy and began to fondle her, twiddling the girl's clitoris.

"Shall I make her cum?" she asked, but with a smile and a conspiratorial wink at Ezra.

"Go ahead," he grunted.

She did so now, rubbing her fingers along Kalyndra's long pussy, bringing the juice up to her clitoris, which she then attacked vigorously with a circling motion.

Kalyndra was on the edge of a big orgasm even before Thalassa joined in. Now, her moment came.

She hunched and cried out. Ezra shoved his dick hard into her arse and held it there. He could feel the spasm of her pussy on his cock. Then, with an evil smile, Thalassa plucked a peg from one of Kalyndra's nipples.

Kalyndra shrieked and then went quiet. Her orgasm stopped in mid-explosion. Hot pain shot around her tit, and she couldn't breathe. Thalassa waited for ten heartbeats and then sucked on the exposed nipple, giving Kalyndra a fresh jolt of sharp pain. But the pain melted into a warm and golden glow, like the sexual flush that comes after an orgasm.

Her head went back, and she sighed heavily, breathing deeply.

Ezra began thrusting again, and when Kalyndra was edging toward her peak, Thalassa again went to work on her clitoris. Pretty soon, her girlfriend was moaning loudly, unable to stop the mounting climax, though she knew precisely what Thalassa was going to do.

The tension rose. Thalassa stuffed two fingers in Kalyndra's pussy. She could feel Ezra's cock on the other side of the thin vaginal wall. She turned her fingertips up and worked on Kalyndra's G-spot, flicking her thumb over the clitoris.

Devon joined them now, eager to add to the exquisite torture of her lover. She applied herself to Kalyndra's free tit, massaging it with her hand and licking at the nipple.

Seconds later, the inevitable orgasm began. Kalyndra held her breath, and Thalassa waited until the girl arched and gave a loud reluctant moan before interrupting the ecstatic release by snatching off the other peg and sucking forcefully on the nipple.

Kalyndra couldn't help herself. Her shuddering orgasm hit a brick wall as the pain overwhelmed all her other sensations, but it vanished as quickly as it came, leaving her with the hottest and hardest orgasm of her life. With Ezra's cock filling her arse and Thalassa's fingers wrenching pleasure from her pussy, her girlfriends' mouths sucking painful life into her tits, Kalyndra arched, shook uncontrollably, and erupted with a spray of pent-up squirt and a cry of satisfied desire.

The girls continued to suck on her tits, and Kalyndra quickly came again, shaking her head and moaning, riding the wave of her orgasms, the dips and peaks that rocked and jolted her body, as Ezra slammed his cock into her, taking his joy from her fantastic response.

One more screaming orgasm, and then it was his time. He gripped her waist tightly and rammed her fast until, with a tightly focused nervous shudder, he unloaded his pent-up lust in slow, satisfying surges.

Afterward, they undid her bonds and let her stretch, but she wanted Ezra to lie to her. She wrapped her legs around him, and he held her tightly, telling her how sexy and perfect she was, while the girls lay either side of them, caressing her, loving and comforting her, helping guide her down from her over-sensitized state.

This was the feeling Kalyndra lived for: the exciting moments of complete surrender followed by a honeyed rest with Ezra and her bedmates. She was so strong and so much in control in her life that she craved the feeling of giving up control to him, whether he wanted it or not, and the tender unity that followed knowing that whatever he did to please himself, so long as he used her for his pleasure, he would please her even more.

When they had rested enough, Thalassa got Ezra to fuck her doggy-style, her big belly supported by a pillow, while Kalyndra and Devon made love noisily in the sixty-nine positions.

They slept in a jumbled mess, with Ezra at the bottom and the others moving around to get comfortable. Amazingly, Ezra got up when his daughter woke, crying, in the middle of the night. He brought her back to bed, holding her warmly. Devon turned in her sleep automatically so they could comfort her between them.

The others also moved in their sleep, unconsciously making room for him. By habit, they practiced Samothea's most beautiful custom: sleeping naked, pressing bare skin together to share warmth.

To be continued
Written by nutbuster (D C)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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