The Great Escape Chapter 17, Part 3 of 8

The Great Escape
Chapter 17, Part 3 of 8

"I hope it will inspire her to want sex more often. Seeing me happy will remind her of what it was like between us."

"I am flattered; you think I'll make you happy."

"That's the thing I'm most confident of," she said, smiling. "I've done my research."

That was true: she'd interrogated everyone who'd had sex with Ezra, listening intently, ironing out the inconsistencies in their accounts, and fantasizing about her time with him.

She had a sudden thought.

"Ezra, I hope you don't think I'm using you to re-kindle my sexual relationship with Eloise?"

"Of course not, and I wouldn't care if you were. For whatever reason, you want to be bedmates with me. I'm the one who gains the most. You're a beautiful woman, Adarna, and very sexy. I hope you get some pleasure from this month, but I know I will."

"Hmm!" she said, in a knowing kind of way. "When you get around to talking, you certainly say the right things."

"Nonsense! Here we are."

They'd reached the Lodge, and he guided her inside.

Standing at the foot of the bed, the flickering orange light of the tapers was a shortcut to romantic feelings. It cast bold, dark shadows into the room's corners, picking out their faces in warm highlights. Everyone looked good by candlelight, but Adarna was pretty and mature. Her face showed confidence and serenity.

He pulled her to him by the waist and brushed her brown hair from her cheek.

"You are beautiful," he said, her hands on his shoulders, her body leaning into his.

"Do you say that to all your bedmates?"

"Yes, but it doesn't mean it isn't true."

She smiled.

"This is going to be fun," she said.

Adarna waited politely and quite likely for him to start, eyes modestly down, until she laughed to herself and made a grab for him. She put her arms around his neck and pulled his head down to hers. They kissed in an unhurried way, savoring the first moments of passion: a long-lasting kiss with the lips only until she pushed the tip of her tongue against his.

The kiss grew warmer as she felt the excitement of his body pressing against hers.

He didn't need to undress her. She slipped it off entirely when he pushed a hand into her shirt.

She pulled her skirt down soon afterward when he put his hand on her thigh and stroked around to her bottom. Now, she was naked, and he stepped back to admire her.

Adarna was medium height with medium-length brown hair, big luxurious tits with smooth pink nipples, wide hips, curvy thighs, and a thin waist, giving her a sexy hourglass figure.

She didn't mind being looked at, but she wanted to look at him, to undress him slowly. She undid the buttons on his shirt and gently pushed his hand away when he tried to help. He let her take off his trousers, and she sank to her knees.

She planned this, having months to ask his other bedmates what to do. His cock sprang up when she pulled down his shorts. He stepped out of them, and she feasted her eyes close up on him, as curious as full of lust. She got comfortable on her knees and, practicing what his other bedmates had told her, powered by the joy of learning and an urge to please him, she greedily took his cock into her mouth.

Adarna sucked well, taking him down slowly, swirling her tongue around, and releasing him with a sexy little popping sound. Though it was new to her, she quickly liked it. He groaned with pleasure, which encouraged her more.

Quickly, he was fully hard and thought it was his turn to please her. He pulled her up, led her to the bed, and guided her onto him in the sixty-nine positions.

Smiling, she took his cock into her mouth again, presenting her bottom to his face. He licked along her slit, adding to her wetness, making her hum quietly. Then he worked his tongue around her clitoris. She liked that. After a while, she was so turned on that she began to neglect his cock, raising her head and sighing deeply.

He turned her around and laid her on her back, pulling her legs up so he could push his tongue further into her pussy, giving her a pleasant tension by pulling her nether lips apart. He sucked on her clitoris, and she arched her back, feeling a delicious tension, the nub of joy spreading its warmth through her thighs and back.

As he sucked on her clit, he pushed a finger into her pussy and felt around for the sensitive spots, pressing on the tendons and stretching the muscles. She sighed deeply and, as he worked her harder, started moaning loudly. She began to buck and closed her eyes tightly, grabbing handfuls of the bed sheet, her arms spread wide. He pushed a second finger inside her and stroked her G-spot. That got her going even more.

She stiffened as the first orgasm hit her, arching again, wetting his chin with her juices. He continued licking her clit. She bucked again and began to shake her head as she moaned in ecstasy. She was so responsive and eager that he could easily read her. He gave her another orgasm and got her to cry out in joy. This was the moment she let go completely, losing herself in sexual pleasure.

He kept fingering her as he kissed up her belly to her juicy tits and sucked on a hard nipple.

She put her hands on his shoulders and gripped him hard. The urgency of her moans, her heavy breathing, and the strength of her grip on his shoulders told him she was ready.

He kissed her neck and planted his mouth on hers. She kissed firmly, eagerly, inviting him to take possession, to penetrate her with tongue and cock. He sunk deeply into her and began to fuck her slowly.

It was comfortable, satisfying, middle-aged sex. Adarna was in no hurry but confident and assured; she enjoyed every kiss, every touch, every suck, and every thrust. Her pleasure came in enchanting waves. They kept up the rhythm for ages, shaking the bed and heating the cold night air with their bodies.

Then, it was the last few frantic moments when she gasped and cried out in erotic spasms.

She had a final orgasm, and her ecstasy triggered his finale. He took one more mouthful of a big soft tit and pulled back to thrust even faster, making her buck in response; then he pulsed his spunk up into her, his hands gripping her tits.

They collapsed together, whispering and kissing, resting and loving, until he was ready to go again.

They had sex the following day and, by lunchtime, were up for it again. Ezra lay on his back, and Adarna rode him, fucking to a stable rhythm.

She moaned sweetly, her eyes shut, working up to an intense fulfillment. They couldn't hear the faint scratching noises on the roof of the Honeymoon Lodge as fingers carefully pulled apart some of the overlapping banana leaves, making holes for crafty eyes to spy on the lovers.

A few minutes later, Adarna reached a peak and wailed her ecstasy, filling the room with her happy cries as her thighs shook and her back arched. It was her first peak, and she had more to come. She carried on the rhythm. Ezra leaned forward to suck on one of her big juicy tits.

"See, I told you!" a small voice on the roof whispered.

As Ezra sucked happily, there was a creaking on the roof. One of the secret watchers adjusted her position to get a better view. There was a louder and longer creak.

"Oh, no!" the small voice said.

Despite his state of sexual fervor, Ezra was aware of something wrong. He looked up and saw an arm and a shoulder coming through the ceiling. There was a crack, and Ezra rolled Adarna onto the floor as Tamar—yelling "Blazes!"—fell through the roof and landed heavily on the bed, followed by a broken rafter and some banana leaves.

The fall knocked the wind out of the girl, and she lay lifeless on the mattress.

Still naked, Ezra pulled away from Adarna and rushed to check on Tamar. He felt her pulse. It was okay, but she wasn't breathing, and her eyes were closed. He was about to try mouth-to-mouth resuscitation when she opened her eyes and took a large breath, after which she breathed fitfully but gradually more strongly. He pulled her onto her knees and held her, telling her to breathe deeply.

From the floor, Adarna looked up and saw a worried face peeking through the hole in the roof.

"Carlin!" she said, "come down here right now and explain yourself!"

There was scrambling on the roof and down one wall, and then a meek-looking blonde girl appeared in the doorway, looking contrite.

"Is she all right?" Carlin asked.

"Yes," Ezra said, "she was only winded."

To prove it, Tamar raised her head and smiled at her friend.

"Sorry, Adarna, sorry, Ezra," Carlin said. "We just wanted to learn about sex, and you two are so beautiful together."

"Never mind that," Adarna replied with authority. "Ezra, you need some clothes. Yael, what am

I going to say to Eloise?"

Tamar was still struggling to breathe calmly. She just shook her head, so Carlin answered her.

"Please don't tell her, Adarna?"

"But it's not just today's escapade. Yesterday, you two stalked Ezra and dive-bombed us at the pool. Who's to say what you'll get up to tomorrow?"

"We're sorry, Adarna," Carlin said. "We'll be better-behaved."

"It's not Carlin's fault," Tamar admitted, able to speak at last. "These were all my ideas. Please don't be angry with me?"

"I could never be angry with you, Sweetheart," Ezra assured her, "but I think we need to find something for you to do to use up your excess energy."

He knew she missed Wildchild and had noticed that she'd given up reading. That wasn't worrying: teenage bookworms often avoid books for a while. It gave her more spare time, which she put to harmful use.

Tamar did her chores conscientiously, but they took up only half the day, after which she was free to do as she pleased. She could be helpful, hunting pigeons or helping the foragers and woodcutters bring back their loads, but lately, she had been less productive and brought Carlin in on her schemes.

Ezra thought for a minute.

"All right," he said. "I have an idea, but before I say it, I want you girls to promise me - Tamar especially - that you won't construe it as a reward for being damned nuisances."

Tamar looked at him with her big brown eyes shining.

"I promise," she said.

Carlin also nodded.

"Would you girls like to come with me when I visit the Herders next month? I plan to prospect in the Southern Mountains to find some minerals that the Cloning Kits use. Tamar, you can guide me to the caves you and Wildchild hid in when you escaped from the Herders. It's not much of an adventure, but at least it's something."

"I want to come," Tamar said, hugging him. Carlin smiled at her agreement also.

"There's only one small problem," Adarna warned. "Eloise will have a fit!"

"Oh!" Tamar and Ezra said together.

"You're surprised? Really? Ezra, you want to take Yael back to the tribe who snatched her, probably to meet the woman who pretended to be her mother. Eloise will go spare!"

"I suppose so," he said.

"Judith's nice," Tamar said, referring to her Herder mother. "She loves me."

"Don't you dare say that to your mother!" Adarna protested.

"Could you talk Eloise around?" Ezra asked.

"I very much doubt it," Adarna said with conviction.

"Will you try?"

"I suppose so. All right, I'll try. But, as you say, Ezra, this shouldn't be construed as rewarding bad behavior. It's a way of making Yael useful.

Talking about which: What about the roof? The hole is directly above the bed."

Carlin and Tamar helped Ezra repair the roof that afternoon, doubling up on the rafters. The work was quick and easy, using a steel axe and a laser knife. After that, Ezra sent the girls away, saying he and Adarna had something to finish, and they were not to be spied upon or interrupted.

Smiling sheepishly to each other, the girls skipped into the forest as Ezra and Adarna had a wash and continued where they'd left off a couple of hours ago.

Soon she was riding him to a steady rhythm, and he latched onto her generous tit again, sucking a big nipple hard into his mouth.

Her head went back, and she sighed deeply, then made sweet moans as he put two fingers on her clitoris and rubbed. That got her going. She shook her head from side to side. The pleasure began to overwhelm her. The interrupted orgasm snuck back into focus, starting with a strain in her thighs and a tingling along her spine.

She arched further, and Ezra let her nipple go. She was close. He held her shoulder with one hand and worked her clitoris harder with the other.

Now, her moans came from her throat, loud and urgent. She leaned back further, and his cock rubbed the delicious nervy spot of her vagina as she thrust to the finish, muscles straining, tits shaking, joy cascading around her body.

Dipti's waters broke ten days before her due date, and she had a short labor. To the happy relief of everyone, especially after the trouble Angela had with Freya, it was an easy birth.

Ezra supported Dipti as she squatted, and Urulla rubbed her nipples on the theory that orgasm might induce delivery. Dipti didn't need any help.

Though it took some hours to reach the point, when the time came, all it took was a lot of good pushing and some satisfying wails before Dipti squeezed out the tribe's newest child.

Parvinder was particularly happy, holding her granddaughter to her wrinkled face, humming a tune.

This time, no one regretted that the child wasn't a boy, not in Mirselene's hearing.

Dipti called her 'Krupa.'

Shane was due in another month and was becoming impatient. Ezra wanted to be there for the birth, but she knew he would be away and assured him she would be fine. So, he accepted her words, said "Goodbye" to all his bedmates, and went to the monthly meeting of the three tribes.

As soon as the Woodlanders arrived, there was a commotion. They were the last there, and when they emerged from the forest into the clearing, a cry went up from within the crowd of women busily making their exchanges.

"Where is the man? Where is he?"

There was jostling as Penny, the tall Herder with the mighty shoulders, forced her way through the crowd, calling for Ezra. She sounded annoyed, at least Ezra thought so, from behind the group of Woodlanders.

"Show me the lad! Show me, Ezra!" Penny cried.

"Here I am," Ezra said, bravely striding forward, somewhat daunted by the big woman's urgency, which amused the onlookers.

Penny leaped at him and crushed him in a forceful embrace, lifting him off the ground and lavishing his cheek with a firm kiss.

"My boy! You are a good, good boy!" Penny boomed. "You are a good, potent boy! I could hug you forever!"

Ezra's voice was stifled as Penny squeezed all the wind out of him. After a minute, Solange took pity on the poor man.

"Let him breathe, Penny," she said, and reluctantly, the joyful woman released him.

"Vera is pregnant," Solange explained, "as I expect you've guessed."

"I'm delighted," Ezra responded, somewhat weakly, now he could breathe again.

To be continued
Written by nutbuster (D C)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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