The Great Escape Chapter 14, Part 11 of 11

The Great Escape
Chapter 14, Part 11 of 11

She cried in joyful anguish; a rhythmic spasm rippled through her vagina, squeezing his cock.

Now, he couldn't contain himself—the pleasure of a beautiful girl squirming under him, responding to him with her pleasure. The almost painful joy of release made him groan. A hard thrust, and his twitching cock pumped out his seed. Slow surges of ecstasy dissolved into joyful heat that spread around their bodies as the remnants of violent coupling waned away in a few last thrusts.

She held him tightly to her as they lay together, panting, waiting for their senses to recover enough to speak.

As their breathing returned to normal, the only sounds were from Kalyndra and Devon, building to their mutual peaks. They lay in the sixty-nine positions, mouths on each other's clits, fingers in snatches, thrusting relentlessly, wreaking equal havoc on their sensitive organs.

The tableau could not be maintained for long. Kalyndra came first, convulsing as her thighs shook. Still, she kept focusing enough to goad Devon a minute later into a shrieking orgasm before the girlfriends turned around and nestled in each other's arms, sighing cat-like purrs as they descended from their peaks.

Thalassa and Ezra sat in the corner of the tent and washed each other with wet sponges.

Their interaction was sweet, intimate, and practical, and Ezra loved the girl for thinking of it.

He held her, and they kissed once more.

"Cressi, come and join us," Kalyndra invited.

The girl came over, and Kalyndra pulled her into their huddle. She was sandwiched between the two lovers and held warmly. Eventually, Thalassa and Ezra joined the threesome, pulling blankets over them. Then, the group settled down to keep each other warm.

Thalassa had to talk, of course. Only Ezra was sleepy - as usual after sex.

"It was amazing! It was sublime!" she exclaimed.

"I need to thank you all," she said, kissing the girls individually.

"Especially you, Cressi."

She held Cressi tightly.

"Is it liking that every time?"

Thalassa was more talkative than she'd ever been.

"It gets even better, Darling," Cressi said. "Isn't that right, Kalyndra?"

"Oh, yes! That was just the start."

"I can hardly imagine it," Thalassa said breathlessly.

"I mean, I did imagine it," she went on. "That's why I wanted it so much. But I can't imagine how it could be better. I know I'm talking too much, but I can't stop. How was it for you, Ezra? I can't expect it to be better than average, but was it acceptable? Was I adequate?"

There was no response.

"That bad? I don't mind knowing the truth."

The three girls laughed.

"Thalassa, you were one of the best," Devon said.

"You were perfect, Darling," Cressi said.

"The proof is that Ezra's fast asleep," Kalyndra confirmed. "And I suggest you go to sleep as well."

"You think I can sleep now?"

"No, I suppose not. Come on, we're listening; tell us everything you felt."

The girls chatted long into the night. After his post-coital nap, Ezra woke, relieved, returned, and fell asleep again. The girls still talked, whispering, holding hands, caressing each other, and brushing their hair. Eventually, even Thalassa fell asleep.

The following day, the five woke in a jumbled mess and, having sorted out whose limbs belonged to whom, Kalyndra, Devon, and Thalassa got up and walked in a merry party down to the sea for a wash. Cressi remained behind to fuck Ezra. It was her reward for giving up her place last night. It was an intense coupling, and by the end, Cressi felt she'd got the better of the bargain.

Ezra, meanwhile, thought he'd probably die of an overdose of sex, though he wouldn't mind. It would be a good way to go.

When Cressi and Ezra walked to the beach to wash, the women had already taken the raft out to go fishing. Only Dagma and Megan remained behind. Cressi offered to give Megan another swimming lesson. Dagma, careful of her sunburn, sat under covers on the beach with one of Ezra's books she was struggling through, The Wealth of Nations, after Carlin gave it up as impenetrable.

Ezra went to check on Yumi's pod. It said:

"Batteries 85%. Chance of revival: strongly positive. Time elapsed: 39:22."

He joined Dagma as she watched Megan's lesson.

"Tell me?" Dagma said.

"Tell you what, Darling?"

"Why are you and Megan avoiding each other? I noticed it yesterday, and today, you could be helping with her swimming lesson."

He was silent.

"Either you two had a furious row - or you had such a moment of togetherness that you don't want the others to see it, in case they're jealous."

"It was both."

"You don't have to tell me if it's private."

"No, I'll tell you."

He told her everything that had gone on between them at the Cloner City and on the journey back. Then he said:

"You're different from Mirselene. She wouldn't have noticed."

"Mum sees more than she lets on, but she thinks it's wise in a Chief sometimes to appear blind."

"She's a remarkable woman, your mother."

"According to you, we're all remarkable women."

"Well, you are," he insisted. "You're all intelligent, brave, resourceful."

"Sure, even when we're stupid, hormonal, and jealous. Go on, Ezra, you don't have to sit with me. Go and help teach Megan to swim. She'll appreciate it. So will Cressi. Off you go."

She was her mother's daughter. He kissed her and obeyed.

He held Megan by the waist in the water so she could practice her kicks while Cressi analyzed her stroke. Megan caught on quickly and got her timing right, so the three swam into deeper water for a proper go. They even caught up with the raft returning from the fishing expedition.

With the raft dragged up on the beach, the salvagers enjoyed a cold lunch. No one wanted more swimming lessons that afternoon. They would rather stay in the camp, some to read, some to prepare a good dinner, some to whittle the firewood aimlessly, and some to watch

Yumi's pod. Expectations were high coming up to the 48-hour mark.

Devon had a different idea for her afternoon activity. She maneuvered Kalyndra apart for a private chat.

"What is it, Darling?" Kalyndra asked.

"What do you think about becoming a threesome?"

"We're already a threesome."

"Of course. I didn't forget him, but he's rarely here and has all his other bedmates. I meant a threesome of Mariner girls."

"You mean Thalassa?"


"Do you love her?"

"No, not really, but I like her very much, and she's got no one."

It was true that no one near Thalassa's age could be her bedmate. Cressi had already been spoken for, and so, now, was Devon.

"I don't know if us Mariners have ever maintained a threesome," Kalyndra protested.

"You can say 'no', Kali. We're perfect together as we are."

"No, you're right, she's got no-one. She needs to be loved and have someone to love. But have you ever known her to contradict anyone or lose her temper?" Kalyndra asked.

"No, Thalassa is the sweetest, gentlest girl there is."

"So, even if I say 'yes,' she would disagree. She'd consider it imposing herself on us."

"I know. That's why I can't ask her. You'll have to."

"Why me?"

"Because she admires you more than anyone else except her mother. I can see how she looks at you. It's the same way I did when I worshipped you at her age."

"Stop flattering me, woman!"

"It's not flattery. She's right to adore you; you're wonderful."

"Worse and worse."

"Will you ask her, Kali?"

"What about when I tie you up?"

Kalyndra often dominated Devon like Ezra dominated Kalyndra, tying her up and teasing her.

"We'll do that when we're alone. Thalassa will understand that we want to be alone for sex."

"Don't you think we'll be having sex with Thalassa?" Kalyndra asked in wonderment at her bedmate.

"I suppose, perhaps, but I was thinking of us being together for warmth and companionship."

"No, it'll be sexual," Kalyndra insisted. "You won't be able to stop yourself."

"Me? You're the over-sexed one!"

Kalyndra didn't argue. They were both highly sexed and pleased about it.

"You want this?"

"Not if it changes things between us, but yes, she's such a good, kind, sweet girl. She deserves to be loved."

"It will change things between us but won't harm us," Kalyndra judged. "I'm for it for your sake, but I think we should ask Calliope first. What do you say?"

"Yes, we'll put it to her first."

Devon hugged her lover.

"Thalassa will be thrilled. I know it!"

Elsewhere, another couple was having an intimate conversation.

"Dagma noticed I'd been avoiding you," Ezra told Megan. "She told me not to be so stupid. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. We were both keeping our distance."

"No more, though."

"All right. By the way, I noticed you were with Thalassa last night. It must have been good.

She's walking on clouds today."

"She's an amazing girl."

"How old is she?"

"Eighteen and a half."

"Do you want to know someone else who's just over eighteen?"

"Good God! Wildchild! I've been trying not to think of it."

"Why not? She's of legal age."

"Yes, but she looks so young. Do you think she'll claim her bedmate rights?"

"Well, she's not meek and placid like Thalassa. If she wants you, she won't allow you to make her wait."

Megan was enjoying discomforting him.

"Well, don't you put her up to anything," he warned.

"Of course not! Besides, she has a plan if she hasn't demanded her rights yet. Delicate feelings won't hold her back."

"All right, you've had your fun. Let's talk about something else."

Later that afternoon, Yumi's pod's instrument panel displayed a new reading: "Estimated time to completion: 03:41."

Less than four hours to go. Everyone was pleased, except that the completion time wasn't going down quite as swiftly as the time elapsed reading was going up. No matter: it was a hopeful sign.

They agreed to check the progress every half-hour, taking turns visiting the pod and reporting to Ezra. The process went on interminably, but finally, a message in blue appeared on the screen, surrounded by flashing bands. It said, 'Procedure completed. Pod ready to open.'

Megan was the watcher at the time. When she called out for Ezra, the whole salvage party came running.

Nervous and unusually hesitant, Ezra entered the code to complete the command to open the pod. A small hatch slid under the instrument panel, revealing a red lever. Ezra held the lever, paused, and pulled it upward. It moved smoothly and clicked in place.

There was a whirring noise inside and a hiss. The perspex dome slid up, making a horizontal crack in the pod. Another whirr and hiss opened the crack more. Cool air leaked out of the pod and formed into steam, falling out of the crack. A last whirr and hiss, and this time, the whole hemisphere lifted and hinged on the back, opening like an oyster shell.

Inside, Yumi was asleep in a chair that wrapped itself around her. Straps held her in place, and hypodermic needles on robotic arms stood threatening her neck, arms, and thighs, which showed the puncture marks where they had been attached. Yumi was thin and drained but breathing.

Ezra pushed aside the robotic arms, released the straps, and put his hand on her neck to feel her pulse and check her temperature. She seemed fine, and he spoke quietly in her ear.

"Yumi? Are you awake?"

There was no response.

"Yumi," he said again. "It's Ezra. Can you hear me?"

Eyes tight shut, she opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

"Nod, if you understand. Do you want some water?"

Yumi nodded.

"Some water, please," he said.

He held a small cup to her mouth.


She nodded and poured a little in. She swallowed.


He poured some more.

She hiccoughed. Her hiccoughs lasted ten minutes, and he and Thalassa took turns feeding her water between them. She opened her eyes a few times but didn't speak.

"Yumi. We're going to pull you out of the pod. We want you to stand up. Can you do that?"

She nodded.

Ezra and Kalyndra reached under the girl and lifted her out. She stood in the sunshine, supported around the waist by Ezra and Kalyndra. Blinking with unfocused eyes, she was conscious and on her feet. She shut her eyes again and bowed her head, shaking it as if forcing herself to wake up.

She tried to speak but coughed instead. Then she raised her head. This time, she seemed to take in the scene: the circle of women around her, the sandy beach, the whispering ocean, and the hot sun. This time, she spoke.

"What did you say your name was?"

He turned to face her.

"My name's Ezra. Do you remember me?"

"Yes, yes, I do. I remember the sirens and getting into the escape pod, but nothing after that. I remember Capella. Gosh! Ezra! Where are we?"

"This is Samothea, Yumi."

"Really? Samothea? You found it?"

"It found me. I crash-landed here."

"Oh! ... Er," she looked around again. "Are they Samotheans? Are they friendly?"

"Yes, and yes, very friendly. I'll introduce you to it soon. Meanwhile, let's get you moving."

"The beard's new, Ezra. I like it. How long?"

"Over a year."

"It doesn't take a year to grow a beard!"

"No, but you've been in the pod for over a year."

"Oh! Oh!"

"Shall we try walking? We have a camp just over there. There are tents and a fire. We'll have dinner soon. There's lots to tell."

"All right, Ezra. I'll walk with you."

Yumi was disoriented and tired but healthy. It was a relief, considering what physical and mental impairments were possible after revival from suspended animation.

Sitting around the campfire, cooking a good dinner, Yumi was introduced to the salvage party.

She wasn't expected to remember all their names but to tell them about Earth or explain her clothes. She was still in the short skirt and crop top she had on in the bar on Capella, where she met Ezra. The Samothean woman marveled at her shiny, high-heeled shoes, stockings, and bra. Ezra quickly intervened to prevent much tiring questioning - and to lessen the effects of Yumi's culture shock.

She was recovering quickly, however, and had something to say to the group.

"My brain is still fuzzy, and I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to remember tomorrow, but I'd like to thank you all for rescuing me."

It was enough for now. Ezra put Yumi to bed with Dagma and Megan, but she wouldn't settle without him there. He was the only thing from Earth she could cling to, so Cressi wailed her disappointment in vain, and Ezra lay down to cuddle Yumi and let her use his chest as a pillow. Before she nodded off to sleep, he whispered:

"I haven't asked why you stowed away on my ship."

"Can I tell you later, please? It's a complex story."

"Of course. One more thing. The pod showed two heartbeats."

"Also, complex. Please, Ezra? I'll tell you later when my brain has cleared, and I'm not so tired."

"Of course, Darling. It's good to have your back. We need you, Yumi. Samothea needs you!"

To be continued

Written by nutbuster (D C)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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