a warning

A warning

The picture of my mother that hangs on the wall
opposite where I try to work, fell down
I took this as a warning not to stray too far to 
the right and end up in the Nazi camp.
My mother, a lifelong communist, believed her
the party would bring equality, the right to speak 
with certain moderations, say being critical of
the party and be vulgar
She would have disapproved of the man on 
Twitter who had threatened to take his cock out
mother would have said "his thing"
she looks beautiful, in this photo, home from
the hairdresser, her eyes are sparkling blue
one can say she was radiant that day, mind she
had taken a new lover of the right party affiliation 
She is right, my political leaning is rightish
especially when getting  the water and electricity bill
reminding me I have no choice but to pay up 
as these two corporations are sovereign
Mother had reasons for her grievances where 
worked at a canning factory stamping lids on
sardine tins, she made less than a man doing
the same job
the thinking was, that a man had a family to support
my mother had three children and divorced 
from a man who failed her and us, but back then 
 a divorcee was viewed as somewhat tainted 
Anyway, I will find a bigger nail and hang her up
again, reminding me that her struggles made 
not to be judgmental  

Written by oskar
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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