The Big Guy Chapter 4

The Big Guy
Chapter 4

She giggled and said, “I think I remember that part.”

“Yeah, well—do you recall squirting all over me? Although I have to say—it was more of a flood than a squirt. We will have to change the entire bed before we go out. Then you passed out. I was holding onto you so tightly I half expected you to have bruises on your butt and back. That’s how wildly you were thrashing about.”

“It must have been pretty good because I feel just wonderful right now—probably better than I’ve ever felt in my entire life. Can you understand that?”

“I can because I’m feeling the same way." I kissed her then and pushed her up so we could shower, change the bed, and throw the linens into the washing machine. It was after six when I led Lucy out for dinner.

Thursday was the day we had set aside for our date. After getting Lucy settled in the Explorer and Max in the rear seat, I opened the rear hatch and leaned toward the long box on the right-hand side. The lock was made of stainless steel primarily because stainless is a rigid metal that is difficult to dent with a hammer and impossible to cut with a hacksaw. The box was bolted to the vehicle’s frame with the nuts inside the box’s body. I placed my.44 Magnum into the precut foam seat and removed my CZ 75 9mm pistol. It was nestled in my shoulder holster a minute later, and my jacket was back on my body.

I had made reservations for Carter’s, and Lucy approved, although she giggled when she told me it was one of the family businesses. “What don’t you own?” I asked.

“Well, we own most of the buildings downtown and three gas stations in addition to the mining quarries. Mostly, we mine sand and ball clay. That’s the stuff used to make dinnerware and floor and wall tiles. We have more than five hundred employees working in the mines. It’s interesting work and nothing like old-time mining. It takes place in huge pits. The trucks and power shovels are huge. Some crews blast thousands of tons at a time.” I had an even harder time understanding why Lucy was still single, so I asked her about it.

“Lucy, you’re a real catch. Why aren’t you married by now?”

“That’s a good question, Matt. I’ve been very suspicious of every suitor while I was in college, and since then, my dad has been even worse, but you’re the exception. I started to fall for you before you knew anything about me. You’re here by chance. You slept with me that first night, and I never worried you’d take advantage. Then when we made love the first time…. Well, all I can tell you is that sex with other men was never even close to what we shared. That was when I first felt that we share something special.” She reached across the table to take my hand. Then she whispered, “My father will know everything that happened at dinner before we even reach your car.”

“Okay, so what? You’re an adult, and so am I.” Lucy leaned forward to kiss me then. It was just a peck, but it told me a lot. I was sure that dear old dad was receiving a text before we even broke it. So what?

Dinner was as great as George had told me it would be. We each had the prime rib, although I had a more significant offering with a baked potato while Lucy had fries. George and I hit it off pretty well yesterday when I bought my clothes, so I sounded him out on many things, with the police force being my first issue. What he told me was revealing. He even invited several of his friends in to join us. They shared their opinions. They said to me that the force was a joke. Almost half of the officers were hired by the members of the City Council to pay back political debts.

“Haynes is the worst. His son is in the force and must weigh forty to fifty pounds. If he ever had to run after a criminal, he’d probably die of a heart attack.”

Later, at their suggestion, I stopped at a coffee shop with Paul, one of George’s pals. There, I heard the same arguments and the same sentiments. They were reinforced when two city police officers walked in to take seats at the counter. “That’s Jeremy Haynes,” my companion whispered. “Watch what he does. He’s a real slob, but he makes up for it by being arrogant and obnoxious.”

I nursed my coffee while I watched Haynes and his partner spend almost forty-five minutes of the city’s time eating and drinking coffee. Their radios indicated four calls that they ignored. Haynes had four doughnuts; his partner only had three. “Now, watch this,” my new friend whispered conspiratorially. I was still silent as the two cops walked out the door without paying or saying thanks to the shop’s owner. I had to agree—Haynes was a real piece of work. He’d be first in my sights if I became chief.

When I shared those opinions with Lucy, she surprisingly agreed. “That’s why most of us want a change. We want a strong, independent police chief who will turn the force into something we can be proud of, not a running joke and a bad one.” I spent the following day at the library, preparing for my interview. I was going to review my plans with Lucy, but fate intervened in the form of two armed robbers. Virtually all my afternoon was spent resolving the case and taking witness statements. As a result, Lucy and I grabbed a quick meal at a barbeque joint where we could sit outside, and I could feed Max while Lucy and I ate.

I was in uniform and armed when I walked into the Council Room at 7:00 Friday evening with Lucy and Max. She directed me to a chair at the foot of the table. I was pleased when Max followed Lucy to her seat just to the chairman's left, Carl Haynes. I also learned then that Ms. Lucille Bascomb was the Vice-Chairperson. I looked around at the nine council members and was surprised to see that I had met several at George’s that morning. They smiled as Mr. Haynes introduced them.

I began the interview by describing my life—how I was orphaned at three, living in eastern North Carolina with my aunt and uncle, and everything about my high school career leading to my experiences in the Navy. Finally, I described my career as a U.S. Marshal.

“Tell us about your dog.” It was one of the men I’d met at George’s this morning who had asked.

“I was involved in dog training in the Navy and was given the opportunity with Max about five years ago when he was three months old. I spent an entire year with him, and now he’s the best police dog I’ve ever met. Not only does he obey my commands perfectly, but he can act independently if warranted.”

“I understand he was a major factor in your arrests this afternoon.”

“That’s right. Without him, I would never have been able to take those robbers down. I wouldn’t have even tried because there would have been an overwhelming probability that one or more of the bystanders in the diner would have been shot and possibly killed. I probably would have been one of them. The only alternative would have been to kill them before they had a chance to react.”

“How did Max know when to act?”

“Training, more than anything else; I signaled him that I won’t share with you now, so he knew to go when I did. I saw their weapons pointed to the ceiling, and the one I was going for was looking away from me.”

“What about the other one?”

“That never mattered. Max was on him in less than a second. He was off as soon as my foot hit the floor, and his fangs were wrapped around the man’s wrist before the other robber could react. I was glad that mine followed directions. I never like to shoot anyone, even scum like them.”

“Would you have shot him?”

“Without a doubt--and especially if I thought that one of the customers or diner staff was in danger. That’s always my rationale when I use my weapon.”

“May I see your pistol?”

“NO! I’m sorry, but I never give my weapon to anyone, even in a setting like this.”

“I’d like to hear your thoughts on becoming police chief here. We have an outstanding force now. What would you do to improve it,” asked Chairman Haynes.

“I wish that the citizens of this city shared that opinion, Sir. I’ve spoken with roughly fifty citizens here, and the overwhelming majority think the police force here is a joke. They call it the ‘Keystone Kops’. That’s how poorly they think of the police force now. That will change when I’m chief. I’ve put together some standards in use with the Marshal’s Service. Many local and state police have adopted them.” I passed the sheet out to the council members. “Every member of the force, including me, will have to run six-minute mile every six months. They will also have to lift and carry a 150-pound dummy fifty yards in thirty seconds or less, and they’ll have to qualify at the range, striking the target at least 85 percent at fifty yards. Failure to achieve these targets will result in a sixty-day probationary period the first time, a ninety-day suspension the second time, and dismissal from the force the third time.

“As chief, I will have full discretion to hire and fire.”

“We do that now. The law requires it.”

“Yes, Mr. Haynes, you’re right, but you are politicians and make political decisions. Politics and policy is a recipe for disaster. People get into the force for all the wrong reasons. Every candidate should have to pass a competitive exam. That ensures you pick the best candidates, not the son or daughter of a friend or relative. Every candidate must have a psychological exam so you don’t wind up with a psycho on the force—someone who will go crazy under stress—and every candidate will have to pass through the Memphis Police Academy. That’s something you’ll have to pay for. I know the Chief there very well, and he has agreed to take on our candidates if you pay their tuition.

“You currently have one lieutenant. That’s not enough. You need at least one on each shift. Your one lieutenant works days. Most crimes occur at night, and your officers have no supervision, and when they get into a problem, they have no leadership to help them. God forbid they get into a hostage situation or a serious crime like rape or murder.

“And here’s another problem—I spent a few hours yesterday morning in a coffee shop in the downtown area talking to people about your police force. While I was there, your son and his partner came in. He ate four doughnuts and drank two cups of coffee. His partner ate three, then he and your son walked out without paying. That will end the first day I’m chief. It’s a terrible practice that generates mistrust and negative relationships between the community and the police.

“And, while I’m on the subject, tell your son to go on a diet and start running. He’s at least forty pounds overweight and was huffing and puffing when he struggled to get out of the patrol car. He’ll never pass the new standards unless he makes major changes.”

We spent the next thirty minutes talking about salary and benefits. They would match my current salary of $84,697 and provide veterinary care for Max and the use of a house they had recently foreclosed on for back taxes. I told the council I hoped I wouldn’t need it long. Before the meeting ended, the vote to appoint me had been conducted, with the vote going eight in favor and only one opposed. That one was, not surprisingly, Carl Haynes. The group’s majority congratulated me before Lucy and I walked out with Max at our heels. I will be formally appointed at a public meeting on Tuesday evening. I would receive a formal contract with everything I had demanded, including the right to hire and fire, which was critical, and I would never have accepted without it.

We were in the SUV when Lucy asked, “What was that bit about hoping to need the house only briefly?”

“Well, I’ve realized I made a big mistake earlier this week—a huge one.”

“Oh, when was that?” She had the beginnings of a big smile on her face.

“It was when we were talking about our feelings for each other. I told you it was too early to tell you I loved you. That was the mistake. It’s not too early, after all. I love you, Lucy. I’m in love with you, and I don’t care about your money. I’ll make a decent salary, and I have about three million from my lawsuit from my parent’s death.”

“Are you…asking…”

“I haven’t yet, but I am now. Lucy Ann Bascomb, will you marry me?”

“It is quick, but I’ve never been more certain that it’s right for both of us. I will, Matt, but first you must ask my father. I know it’s an old-fashioned custom, but it must be done in my family.”

“What happens if he says no?”

“I don’t think he will. He’s been trying to get rid of me for years.”

“I’ll never believe that. Just tell me that you’ll still be mine.”

“I’ll always be yours, Matt…always. Now, let’s go home to seal the deal.” I started the engine as Lucy leaned across the console to kiss me. I wished I had a bench seat to hold her as close as possible to me. Unfortunately, that had to wait until we were back at the trailer.

Max scampered up the steps and then turned to wait for us. Lucy opened the door, and we quickly stepped inside. I dropped my gun bags to the floor as Lucy locked the door. Then she came to me, giving herself to me wholly and completely. I picked her up and carried her to bed. We were kissing passionately the entire time.

I tried to lay Lucy on the bed, but she was having none of it. She stood next to me, her slender, lithe body pressed into mine as I deftly removed her clothing. Removing mine was a bit trickier because of my pistol. Lucy knew by now that I would never allow anyone to handle my weapons. It’s not that I’m picky or temperamental; it’s just a matter of safety. Handling any gun is potentially dangerous. Every year, there are dozens of injuries or deaths from people handling what they thought was an unloaded gun, and then there are the accidents hunters have when they climb over a fence or trip on a log. There’s never a reason not to exercise the best safety practices when handling firearms.

I laid my belt and holster on the floor, and then Lucy almost tore my uniform from my body. We fell together onto the bed. My hands roamed her soft sensuous body, concentrating on her small but sensitive breasts and her muscular ass cheeks. There was no need to massage her pussy. She was grinding into my thigh, and she was incredibly wet in her desire.

We must have rolled back and forth in our passion for each other for fifteen minutes or more before Lucy pushed me onto my back. Of course, I went willingly, knowing what she had in mind. She broke our kiss. Then, staring straight into my eyes, she straddled my hips and held my achingly hard cock to her slit. She rubbed it into her folds twice before slowly engulfing me in her heat…her wetness, her velvet vise.

Lucy rocked slowly as she savored the ecstasy in her cunt. Seconds later, I took her hard nipples into my fingers, gently squeezing and rolling them as I massaged her breasts with my vast, powerful hands. I thought for a second how ironic it was that the hands I used to destroy criminals could also be used to express my love for this remarkable woman.

Very slowly, we progressed to our mutual conclusion. We were eager—not for our pleasure, but to share the rapture that only making love can create. I couldn’t speak for Lucy, but it was the most exhilarating experience of my life, and when we both came at the same instant, I knew it was as spectacular for her as it had been for me. Rather than just collapsing on my chest, she gripped my short hair in her fingers and laid her lips to mine. “I hope you’re in the mood because I will want that again as soon as you’re ready.” I groaned in mock annoyance but couldn’t stifle a big grin.

Lucy next spoke when she broke the kiss several minutes later. Our faces were covered in spit when she asked, “Do you like kids, Matt?”

“I love them, and I’d like to have a huge family—like ten or twelve.” I laughed crazily at the expression on her face. I kissed her first, then suggested three or four would be great. After a sigh of relief, she told me that would be great and that the only thing more remarkable would be to start as soon as we were married. I agreed immediately, just before Lucy took my secretion-encrusted cock into her mouth. Not surprisingly, I was ready for round two.

We spent most of the weekend in bed, but we did get up to shower around eleven on Sunday morning. That’s when I learned that Momma and Daddy held a big barbeque every Sunday afternoon for their family and closest friends. If you live in the North, you probably don’t know the difference between grilling and barbeque. Grilling is cooking anything other than pork shoulder and spending a dozen hours slowly grilling a pork shoulder, which results in what we in the South call barbecue. Different areas have different kinds of sauces ranging from sweet and mild to smoking hot and highly spicy. I preferred a tomato-based sauce even though that’s a sacrilege in North Carolina, where they love vinegar-based sauce.

To be continued

She giggled and said, “I think I remember that part.”

“Yeah, well—do you recall squirting all over me? Although I have to say—it was more of a flood than a squirt. We will have to change the entire bed before we go out. Then you passed out. I was holding onto you so tightly I half expected you to have bruises on your butt and back. That’s how wildly you were thrashing about.”

“It must have been pretty good because I feel just wonderful right now—probably better than I’ve ever felt in my entire life. Can you understand that?”

“I can because I’m feeling the same way." I kissed her then and pushed her up so we could shower, change the bed, and throw the linens into the washing machine. It was after six when I led Lucy out for dinner.

Thursday was the day we had set aside for our date. After getting Lucy settled in the Explorer and Max in the rear seat, I opened the rear hatch and leaned toward the long box on the right-hand side. The lock was made of stainless steel primarily because stainless is a rigid metal that is difficult to dent with a hammer and impossible to cut with a hacksaw. The box was bolted to the vehicle’s frame with the nuts inside the box’s body. I placed my.44 Magnum into the precut foam seat and removed my CZ 75 9mm pistol. It was nestled in my shoulder holster a minute later, and my jacket was back on my body.

I had made reservations for Carter’s, and Lucy approved, although she giggled when she told me it was one of the family businesses. “What don’t you own?” I asked.

“Well, we own most of the buildings downtown and three gas stations in addition to the mining quarries. Mostly, we mine sand and ball clay. That’s the stuff used to make dinnerware and floor and wall tiles. We have more than five hundred employees working in the mines. It’s interesting work and nothing like old-time mining. It takes place in huge pits. The trucks and power shovels are huge. Some crews blast thousands of tons at a time.” I had an even harder time understanding why Lucy was still single, so I asked her about it.

“Lucy, you’re a real catch. Why aren’t you married by now?”

“That’s a good question, Matt. I’ve been very suspicious of every suitor while I was in college, and since then, my dad has been even worse, but you’re the exception. I started to fall for you before you knew anything about me. You’re here by chance. You slept with me that first night, and I never worried you’d take advantage. Then when we made love the first time…. Well, all I can tell you is that sex with other men was never even close to what we shared. That was when I first felt that we share something special.” She reached across the table to take my hand. Then she whispered, “My father will know everything that happened at dinner before we even reach your car.”

“Okay, so what? You’re an adult, and so am I.” Lucy leaned forward to kiss me then. It was just a peck, but it told me a lot. I was sure that dear old dad was receiving a text before we even broke it. So what?

Dinner was as great as George had told me it would be. We each had the prime rib, although I had a more significant offering with a baked potato while Lucy had fries. George and I hit it off pretty well yesterday when I bought my clothes, so I sounded him out on many things, with the police force being my first issue. What he told me was revealing. He even invited several of his friends in to join us. They shared their opinions. They said to me that the force was a joke. Almost half of the officers were hired by the members of the City Council to pay back political debts.

“Haynes is the worst. His son is in the force and must weigh forty to fifty pounds. If he ever had to run after a criminal, he’d probably die of a heart attack.”

Later, at their suggestion, I stopped at a coffee shop with Paul, one of George’s pals. There, I heard the same arguments and the same sentiments. They were reinforced when two city police officers walked in to take seats at the counter. “That’s Jeremy Haynes,” my companion whispered. “Watch what he does. He’s a real slob, but he makes up for it by being arrogant and obnoxious.”

I nursed my coffee while I watched Haynes and his partner spend almost forty-five minutes of the city’s time eating and drinking coffee. Their radios indicated four calls that they ignored. Haynes had four doughnuts; his partner only had three. “Now, watch this,” my new friend whispered conspiratorially. I was still silent as the two cops walked out the door without paying or saying thanks to the shop’s owner. I had to agree—Haynes was a real piece of work. He’d be first in my sights if I became chief.

When I shared those opinions with Lucy, she surprisingly agreed. “That’s why most of us want a change. We want a strong, independent police chief who will turn the force into something we can be proud of, not a running joke and a bad one.” I spent the following day at the library, preparing for my interview. I was going to review my plans with Lucy, but fate intervened in the form of two armed robbers. Virtually all my afternoon was spent resolving the case and taking witness statements. As a result, Lucy and I grabbed a quick meal at a barbeque joint where we could sit outside, and I could feed Max while Lucy and I ate.

I was in uniform and armed when I walked into the Council Room at 7:00 Friday evening with Lucy and Max. She directed me to a chair at the foot of the table. I was pleased when Max followed Lucy to her seat just to the chairman's left, Carl Haynes. I also learned then that Ms. Lucille Bascomb was the Vice-Chairperson. I looked around at the nine council members and was surprised to see that I had met several at George’s that morning. They smiled as Mr. Haynes introduced them.

I began the interview by describing my life—how I was orphaned at three, living in eastern North Carolina with my aunt and uncle, and everything about my high school career leading to my experiences in the Navy. Finally, I described my career as a U.S. Marshal.

“Tell us about your dog.” It was one of the men I’d met at George’s this morning who had asked.

“I was involved in dog training in the Navy and was given the opportunity with Max about five years ago when he was three months old. I spent an entire year with him, and now he’s the best police dog I’ve ever met. Not only does he obey my commands perfectly, but he can act independently if warranted.”

“I understand he was a major factor in your arrests this afternoon.”

“That’s right. Without him, I would never have been able to take those robbers down. I wouldn’t have even tried because there would have been an overwhelming probability that one or more of the bystanders in the diner would have been shot and possibly killed. I probably would have been one of them. The only alternative would have been to kill them before they had a chance to react.”

“How did Max know when to act?”

“Training, more than anything else; I signaled him that I won’t share with you now, so he knew to go when I did. I saw their weapons pointed to the ceiling, and the one I was going for was looking away from me.”

“What about the other one?”

“That never mattered. Max was on him in less than a second. He was off as soon as my foot hit the floor, and his fangs were wrapped around the man’s wrist before the other robber could react. I was glad that mine followed directions. I never like to shoot anyone, even scum like them.”

“Would you have shot him?”

“Without a doubt--and especially if I thought that one of the customers or diner staff was in danger. That’s always my rationale when I use my weapon.”

“May I see your pistol?”

“NO! I’m sorry, but I never give my weapon to anyone, even in a setting like this.”

“I’d like to hear your thoughts on becoming police chief here. We have an outstanding force now. What would you do to improve it,” asked Chairman Haynes.

“I wish that the citizens of this city shared that opinion, Sir. I’ve spoken with roughly fifty citizens here, and the overwhelming majority think the police force here is a joke. They call it the ‘Keystone Kops’. That’s how poorly they think of the police force now. That will change when I’m chief. I’ve put together some standards in use with the Marshal’s Service. Many local and state police have adopted them.” I passed the sheet out to the council members. “Every member of the force, including me, will have to run six-minute mile every six months. They will also have to lift and carry a 150-pound dummy fifty yards in thirty seconds or less, and they’ll have to qualify at the range, striking the target at least 85 percent at fifty yards. Failure to achieve these targets will result in a sixty-day probationary period the first time, a ninety-day suspension the second time, and dismissal from the force the third time.

“As chief, I will have full discretion to hire and fire.”

“We do that now. The law requires it.”

“Yes, Mr. Haynes, you’re right, but you are politicians and make political decisions. Politics and policy is a recipe for disaster. People get into the force for all the wrong reasons. Every candidate should have to pass a competitive exam. That ensures you pick the best candidates, not the son or daughter of a friend or relative. Every candidate must have a psychological exam so you don’t wind up with a psycho on the force—someone who will go crazy under stress—and every candidate will have to pass through the Memphis Police Academy. That’s something you’ll have to pay for. I know the Chief there very well, and he has agreed to take on our candidates if you pay their tuition.

“You currently have one lieutenant. That’s not enough. You need at least one on each shift. Your one lieutenant works days. Most crimes occur at night, and your officers have no supervision, and when they get into a problem, they have no leadership to help them. God forbid they get into a hostage situation or a serious crime like rape or murder.

“And here’s another problem—I spent a few hours yesterday morning in a coffee shop in the downtown area talking to people about your police force. While I was there, your son and his partner came in. He ate four doughnuts and drank two cups of coffee. His partner ate three, then he and your son walked out without paying. That will end the first day I’m chief. It’s a terrible practice that generates mistrust and negative relationships between the community and the police.

“And, while I’m on the subject, tell your son to go on a diet and start running. He’s at least forty pounds overweight and was huffing and puffing when he struggled to get out of the patrol car. He’ll never pass the new standards unless he makes major changes.”

We spent the next thirty minutes talking about salary and benefits. They would match my current salary of $84,697 and provide veterinary care for Max and the use of a house they had recently foreclosed on for back taxes. I told the council I hoped I wouldn’t need it long. Before the meeting ended, the vote to appoint me had been conducted, with the vote going eight in favor and only one opposed. That one was, not surprisingly, Carl Haynes. The group’s majority congratulated me before Lucy and I walked out with Max at our heels. I will be formally appointed at a public meeting on Tuesday evening. I would receive a formal contract with everything I had demanded, including the right to hire and fire, which was critical, and I would never have accepted without it.

We were in the SUV when Lucy asked, “What was that bit about hoping to need the house only briefly?”

“Well, I’ve realized I made a big mistake earlier this week—a huge one.”

“Oh, when was that?” She had the beginnings of a big smile on her face.

“It was when we were talking about our feelings for each other. I told you it was too early to tell you I loved you. That was the mistake. It’s not too early, after all. I love you, Lucy. I’m in love with you, and I don’t care about your money. I’ll make a decent salary, and I have about three million from my lawsuit from my parent’s death.”

“Are you…asking…”

“I haven’t yet, but I am now. Lucy Ann Bascomb, will you marry me?”

“It is quick, but I’ve never been more certain that it’s right for both of us. I will, Matt, but first you must ask my father. I know it’s an old-fashioned custom, but it must be done in my family.”

“What happens if he says no?”

“I don’t think he will. He’s been trying to get rid of me for years.”

“I’ll never believe that. Just tell me that you’ll still be mine.”

“I’ll always be yours, Matt…always. Now, let’s go home to seal the deal.” I started the engine as Lucy leaned across the console to kiss me. I wished I had a bench seat to hold her as close as possible to me. Unfortunately, that had to wait until we were back at the trailer.

Max scampered up the steps and then turned to wait for us. Lucy opened the door, and we quickly stepped inside. I dropped my gun bags to the floor as Lucy locked the door. Then she came to me, giving herself to me wholly and completely. I picked her up and carried her to bed. We were kissing passionately the entire time.

I tried to lay Lucy on the bed, but she was having none of it. She stood next to me, her slender, lithe body pressed into mine as I deftly removed her clothing. Removing mine was a bit trickier because of my pistol. Lucy knew by now that I would never allow anyone to handle my weapons. It’s not that I’m picky or temperamental; it’s just a matter of safety. Handling any gun is potentially dangerous. Every year, there are dozens of injuries or deaths from people handling what they thought was an unloaded gun, and then there are the accidents hunters have when they climb over a fence or trip on a log. There’s never a reason not to exercise the best safety practices when handling firearms.

I laid my belt and holster on the floor, and then Lucy almost tore my uniform from my body. We fell together onto the bed. My hands roamed her soft sensuous body, concentrating on her small but sensitive breasts and her muscular ass cheeks. There was no need to massage her pussy. She was grinding into my thigh, and she was incredibly wet in her desire.

We must have rolled back and forth in our passion for each other for fifteen minutes or more before Lucy pushed me onto my back. Of course, I went willingly, knowing what she had in mind. She broke our kiss. Then, staring straight into my eyes, she straddled my hips and held my achingly hard cock to her slit. She rubbed it into her folds twice before slowly engulfing me in her heat…her wetness, her velvet vise.

Lucy rocked slowly as she savored the ecstasy in her cunt. Seconds later, I took her hard nipples into my fingers, gently squeezing and rolling them as I massaged her breasts with my vast, powerful hands. I thought for a second how ironic it was that the hands I used to destroy criminals could also be used to express my love for this remarkable woman.

Very slowly, we progressed to our mutual conclusion. We were eager—not for our pleasure, but to share the rapture that only making love can create. I couldn’t speak for Lucy, but it was the most exhilarating experience of my life, and when we both came at the same instant, I knew it was as spectacular for her as it had been for me. Rather than just collapsing on my chest, she gripped my short hair in her fingers and laid her lips to mine. “I hope you’re in the mood because I will want that again as soon as you’re ready.” I groaned in mock annoyance but couldn’t stifle a big grin.

Lucy next spoke when she broke the kiss several minutes later. Our faces were covered in spit when she asked, “Do you like kids, Matt?”

“I love them, and I’d like to have a huge family—like ten or twelve.” I laughed crazily at the expression on her face. I kissed her first, then suggested three or four would be great. After a sigh of relief, she told me that would be great and that the only thing more remarkable would be to start as soon as we were married. I agreed immediately, just before Lucy took my secretion-encrusted cock into her mouth. Not surprisingly, I was ready for round two.

We spent most of the weekend in bed, but we did get up to shower around eleven on Sunday morning. That’s when I learned that Momma and Daddy held a big barbeque every Sunday afternoon for their family and closest friends. If you live in the North, you probably don’t know the difference between grilling and barbeque. Grilling is cooking anything other than pork shoulder and spending a dozen hours slowly grilling a pork shoulder, which results in what we in the South call barbecue. Different areas have different kinds of sauces ranging from sweet and mild to smoking hot and highly spicy. I preferred a tomato-based sauce even though that’s a sacrilege in North Carolina, where they love vinegar-based sauce.

To be continued
Written by nutbuster (D C)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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