All’s Fair In Love And War
Manhattan, New York
Upper West Side
Dmeshii slipped into his suit jacket as he escaped down the fire exit stairwell. He opened the door to the first floor and peeped his head around the doorpost; he looked in both directions and then stepped onto the mauve colored carpet. Dmeshii hurried down the quiet corridor. He looked both ways and then opened the door to a janitorial closet. He stepped inside and yanked the chain light switch down.
Dmeshii lifted a stack of folded green trash bags. He grabbed his MP412 REX 357 Magnum Revolver and then a MP-443 Grach; he placed them behind the waistband of his pants. He bent over and lifted a dry mop from out the mop bucket. He lifted out two hand grenades and straightened his posture. He kissed both and carefully settled them inside the side pockets of his suit jacket. He looked up at the ceiling.
“For Mother Russia.”
Dmeshii stepped out the janitorial closet and slowly closed the door. He lifted his cell phone from out his front pants pocket. He slid it open and pressed in a number; he placed his cell phone up to his ear.
“What the fuck am I facing?”
Sadoski glanced around in all directions.
Several police cars pulled up: overfilling the quiet and congested street.
“Five O, and the pigs are now roping off the perimeter.”
“Is that nigger on the scene?”
“Hold up.”
Sadoski saw two black tinted SUV’s pull up.
Marcus jumped out the SUV before Agent Carrey parked the vehicle. He pushed the door close.
“That nigger is down here, and the fucker brought plenty of guns with him.”
“Then dammit, set some shit off!”
“Not to worry, we don’t go down we stand.”
Sadoski slid his cell phone close and dropped it inside the side pocket of his black bomber jacket. He looked across the street and circled his finger to Tank.
Marcus pulled his badge from out the side pocket of his blue FBI jacket. He knocked on his Kevlar vest and silently prayed. He walked up to a police officer that stood at the front entrance to the condominium building.
“Director Modarius, FBI. We suspect we have a person of interest we would like to speak to inside this building.”
Tank removed the pins from out the two grenades. He threw both over to where the two SUV’s were parked.
Agent Carrey hollered out, “Fuck! Cover!”
Everyone ran and ducked for cover.
Agent Blackstone wrapped his arm around Agent Sari’s back. He took her to the ground. His upper body covered hers.
Marcus’ body slammed into the glassed door of Zaniyah’s condominium.
Glass and metal sailed in the air.
A piece of metal struck Marcus in the side of his lower leg.
The open gash begin to bleed through his pants.
Tank threw another grenade over at a number of parked police cruisers.
Two police cars exploded. One of the policer cruisers lifted from off its four tires and fell on top of another police cruiser; igniting yet another explosion.
Numerous police officers drew their firearm, aimed, and fired in the direction where the grenades instigated.
Tank opened the door to the limousine, ducked, and shielded his presence behind the driver side door. He lifted his PP-19 Bizon from out his shoulder gun holster. He pointed and shot out both front windows. He blindly aimed his weapon and pulled the sensitive trigger back.
Several falling police officers’ bodies welcomed the concrete, guns still clutched in the space of their palm.
“Dammit! Hold your fucking fire. There’s a civilian being held captive in the trunk of that limousine,” Marcus shouted.
Marcus crawled over and hid behind a pole. He lifted his glock from out the waistband of his pants.
Tank shot at the pole Marcus was hiding behind.
A bullet fragment hit Marcus’ shin.
Marcus aimed his glock at the front tire of the limousine and shot; he then shot the back tire on the passenger side. He elongated his body on his stomach, aimed his weapon, and shot Tank in the front of his ankle.
“Fuck you nigger!”
Tank leveled his weapon. He looked down at his blood. He lifted to his feet. He aimed his PP-19 Bizon and shot at Marcus.
Marcus rolled over and shielded himself behind a damaged police cruiser without any doors.
Bullets flew past Marcus’ head; bouncing off the wooden street pole.
Agent Blackstone returned open fire with Tank in the process of fleeing. Agent Blackstone ran over to where Marcus’ presence was scarcely exposed.
Agent Sari, and Agent Carrey fired their weapons as Agent Blackstone assisted Marcus from out harm’s way.
“Come on man, this shit ain’t no fucking joke.”
Residents looked over their concrete walling as the scene unfolded.
Zaniyah looked down. She covered her mouth in horror, as she witnessed a FBI Agent assist Marcus, who was limping to safety.
Marcus and Agent Blackstone hurried to the side of the building. Neither paid attention to Dmeshii as he slipped out the fire exit door of Zaniyah’s condominium building.
Dmeshii hid behind a green dumpster. He pulled one of his weapons from out the waistband of his pants. He aimed his MP-443 Grach at the back of Marcus’ head. He fingered the trigger. He thought about the consequences. They have nothing on him. Dmeshii replaced the weapon back inside his waistband, backed up, and turned around; he ran down the alleyway. Dmeshii glanced around for his limousine.
Minow saw Dmeshii waiting near the entrance of an alley. He gave Dmeshii a hand signal.
Dmeshii looked back down the alleyway and then ran down the street.
Minow turned off his headlights and backed up. He turned the limousine around.
Dmeshii opened the door, got inside the limousine, and pulled the door close.
Minow sped away.
“I need you to find me a prostitute not worth fucking; I need one strictly to buy her silence.”
“I hear you Boss.”
“Pull over man.”
Minow pulled the limousine to the curve side.
“I need you to back the fuck up once I pull these pins. You feel me.”
“My foot is still on the gas pedal, sir.”
Dmeshii opened the door and stepped out the limousine. He pulled one pin out a grenade and threw it against a store front window. He pulled the pin from out the other grenade and threw it at a gas station pump; the grenade exploded on impact. He wiped the two pins against his suit jacket and dropped both where he stood.
A parked car at a gas pump ignited in flames; setting off a series of louder car explosions.
The alarm systems throughout the street mingled into each other.
Dmeshii quickly got back inside the limousine and pulled the door close.
Minow backed the limousine up, and then sped away backwards.
Manhattan, New York
Upper West Side
Tank lifted two more grenades, quickly pulling the pins out both; he threw them at the already disabled police cruisers. He looked around at the chaotic scene his actions created.
The Swat unit pulled up.
The back door opened.
Several men in full tactical gear floated out, fleeing for concealment.
Tank released the pin from the grenade and threw it into the congregation.
A passenger in the back seat of the limousine opened the door.
“Get the fuck in! It’s time to roll out.”
Tank got inside the limousine and pulled the door close.
The driver sped off.
Agent Blackstone, Agent Sari, and Agent Carrey ran in the direction of the fleeing vehicle; firing their weapon in union.
Tank turned in the back seat and shot out the back window.
“Man throw a fucking grenade at these pigs.”
Sadoski removed a grenade from off his grenade belt, pulled the pin out with his teeth, and tossed it out the back window.
“Step on it bitch!” Tank shouted over his shoulder.
Tank aimed his PP-19 Bizon and continued to shoot as the limousine disappeared around the corner.
All three agents scattered in several directions and took cover.
“Shit,” Agent Blackstone hissed in frustration.
Several police officers’ bodies laid sprawled on the concreate.
Agent Blackstone saw Marcus pull a civilian from out his vehicle from out his peripheral vison.
“Director Modarius, shit.”
Marcus wobbled inside the man’s vehicle, settled himself behind the steering wheel, and pulled the door open. Marcus lifted his glock and leaned his face sideways. He shot the front window out.
“Agent Carrey, let’s row, now dammit!”
Both men ran over to the damaged police cruiser without the front doors.
Agent Blackstone entered the driver side. Agent Carrey got in the passenger side.
Agent Blackstone twisted the key inside the ignition and pulled off. He turned on the sirens.
Residents flooded out the building onto the sidewalk.
“Get back inside; this in now a crime scene!” a wounded police officer of the NYPD bellowed.
The residents hurdled back inside, but looked out the now shattered entrance door.
Marcus pursued the limousine. He aimed his Glock and shot inside the back window of the limousine.
“This nigger is fucking crazy. You want some of this bitch. Well say hello to my little friend.”
Tank sat up and turned around in the back seat. He got on his knees and aimed his PP-19 Bizon at the front of the car Marcus was trailing in.
Marcus swerved his car. He increased his speed. He aimed his Glock at the back tire and shot it.
The tire deflated under the high velocity.
Tank pivoted in his seat.
“Dammit! Drive this bitch!”
Tank turned back around.
Marcus shot Tank in the side of his neck.
The weapon in Tank’s hand dropped
Sadoski turned and looked out the window. He looked over; he saw Tank’s neck was now gushing blood.
“Man, hold on, we’re almost fucking there.”
Tank applied more pressure to his neck.
Sadoski saw that Tank was losing a lot of blood in such a short time.
“Apply pressure dammit!”
Sadoski saw sweat accumulating on Tank’s forehead. His lips were turning slightly blue.
“Come on man, stay with me.”
A bullet whizzed past Sadoski’s head, hitting the driver in the back of the head.
The driver’s forehead met the steering wheel.
The car swerved over the median into traffic going in the opposite direction.
The limousine skipped over two more lanes on the bustling highway.
Sadoski tried to climb in the front driver seat.
The jarring of the traveling vehicle jostled his body back against the backseat.
Oncoming vehicles blared on their horn, veering inches off from creating multiple head on collisions.
Marcus drove faster. He aligned his vehicle on the opposite of the highway. He shot out the front tire of the limousine.
The limousine spanned around and then skidded alongside the guard rail before going airborne.
The black depths of the New York Harbor swallowed the vehicle.
Marcus brought his vehicle to a complete stop. He opened the door and got out the vehicle. He lifted his badge and ran across the highway.
Two cars smashed into each other to avoid the man donned in a blue FBI jacket running across the highway.
Several police cruisers drove upon the scene, turned their vehicle inward, and boxed in traffic in both directions
Marcus looked over the now open guard rail into the murky waters of the New York Harbor.
Marcus dropped his Glock inside the side pocket of his FBI jacket. He looked on as numerous Divers from the NYPD’s Emergency Services Unit stepped over the guard rail, held their mouthpiece in place, and then jumped into the dark depths.
Harbor Patrol pulled up.
The lighting from their rescue boat offered limited visual on the surface of the water.
Marcus slicked his hand back through his hair as he looked on. He needed live suspects in custody.
Agent Blackstone and Agent Carrey ran up to Marcus.
“Director Modarius are you all right.”
“Yes, however, a civilian was in the trunk of that limousine.”
“Maybe not. There was a call on the radio a man matching the description of an older Italian male was found in Central Park, naked, and his hands tied behind his back sitting on a bench.”
Marcus palmed his chin down.
“Clothes off.”
“That’s what came over the police scanners.”
Marcus’ leg was throbbing without a care.
Agent Blackstone looked down at Marcus’ ankle and then at the side of his lower leg.
“Director Modarius, it looks like you could use some medical attention.”
“It’s nothing.”
Marcus watched the Water Patrol reel the vehicle up from out the water. Hopefully, Dmeshii was one off the casualties inside he thought.
Marcus saw the silhouette of two bodies enclosed as water escaped the interior. He walked over to the dangling limousine in midair as the cable wire was reeling it in.
The limousine was lowered onto its four wheels.
“Don’t touch a fucking thing. This is an investigation from here, and it’s all federal.”
“Not according to jurisdiction,” the police captain of the NYPD tossed out from behind.
“Since we have a well-known Russian Cartel under federal surveillance that makes us federal boys supersede your chain of command, sir.”
Marcus limped away; he bumped the police captain’s shoulder in the process. Marcus looked at the roped off police yellow crime scene tape, the stalled traffic.
The ATF unit pulled up. Followed by several ambulances.
Marcus looked up.
The news media helicopters hung overhead.
Numerous law enforcement from sectors of several boroughs of New York, stood in attendance bringing law and order to the frenzied sight.
Marcus knew this was going to be a long night ahead of him. He whistled for Agent Blackstone and Agent Carrey to join him.
Agent Blackstone and Agent Carrey walked over to where Marcus stood.
“I smell a rat, dammit!”
Agent Blackstone and Agent Carrey looked at each other and then looked at Marcus.
“Come again sir.”
“Agent Carrey, this was an undercover operation. This shit should not have been put on the scanner. Those fucks were waiting on us, and according to the two bodies enclosed. I could say neither is Dmeshii, fuck!”
“Director Modarius. We can put out an APB out on him. I see Dmeshii’s signature all over this shit,” Agent Blackstone stated.
“Director Modarius, we have recovered only two bodies,” a diver spoke from behind.
Marcus turned around.
“Two bodies. There were three bodies inside. I need the divers to go deeper, or advise me if one of those fucks got away.”
Marcus walked over to the limousine. He glanced back at one the police officers.
“I need someone to pop this trunk, A.S.A.P.”
Manhattan, New York
Upper West Side
Dmeshii slipped into his suit jacket as he escaped down the fire exit stairwell. He opened the door to the first floor and peeped his head around the doorpost; he looked in both directions and then stepped onto the mauve colored carpet. Dmeshii hurried down the quiet corridor. He looked both ways and then opened the door to a janitorial closet. He stepped inside and yanked the chain light switch down.
Dmeshii lifted a stack of folded green trash bags. He grabbed his MP412 REX 357 Magnum Revolver and then a MP-443 Grach; he placed them behind the waistband of his pants. He bent over and lifted a dry mop from out the mop bucket. He lifted out two hand grenades and straightened his posture. He kissed both and carefully settled them inside the side pockets of his suit jacket. He looked up at the ceiling.
“For Mother Russia.”
Dmeshii stepped out the janitorial closet and slowly closed the door. He lifted his cell phone from out his front pants pocket. He slid it open and pressed in a number; he placed his cell phone up to his ear.
“What the fuck am I facing?”
Sadoski glanced around in all directions.
Several police cars pulled up: overfilling the quiet and congested street.
“Five O, and the pigs are now roping off the perimeter.”
“Is that nigger on the scene?”
“Hold up.”
Sadoski saw two black tinted SUV’s pull up.
Marcus jumped out the SUV before Agent Carrey parked the vehicle. He pushed the door close.
“That nigger is down here, and the fucker brought plenty of guns with him.”
“Then dammit, set some shit off!”
“Not to worry, we don’t go down we stand.”
Sadoski slid his cell phone close and dropped it inside the side pocket of his black bomber jacket. He looked across the street and circled his finger to Tank.
Marcus pulled his badge from out the side pocket of his blue FBI jacket. He knocked on his Kevlar vest and silently prayed. He walked up to a police officer that stood at the front entrance to the condominium building.
“Director Modarius, FBI. We suspect we have a person of interest we would like to speak to inside this building.”
Tank removed the pins from out the two grenades. He threw both over to where the two SUV’s were parked.
Agent Carrey hollered out, “Fuck! Cover!”
Everyone ran and ducked for cover.
Agent Blackstone wrapped his arm around Agent Sari’s back. He took her to the ground. His upper body covered hers.
Marcus’ body slammed into the glassed door of Zaniyah’s condominium.
Glass and metal sailed in the air.
A piece of metal struck Marcus in the side of his lower leg.
The open gash begin to bleed through his pants.
Tank threw another grenade over at a number of parked police cruisers.
Two police cars exploded. One of the policer cruisers lifted from off its four tires and fell on top of another police cruiser; igniting yet another explosion.
Numerous police officers drew their firearm, aimed, and fired in the direction where the grenades instigated.
Tank opened the door to the limousine, ducked, and shielded his presence behind the driver side door. He lifted his PP-19 Bizon from out his shoulder gun holster. He pointed and shot out both front windows. He blindly aimed his weapon and pulled the sensitive trigger back.
Several falling police officers’ bodies welcomed the concrete, guns still clutched in the space of their palm.
“Dammit! Hold your fucking fire. There’s a civilian being held captive in the trunk of that limousine,” Marcus shouted.
Marcus crawled over and hid behind a pole. He lifted his glock from out the waistband of his pants.
Tank shot at the pole Marcus was hiding behind.
A bullet fragment hit Marcus’ shin.
Marcus aimed his glock at the front tire of the limousine and shot; he then shot the back tire on the passenger side. He elongated his body on his stomach, aimed his weapon, and shot Tank in the front of his ankle.
“Fuck you nigger!”
Tank leveled his weapon. He looked down at his blood. He lifted to his feet. He aimed his PP-19 Bizon and shot at Marcus.
Marcus rolled over and shielded himself behind a damaged police cruiser without any doors.
Bullets flew past Marcus’ head; bouncing off the wooden street pole.
Agent Blackstone returned open fire with Tank in the process of fleeing. Agent Blackstone ran over to where Marcus’ presence was scarcely exposed.
Agent Sari, and Agent Carrey fired their weapons as Agent Blackstone assisted Marcus from out harm’s way.
“Come on man, this shit ain’t no fucking joke.”
Residents looked over their concrete walling as the scene unfolded.
Zaniyah looked down. She covered her mouth in horror, as she witnessed a FBI Agent assist Marcus, who was limping to safety.
Marcus and Agent Blackstone hurried to the side of the building. Neither paid attention to Dmeshii as he slipped out the fire exit door of Zaniyah’s condominium building.
Dmeshii hid behind a green dumpster. He pulled one of his weapons from out the waistband of his pants. He aimed his MP-443 Grach at the back of Marcus’ head. He fingered the trigger. He thought about the consequences. They have nothing on him. Dmeshii replaced the weapon back inside his waistband, backed up, and turned around; he ran down the alleyway. Dmeshii glanced around for his limousine.
Minow saw Dmeshii waiting near the entrance of an alley. He gave Dmeshii a hand signal.
Dmeshii looked back down the alleyway and then ran down the street.
Minow turned off his headlights and backed up. He turned the limousine around.
Dmeshii opened the door, got inside the limousine, and pulled the door close.
Minow sped away.
“I need you to find me a prostitute not worth fucking; I need one strictly to buy her silence.”
“I hear you Boss.”
“Pull over man.”
Minow pulled the limousine to the curve side.
“I need you to back the fuck up once I pull these pins. You feel me.”
“My foot is still on the gas pedal, sir.”
Dmeshii opened the door and stepped out the limousine. He pulled one pin out a grenade and threw it against a store front window. He pulled the pin from out the other grenade and threw it at a gas station pump; the grenade exploded on impact. He wiped the two pins against his suit jacket and dropped both where he stood.
A parked car at a gas pump ignited in flames; setting off a series of louder car explosions.
The alarm systems throughout the street mingled into each other.
Dmeshii quickly got back inside the limousine and pulled the door close.
Minow backed the limousine up, and then sped away backwards.
Manhattan, New York
Upper West Side
Tank lifted two more grenades, quickly pulling the pins out both; he threw them at the already disabled police cruisers. He looked around at the chaotic scene his actions created.
The Swat unit pulled up.
The back door opened.
Several men in full tactical gear floated out, fleeing for concealment.
Tank released the pin from the grenade and threw it into the congregation.
A passenger in the back seat of the limousine opened the door.
“Get the fuck in! It’s time to roll out.”
Tank got inside the limousine and pulled the door close.
The driver sped off.
Agent Blackstone, Agent Sari, and Agent Carrey ran in the direction of the fleeing vehicle; firing their weapon in union.
Tank turned in the back seat and shot out the back window.
“Man throw a fucking grenade at these pigs.”
Sadoski removed a grenade from off his grenade belt, pulled the pin out with his teeth, and tossed it out the back window.
“Step on it bitch!” Tank shouted over his shoulder.
Tank aimed his PP-19 Bizon and continued to shoot as the limousine disappeared around the corner.
All three agents scattered in several directions and took cover.
“Shit,” Agent Blackstone hissed in frustration.
Several police officers’ bodies laid sprawled on the concreate.
Agent Blackstone saw Marcus pull a civilian from out his vehicle from out his peripheral vison.
“Director Modarius, shit.”
Marcus wobbled inside the man’s vehicle, settled himself behind the steering wheel, and pulled the door open. Marcus lifted his glock and leaned his face sideways. He shot the front window out.
“Agent Carrey, let’s row, now dammit!”
Both men ran over to the damaged police cruiser without the front doors.
Agent Blackstone entered the driver side. Agent Carrey got in the passenger side.
Agent Blackstone twisted the key inside the ignition and pulled off. He turned on the sirens.
Residents flooded out the building onto the sidewalk.
“Get back inside; this in now a crime scene!” a wounded police officer of the NYPD bellowed.
The residents hurdled back inside, but looked out the now shattered entrance door.
Marcus pursued the limousine. He aimed his Glock and shot inside the back window of the limousine.
“This nigger is fucking crazy. You want some of this bitch. Well say hello to my little friend.”
Tank sat up and turned around in the back seat. He got on his knees and aimed his PP-19 Bizon at the front of the car Marcus was trailing in.
Marcus swerved his car. He increased his speed. He aimed his Glock at the back tire and shot it.
The tire deflated under the high velocity.
Tank pivoted in his seat.
“Dammit! Drive this bitch!”
Tank turned back around.
Marcus shot Tank in the side of his neck.
The weapon in Tank’s hand dropped
Sadoski turned and looked out the window. He looked over; he saw Tank’s neck was now gushing blood.
“Man, hold on, we’re almost fucking there.”
Tank applied more pressure to his neck.
Sadoski saw that Tank was losing a lot of blood in such a short time.
“Apply pressure dammit!”
Sadoski saw sweat accumulating on Tank’s forehead. His lips were turning slightly blue.
“Come on man, stay with me.”
A bullet whizzed past Sadoski’s head, hitting the driver in the back of the head.
The driver’s forehead met the steering wheel.
The car swerved over the median into traffic going in the opposite direction.
The limousine skipped over two more lanes on the bustling highway.
Sadoski tried to climb in the front driver seat.
The jarring of the traveling vehicle jostled his body back against the backseat.
Oncoming vehicles blared on their horn, veering inches off from creating multiple head on collisions.
Marcus drove faster. He aligned his vehicle on the opposite of the highway. He shot out the front tire of the limousine.
The limousine spanned around and then skidded alongside the guard rail before going airborne.
The black depths of the New York Harbor swallowed the vehicle.
Marcus brought his vehicle to a complete stop. He opened the door and got out the vehicle. He lifted his badge and ran across the highway.
Two cars smashed into each other to avoid the man donned in a blue FBI jacket running across the highway.
Several police cruisers drove upon the scene, turned their vehicle inward, and boxed in traffic in both directions
Marcus looked over the now open guard rail into the murky waters of the New York Harbor.
Marcus dropped his Glock inside the side pocket of his FBI jacket. He looked on as numerous Divers from the NYPD’s Emergency Services Unit stepped over the guard rail, held their mouthpiece in place, and then jumped into the dark depths.
Harbor Patrol pulled up.
The lighting from their rescue boat offered limited visual on the surface of the water.
Marcus slicked his hand back through his hair as he looked on. He needed live suspects in custody.
Agent Blackstone and Agent Carrey ran up to Marcus.
“Director Modarius are you all right.”
“Yes, however, a civilian was in the trunk of that limousine.”
“Maybe not. There was a call on the radio a man matching the description of an older Italian male was found in Central Park, naked, and his hands tied behind his back sitting on a bench.”
Marcus palmed his chin down.
“Clothes off.”
“That’s what came over the police scanners.”
Marcus’ leg was throbbing without a care.
Agent Blackstone looked down at Marcus’ ankle and then at the side of his lower leg.
“Director Modarius, it looks like you could use some medical attention.”
“It’s nothing.”
Marcus watched the Water Patrol reel the vehicle up from out the water. Hopefully, Dmeshii was one off the casualties inside he thought.
Marcus saw the silhouette of two bodies enclosed as water escaped the interior. He walked over to the dangling limousine in midair as the cable wire was reeling it in.
The limousine was lowered onto its four wheels.
“Don’t touch a fucking thing. This is an investigation from here, and it’s all federal.”
“Not according to jurisdiction,” the police captain of the NYPD tossed out from behind.
“Since we have a well-known Russian Cartel under federal surveillance that makes us federal boys supersede your chain of command, sir.”
Marcus limped away; he bumped the police captain’s shoulder in the process. Marcus looked at the roped off police yellow crime scene tape, the stalled traffic.
The ATF unit pulled up. Followed by several ambulances.
Marcus looked up.
The news media helicopters hung overhead.
Numerous law enforcement from sectors of several boroughs of New York, stood in attendance bringing law and order to the frenzied sight.
Marcus knew this was going to be a long night ahead of him. He whistled for Agent Blackstone and Agent Carrey to join him.
Agent Blackstone and Agent Carrey walked over to where Marcus stood.
“I smell a rat, dammit!”
Agent Blackstone and Agent Carrey looked at each other and then looked at Marcus.
“Come again sir.”
“Agent Carrey, this was an undercover operation. This shit should not have been put on the scanner. Those fucks were waiting on us, and according to the two bodies enclosed. I could say neither is Dmeshii, fuck!”
“Director Modarius. We can put out an APB out on him. I see Dmeshii’s signature all over this shit,” Agent Blackstone stated.
“Director Modarius, we have recovered only two bodies,” a diver spoke from behind.
Marcus turned around.
“Two bodies. There were three bodies inside. I need the divers to go deeper, or advise me if one of those fucks got away.”
Marcus walked over to the limousine. He glanced back at one the police officers.
“I need someone to pop this trunk, A.S.A.P.”
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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