Ebenezer removal
Ebenezer removal
Davina and Dirk finished their umpteenth orgasm with the agreement to go out for a late lunch. It was after 3pm that they pitched up at a very local but well-regarded family-owned free house.
The food was listed as 5 star on Tripadvisor and there were very few complaints, mainly about service and none about the food.
They decided on a roast pork with roasted potatoes and summer vegetables. The food was amazing with crackling which was easily the best that Dirk had ever eaten.
They finished the roast and had apple pie with creamy smooth custard flavoured with freshly ground nutmeg.
While they waited for it to arrive at their table, they discussed how to approach Constance.
“I’ll ring her and let her know that we have something to discuss with her,” he said, “she might be a tad pissed off that I want to stay with you in London but I am sure she will agree that would involve me commuting to manage the business affairs of the conglomerate.”
“I think we will have to organise a lot more trips during the grape harvesting season,” she replied, “you also have to make arrangements with Aubrey and Theo to get up to date with them about the history project.”
They finished the dessert and set off to walk back to her house. Dirk did not notice they were being followed but Davina had a sixth sense and diverted them through the private garden to cause the followers to have to go around the garden as they came out opposite her house and slipped across the road and went down to the basement door.
Davina said, “Don’t switch any lights on and we’ll go up to the security office and use the outer cameras to see who was following.”
Dirk asked, “Do you have any weapons here?”
“Yes, this office has a false wall over there behind the bookcase. The switch is behind the Edgar Allen Poe copy of Metzengerstein.” She told him.
He opened the door and took a SVD from a selection with infra-red capability, built in range finder and a silencer.
“Just in case as we might have to skip and get them to chase us into the country.” He said.
He dismantled and checked the weapon for ready to use operation.
“You are obviously conversant with rifles. When did you take up sniping? Was it a hobby or were you in the services?” she asked him.
“I read about snipers and their weapons and decided it was a useful tool to have in my personal arsenal.” He told her.
“Which weapon do you prefer to use?” he queried.
“I have a dart gun which I favour as it delivers a shot of tranquillizer so that I can ask questions before I use my personal defence mechanism.” She said with a smile on her face.
Dirk saw the menace behind the smile and made a mental note to never anger Davina.
“I have a pharmaceutical cabinet that will ensure that any answers with be truthful.” She informed him, “I would like to use a couple of them on you.”
“What will they do?” he asked.
“Not for truth but for pain relief as one of my hobbies is African scarification skin markings.” She said.
“Is there any religious significance to these?” He asked.
“Not any for me but some tribes believe they have an attraction and that sex can be enhanced by it.”
She took the rifle from him and after studying the cameras looked through the scope at two men looking at the gate opposite her house.
“We have a problem.” She said, “Can you go and get your car from the hotel and park it in Ladbroke Grove and ring me when you are there. Go out of the back of this house and take the rifle in a golf bag. There is a gate at the end of the garden that allows us to get out without being seen.”
“I will join you at the car and they will follow me because I will leave from the front door here. It is still light enough that they will believe I will be covered because of the nonsense about vampires and sunlight. I’ll have a wide brimmed hat and hopefully they will not be too far behind.” She told him, “I knew they were in the pub but I didn’t spot them just the aura of evil they carry with them all the time.”
Dirk hurried to collect the car and putting the golf bag in the boot he drove up to Cornwall Crescent, a parallel road to Elgin Crescent, and parked opposite to The Elgin, their local pub.
He called her as he drove up to the crossroads near the pub.
She arrived a few minutes after he stopped. He gave her a kiss and looked sideways viewing the two guys hurrying to get to their car.
Dirk drove off in the slow traffic as this was a busy road at that time of day.
“Did you recognise them?” he asked her.
“Yes, the older one is the bane of my life and of Constance too.” she told him, “His name is Ebenezer, a self-important head of the Lutheran church and he hates vampires. The other is probably his son who has inherited the same ill-educated view of vampires.”
“Try not to lose them until we get onto the M4 and we’ll go around to the M3 and get them to follow us into Swinley Forest.” She instructed him.
“He looks quite old,” Dirk responded, “what is his story?”
“A rooky vampire discovered the family centuries ago and took a shine to the daughter.” She told him, “They had many cousins in the village but only one daughter. Ebenezer was the head of the local church and was strict with his parish. His cousins all fucked each other on a daily basis creating a lot of inbreeding which Ebenezer hated as much as he hated his wife.”
“The vampire started with one of the cousins and was working through them when he met Ebenezer’s daughter,” she recalled, “as she was the prettiest of the village family, he tasted her blood and could not stop him from draining her totally. He was one of Constance’ tiers and as Ebenezer had seen them talking his warped mind jumped to conclusions and he went after Constance with a wooden stake.”
“Was that wise?” Dirk asked with a grin.
“As he was so centred on his own importance and was not sufficiently gifted with brain cells so his idea came from vampire films.” She told him.
“He followed Constance from a friend’s house to her home and attacked her when she was resting after dawn one day.” She continued, “he had a mallet in his hand and was about to strike the wood when Constance eyes opened. As you know she is much stronger than any mortal man and threw him off her. He ran but could not get far. She caught him but, in his rage, he tried to fight her and would not listen to her explanation.”
“Did she kill him?” Dirk asked.
“No, she chased him off and let him go, which was probably a mistake as he tried again several times to kill her.” She said, “Constance knew who the rooky vampire was and quizzed him about why he killed the daughter. He had no remorse and was another man much like Ebenezer, overconfident and he told Constance to mind her own business.”
“Ooh!” said Dirk, “not ever a good idea when talking to Constance. What did she do?”
“Ripped his head from his shoulders.” She said.
“That will have smarted a little.” Dirk said.
“Constance had to move her and her friend to another town because Ebenezer could not recover from his daughter’s death and his wife died shortly after. The story goes further as Ebenezer remarried and his son from that union followed in his father’s footsteps and became a vampire chaser, he took the same name and the thread of that family history continues to this day, which is why I want to end this now.” Davina stated.
“That they have discovered where I live means this is going to cause problems in the future. I will have to stop at Constance’ place while I get a security company to monitor the house and ensure that there are no other nosy people showing interest in the place.” Davina said.
“What are we going to do about these two?” Dirk asked.
“I’m sure we will find a home for them in the forest. Permanently!” she said.
To be continued….
Davina and Dirk finished their umpteenth orgasm with the agreement to go out for a late lunch. It was after 3pm that they pitched up at a very local but well-regarded family-owned free house.
The food was listed as 5 star on Tripadvisor and there were very few complaints, mainly about service and none about the food.
They decided on a roast pork with roasted potatoes and summer vegetables. The food was amazing with crackling which was easily the best that Dirk had ever eaten.
They finished the roast and had apple pie with creamy smooth custard flavoured with freshly ground nutmeg.
While they waited for it to arrive at their table, they discussed how to approach Constance.
“I’ll ring her and let her know that we have something to discuss with her,” he said, “she might be a tad pissed off that I want to stay with you in London but I am sure she will agree that would involve me commuting to manage the business affairs of the conglomerate.”
“I think we will have to organise a lot more trips during the grape harvesting season,” she replied, “you also have to make arrangements with Aubrey and Theo to get up to date with them about the history project.”
They finished the dessert and set off to walk back to her house. Dirk did not notice they were being followed but Davina had a sixth sense and diverted them through the private garden to cause the followers to have to go around the garden as they came out opposite her house and slipped across the road and went down to the basement door.
Davina said, “Don’t switch any lights on and we’ll go up to the security office and use the outer cameras to see who was following.”
Dirk asked, “Do you have any weapons here?”
“Yes, this office has a false wall over there behind the bookcase. The switch is behind the Edgar Allen Poe copy of Metzengerstein.” She told him.
He opened the door and took a SVD from a selection with infra-red capability, built in range finder and a silencer.
“Just in case as we might have to skip and get them to chase us into the country.” He said.
He dismantled and checked the weapon for ready to use operation.
“You are obviously conversant with rifles. When did you take up sniping? Was it a hobby or were you in the services?” she asked him.
“I read about snipers and their weapons and decided it was a useful tool to have in my personal arsenal.” He told her.
“Which weapon do you prefer to use?” he queried.
“I have a dart gun which I favour as it delivers a shot of tranquillizer so that I can ask questions before I use my personal defence mechanism.” She said with a smile on her face.
Dirk saw the menace behind the smile and made a mental note to never anger Davina.
“I have a pharmaceutical cabinet that will ensure that any answers with be truthful.” She informed him, “I would like to use a couple of them on you.”
“What will they do?” he asked.
“Not for truth but for pain relief as one of my hobbies is African scarification skin markings.” She said.
“Is there any religious significance to these?” He asked.
“Not any for me but some tribes believe they have an attraction and that sex can be enhanced by it.”
She took the rifle from him and after studying the cameras looked through the scope at two men looking at the gate opposite her house.
“We have a problem.” She said, “Can you go and get your car from the hotel and park it in Ladbroke Grove and ring me when you are there. Go out of the back of this house and take the rifle in a golf bag. There is a gate at the end of the garden that allows us to get out without being seen.”
“I will join you at the car and they will follow me because I will leave from the front door here. It is still light enough that they will believe I will be covered because of the nonsense about vampires and sunlight. I’ll have a wide brimmed hat and hopefully they will not be too far behind.” She told him, “I knew they were in the pub but I didn’t spot them just the aura of evil they carry with them all the time.”
Dirk hurried to collect the car and putting the golf bag in the boot he drove up to Cornwall Crescent, a parallel road to Elgin Crescent, and parked opposite to The Elgin, their local pub.
He called her as he drove up to the crossroads near the pub.
She arrived a few minutes after he stopped. He gave her a kiss and looked sideways viewing the two guys hurrying to get to their car.
Dirk drove off in the slow traffic as this was a busy road at that time of day.
“Did you recognise them?” he asked her.
“Yes, the older one is the bane of my life and of Constance too.” she told him, “His name is Ebenezer, a self-important head of the Lutheran church and he hates vampires. The other is probably his son who has inherited the same ill-educated view of vampires.”
“Try not to lose them until we get onto the M4 and we’ll go around to the M3 and get them to follow us into Swinley Forest.” She instructed him.
“He looks quite old,” Dirk responded, “what is his story?”
“A rooky vampire discovered the family centuries ago and took a shine to the daughter.” She told him, “They had many cousins in the village but only one daughter. Ebenezer was the head of the local church and was strict with his parish. His cousins all fucked each other on a daily basis creating a lot of inbreeding which Ebenezer hated as much as he hated his wife.”
“The vampire started with one of the cousins and was working through them when he met Ebenezer’s daughter,” she recalled, “as she was the prettiest of the village family, he tasted her blood and could not stop him from draining her totally. He was one of Constance’ tiers and as Ebenezer had seen them talking his warped mind jumped to conclusions and he went after Constance with a wooden stake.”
“Was that wise?” Dirk asked with a grin.
“As he was so centred on his own importance and was not sufficiently gifted with brain cells so his idea came from vampire films.” She told him.
“He followed Constance from a friend’s house to her home and attacked her when she was resting after dawn one day.” She continued, “he had a mallet in his hand and was about to strike the wood when Constance eyes opened. As you know she is much stronger than any mortal man and threw him off her. He ran but could not get far. She caught him but, in his rage, he tried to fight her and would not listen to her explanation.”
“Did she kill him?” Dirk asked.
“No, she chased him off and let him go, which was probably a mistake as he tried again several times to kill her.” She said, “Constance knew who the rooky vampire was and quizzed him about why he killed the daughter. He had no remorse and was another man much like Ebenezer, overconfident and he told Constance to mind her own business.”
“Ooh!” said Dirk, “not ever a good idea when talking to Constance. What did she do?”
“Ripped his head from his shoulders.” She said.
“That will have smarted a little.” Dirk said.
“Constance had to move her and her friend to another town because Ebenezer could not recover from his daughter’s death and his wife died shortly after. The story goes further as Ebenezer remarried and his son from that union followed in his father’s footsteps and became a vampire chaser, he took the same name and the thread of that family history continues to this day, which is why I want to end this now.” Davina stated.
“That they have discovered where I live means this is going to cause problems in the future. I will have to stop at Constance’ place while I get a security company to monitor the house and ensure that there are no other nosy people showing interest in the place.” Davina said.
“What are we going to do about these two?” Dirk asked.
“I’m sure we will find a home for them in the forest. Permanently!” she said.
To be continued….
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