
We float
We walked on stars
Destiny in each others arms
Cozy stuff and peachy pies
Falling into each others eyes
Our talk was in body language
Smooth toffee lounging languid
Sipping coffee on vacations
Gifts of touching summer sunsets
Morning dew and bird duets
Children of light we danced
And rode rainbows
To rain cleansed shores
Each other shining gold adore
Then came days apart
Dark clouds
and black crow feathers fall
Misery and sadness all the more
Miles distant
orbits far
Deeper sea green oceans scar
But love
Our love drew magnets to poles apart
Smashed the boundary
Dividing hearts
Once again to free the mind
To float
and walk on stars divine
Together we are
Twisted like vines trailing to heaven
A Monet impression
Colours and colour my imagination
This is us in dream medication
Your hand in mine
Your soft respiration
With me
Written by Jezkeebs
Author's Note
For romance comp
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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