The Naked Foursome...

The Naked Foursome
(A collection of Poems)

Ode, to Your Nakedness!!!

(This is a poem I've wanted to write for a while now.  Ever since I discovered that there was this Gloriously Sensual, Exquisitely Beautiful, and Incredibly Well Written Poem by Pablo Neruda, "Ode To A Naked Beauty". After reading it, I just wanted to write one, too.   The Subject Matter really intrigued me, but I had no Worthy Subject to serve as Inspiration, No Muse, then I came upon The Beautiful, Naked, Vision, Of Vanessa Hudgens, and was Amply Inspired and just had to write.  I just had to pay Accolade, to Such Beauty of Form, give Praise to Such Beauteous Delight.  How Could I Not Be Bemused, By Such Comely Rapture, Such Pert, Pristine, Perfection?  The Vision Of Her, in those photos, Left Me, Transfixed, Besot, Stupefied, and I had to let the Bewitchment,  with which I was overcome, overtaken, outpour and cascade on to  paper to create a work (poem) that was also Bewitching,  So, I looked at Pablo's work, to see what I was striving to accomplish, what well done was, in such a work and then let his work and My Magnificent Muse, Her Nakedness, Serene, Nubile, Inspire Me,  Serve As My Inspiration,  Encouragement; ENJOY!!!)

Ode, to Your Nakedness!!!

Ode, to Your Nakedness, Your, Lovely, Silhouette,
Such Beauty, as yours, Arouses me, so.
Here's, to Your Body, Pleasing, Perfect.
May I Bask, one day, in the Glow,
Of its Alluring, Angelic, Contours.
May I rest, my head, upon, its shores.
You're Absolute, Aesthetic, Perfection,
A Siren, of Rhapsody, A Goddess, from Heaven.
Venus, Aphrodite, Both, Fall Short, Of You.
No Such Bliss, as that, which you induce.
Raptured,  I Am, Time After Time.
Your Body's, Beautiful, Naked Vision, A Wonder, Sublime.

Ode, to Your Anatomy, Ripe and Nubile,
Here's to, Your Femininity, by which, I'm Beguiled.
How I long, to meld, into, your Skin.
Here's to, Its Beauty; Supple, Dainty, and Just, Magnificent.
I Lose, Myself, within, Its Succulence.
It's such, a Captivating, Delight.
Your Body, Such Perfection, A Splendor, to My Eyes.
Spelled, I am, by it, Mesmerized.

Oh, to be, Your Sweat, for it knows, every inch of you.
It traces, your body, as I, so, long to do.

My Hands, they beg, to Caress.
My Lips, they beg, to Kiss.
My Fervor, let me, express,
As I Explore, Every Bit,
Every Inch, of your Beautiful Nakedness, with My Tongue.
There's Nothing More I Want,
Than You, Naked, Before Me.
In this World, I could find, No Greater Ecstasy,
Than the Beauteous, Bewitching, Bare Body, of you.
So Intoxicating, it is, that there's Nothing, To Compare It To.
Stupefied, I'm Left. by its each and every Pore and Hue.
Ode, to Your Nakedness, It, I Long, To Fall, Into...

Robert Gardiner


(This is a Poem to the Beauty, of Naked Woman, celebrating the form and contours of Woman Beautiful, in all her Naked Glory.)

The Beauty, Of Naked You...

Naked, Beautiful, Supple, Succulent, & Soft,
In Your Naked Silhouette, I Could Get Lost.
What A Lovely Sight, It Is, To See.
You Rouse, Such Fervor, Such Passion, Within Me,
Your Body's Every Contour, A Delight, To My Eyes.
The Thought, Of You, Naked, Makes My Nature Rise.

Nubile Beauty, Like A Nymph, Rising, From The Sea,
Your Body's Siren Song, So, Seduces Me.
Each And Every Inch Of It, Leaves Me, In Rhapsody.
You're A Statue, Of Perfection, Contoured, Symmetry.
Your Nakedness, Beautiful, Defines, Femininity.

Your Breast; Voluptuous, Inviting; Pert, Soft, Sensuous, Succulent, & Full,
Luscious, Shapely, Rounded, Of Form, & Just Simply, Beautiful.
Your Stomach; Smooth And Supple, Yet, Defined & Firm,
Lovely & Trim, At Its Every Turn,
Dainty & Feminine, With Aesthetic Appeal.
By Sight, Alone, Such Pleasure, It Yields.
Your Buttocks; Bountiful, Round, Shapely, Firm, And High,
Compact, Yet, Full, Just Pleasing To The Eye,
Dense, Yet, Soft, A Posterior, Personified,
Aesthetically Appealing, In Curvature & Contour,
Voluminous, Voluptuous, Yet, Daintily Demure,
Not Too Over, Nor Understated,
By The Hands Of God, Just Perfectly Created.
Your Legs; Toned, Defined, Shapely, And Beautiful,
Feminine & Fetching, Just Visually, Pleasurable.
Your Body, Your Built, Contoured, Just Perfectly.
The Beauty, Of Its Nakedness, Leaves Me, In Ecstasy...

Robert Gardiner


(This is a Poem about being Captivated, Bewitched, Transfixed, By The Alluring, Feminine Form, Of A Naked Beauty, and It Leaving You Longing, for More, Just Exhilarated, Intoxicated, Stupefied, with Amorous Passion, wanting To Bathe Her Amatory Ecstasy!!!)

Naked Heaven!!!

So Beautiful, you are, Standing, Naked, before me,
Enjoying, every moment, as I, take in, Your Anatomy,
Enchanted, I'm Left, by its Seductive, Symmetry.
By Every Inch, of Your Body, I'm Taken, Totally.
You Rouse, in me, Such a Fire,
Stirring, Amorous Longing and Feelings, of Desire,
As Your Beautiful Nakedness, I stand here and Admire,
Raptured, by every contour, of you,
By Your Alluringly Beautiful Body, I'm Just, Seduced,
Besot, By Your Supple Skin,
Beckoned, To Taste, Every Bit, Of Your Succulence.
Longing, to know, that Ecstasy,
Wanting, to explore, every bit, of your Anatomy.

Naked Goddess, Enamored, each time, you leave me.
Your Nakedness Sings to me, with a Song, of Rhapsody.
Taken, I am, by your Lovely Silhouette,
Enchanted, by Your Body's, each and every aspect.
Pleasing, Perfect, Your Naked Anatomy.
Intoxicating, Exhilarating, Your Body, To Me.
Bewitching, Its Loveliness, Sublime,
Spelled, It Leaves Me, Each and Every Time.

Naked, Heaven, you're quite the sight to see,
Standing there, Bare, in front of me.
Ripe, Your Longing, Flushed, Your Body,
I can Feel, Your Desire, Your Yearning, just calls to me.
And I intend, to answer, its call.
My Goal, to Pleasure, Every bit of Your
Beautiful Body, to Ecstasy, Divine.
Each and Every inch of you, I shall make mine,
As I Cover You, in Delight's Most Wondrous Hues.
At this moment, I long for, nothing more, than you.
Your Naked Heaven, I just want, to fall, into...

Robert Gardiner



Haunting My Dreams, Naked, a Vision, of Such Loveliness,
Perfection Personified, Pleasure, Incarnate,
The Embodiment, of Grace and Femininity,
Enamored, she leaves me, Engrossed In, Such Ecstasy,
Spelled, By Her Charms, Aflutter, All Of Me,
Exhilarated, Enthralled, In, Affinity.
Oh, What Rapture, Her Presence Is.
Wrapped, I Am, Within, Her Magic.

Naked Femininance, Your Body, Devine,
Amorous Thoughts Of You, Dance, In My Mind.
Attractive, Alluring, Your Anatomy.
Every Inch, Of Your Body, Just, Bewitches Me.
Seductive, So, Your Siren Song,
Your Naked Splendor, Transfixing, to Gaze Upon.
So Lovely, Your Silhouette,
Each and Every Inch of you, Simply, Perfect.
Beckoned, I Am, To Your Shore,
Fascinated, By Your Body's Every Contour.

Venus, Aphrodite, No Goddess, To Eclipse You.
No Euphoria, Fancy, Like That, Which You Induce,
Engrossing, So, Your Naked Form.
Such Enchantment, Within Me, Its Beauty Spawns.

Beguilingly Beautiful, Your Face, a Most Lovely Sight,
In concert, with Your Body, a Symphony, of Delight.
Heavenly, Rapturous, the Beautiful, Bare Body, of you,
Captivated, I am, By Your Each and Every Hue.
Enamored, You Have, My Heart,
A Flamed, My Soul, Stirred, My Every Part.
I'm Lost, within, the Majesty, of you.
Naked Enchantress, Such Rhapsody, You Induce...

Robert Gardiner

This is My Naked Foursome of Poems.  I have wanted to write a poem, on the Beauty of Naked Woman, ever since reading Pablo Neruda's "Ode to a Naked Beauty"; Although I wanted to write such a poem, I had nothing to write on, until inspired by a series of Nude Photos of Vanessa Hudgens and wrote the first poem in the series.  The second one was written on a fanciful whim, and the third written to make a Trilogy, As for the fourth poem, it was inspired by the mythology of Aphrodite's Naked Birth out of Seafoam.  No one had penned 4 well written. elegant poems, exclaiming the Nakedness of Woman and the Beauty thereof.  This is (was) my attempt at that. Well, I hoped you enjoyed them and that I did justice to The Beauty of Naked Woman!!!
Written by R_g_amorous
Author's Note
Poems to the Beauty of the Naked Feminine Form...
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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