The Little Guy And His Jinnie Chapter 25
The Little Guy And His Jinnie
Chapter 25
Sheeka's face held astonishment. Master Jake had said that she was his Jin. Then that meant, but how and when? The six faces staring at her were all nodding yes, and then she saw Jake reach into his shirt and rub an amulet shaped like a bottle. With a huge boom, there always was one, but until now, they had managed to ignore it; the council appeared.
"I have finally decided," Jake told the council. "Though you have given her to me temporarily, I wish to also take Sheeka on as my fourth Jinn.
The entire council began to smile finally! The beginning of the most potent part of the legend was starting to take shape. Each looked over at Trully who only nodded yes as their eyes grew wider at this news. The leader stepped forward, looking Jake up and down with a sour look. "Fellow council members," he turned away from Jake and his Jinns, suddenly smiling at each member. "Are we really to believe that a human can command four Jinns? We should kill a mere human for suggesting such a thing!"
Each council member had a sour and dour look on their faces. Behind the leader were several gasps, and then the entire council felt not just one but five layers of protection snap up around Jake. Gen stood before the others, her eyes flashing with the power growing in her. "I speak for all of us. We will die before we allow you to harm our master!"
Turning, the leader had a look of disbelief on his face; Gen's power had skyrocketed! Looking at the rest, he could feel all of theirs increasing with each passing second. Then he felt an even stronger power emanating from Sheeka by the great Jinn; it was true!
"Relax, little ones," the council leader told all of Jake's Jinns. "As I said, we can't believe that a mere human could do this, but Master Jake is no mere human. He is, as we have all discovered, Every Master."
Gen, Rosalinda, Rashala, and Sheeka stared at the leader with their mouths hanging open. Akeesha was the only one still in a defensive position; her power was still full. Growling, she had no trust in the council; they had failed her significantly before, and she wasn't about to let it happen again, not with her sister involved.
Jake looked over at Akeesha; he could almost feel an intense heat of hatred and mistrust. Damn! They had pissed the woman off in the past, sighing. There was nothing he could do. Akeesha wasn't his Jinn, so she was free to do as she wished; thinking momentarily, Jake remembered something she'd said. Shrugging his shoulders, he guessed he could try.
Raising close to Akeesha, Jake whispered to her, "I know they have wronged you and your sister. I also know that I am not your master, but if you try to destroy them, then they will have to react and punish you. Please, for your sister, don't."
Akeesha's eyes flew open in shock and amazement. A man had asked her, please? Just the fact that he was a male was shocking enough, but the fact that he asked for her sister and not himself had her respect for him growing by leaps and bounds. "Yes," she whispered back, "I will stand down. Thank you, Master Jake; your wisdom far exceeds your age."
Jake nodded as Akeesha powered down and stepped back. This brought another round of gasps from the council. Master Jake had befriended the man-hater from the past, a feat no one thought was ever possible. Each council member was still shaking through the amount of power shown in the room that could have effectively destroyed the entire council.
The leader himself had been sweating a bit. This wouldn't have ended well had it gone on much longer. It was best not to joke again like this; Master Jake's Jinns were fiercely loyal and were ready to die for him. The leader looked at Jake standing in front of his Jinns between them and the council; it appeared that Master Jake was also ready to die for his Jinns.
The leader's mouth dropped open again as he turned to the rest of the council. Three more parts of the legend were satisfied, amazing!
After a few moments, Jake stepped forward, "You never gave me a decision; may I take her as my fourth Jinn?"
The leader turned back as the rest of the council stood, all bowing to Jake simultaneously. This drew a gasp from Jake Jinns, but the loudest was from Akeesha. The whole council never, EVER all turned at once, not to a single person and especially not a human!
"Please forgive us; you are granted permission, especially now. You have fulfilled another three parts of the legend." Again, the council bowed as one, drawing many gasps from all the female Jinns.
They all thanked Jake and vanished, leaving Jake with several startled Jinns.
Turning Jake looked at all of them, then toward a now smirking Trully. "Alright, spill, I saw all of them looking at you for confirmation of something. I want to know what!" Jake sighed when he saw Trully draw back from the force of his voice. "I'm sorry Trully I'm not mad at you I just want to know; I feel I am being kept in the dark again."
Trully smiled a genuine deep satisfied smile, she just hoped that Jake could take the news she was about to tell him. “Master Jake, they said you fulfilled three more parts of the legend. One way you have befriended the man-hater. I am sorry, Akeesha, but that is what they have called you for a long time." Akeesha only nodded. She was proud of that name. Though in Master Jake's case, she was ashamed for the first time in her life, he wasn't an average male either.
"Okay, and the second?" Jake asked after a few moments.
"The second was you took a fourth Jinn, a fourth that risked her life and was a slave for a short time, a fourth that you also loved as much as the first three." Trully watched Jake's face closely. This was the actual test. Jake was nodding, and then his eyes flew wide. Holy shit! He loved her just as much as Gen, Rosalinda, and Rashala!
"Well, I'll be damned!" Jake said as Trully started to smile and took a deep breath. This next part might have shocked Jake, but he'd ordered her to tell him. It was also the only way she could keep the raw desire she was feeling to throw Jake down for another intense session of sex!
Sighing, Trully ensured, "The third part will shock you greatly, Master Jake. Are sure you wish to hear it? I in no way wish to cause you distress or worry." Trully advised him hoping he took her meaning.
"I think I can handle it Trully I believe I am accustomed to it now." Jake finally told Trully after thinking about it for a few moments.
Nodding, Trully sat both down and then looked straight into Jake's eyes, "The third part also involves you and Sheeka." This perked up Akeesha's ears, which drifted behind where the two were sitting. The rest also drifted over, wishing not to be left out. "It was foretold that the Last Master would be the first human in history to have children with a Jinn. The resulting offspring would be powerful."
Jake's eyes were as wide as they could go, "You're saying I will make a child with all of them?" An astonished Jake asked of Trully.
Smiling intensely, Trully shook her head no to the disappointed groans of the females present. "Well, yes, with each of them, but you see," Trully looked at the other female Jinns in the room and giggled. "You, my dear Master Jake, have already started."
There was a sharp intake of breath from each of his Jinns; they had all been filled with his seed, and. Suddenly, there were four, five, and then six pairs of lust-filled eyes staring at his crotch. Trully shook her head and went on.
"All of these children will be special, none more than this first one. He will become the next leader of the council; he will be mighty and wise, having learned wisdom from his father that hasn't been seen before." Here, Trully stopped hoping she was going only a little. If Jake knew it, all things might not go so well; he had to learn so that when he started teaching his son, it was the wisdom she'd read about.
"Is that all you can tell me?" Jake asked, still in shock that he was so much a part of Jinn's world, though he wasn't part of it.
"That's all I can remember seeing," Trully lied, though it wasn't. She knew the rest, but what she had said WAS the only part she had read. "I have to go. I feel that I and the doctor will be needed soon. I feel that a major battle is coming soon." With that Trully was gone.
All his Jinns had wanted Jake to take them, but they weren't sure who was pregnant yet.
Jake was in too much of a daze to realize that Trully hadn't told them WHO was pregnant! Still sitting there, Jake couldn't believe he would be a father! It was still sinking in when his cell went off a few minutes later.
"Hello?" Jake said, still shocked at the news. "Oh, hello, Juno, yes, already!? Sure, I can be there in about an hour. Bring Gen? Of course, I can, ok, see you there." Jake looked at Gen after he hung up. "That was Juno, and he said that the house is almost ready and wants us to come out and look at it. I thought it would be another month before it was near ready."
Nuha hung up the phone. Good! The fool had taken the bait! Once they were alone, the sisters could efficiently dispatch the human. The sooner, the better! Alba and Fatin were both smiling wickedly. They would have their revenge! Fatin was seething inside. She had never failed before, and all males were putty in her hands. This bastard, a mere human, had made a fool of her! He'd screwed her unconscious! She couldn't forgive; she wanted to enjoy the sex before the kill.
Fatin got up and started to pace. That man would pay dearly for making her look like a fool! It was as if she were still a virgin! Nuha watched as her sister paced the floor. She had to admit the man had fooled her also. She could more than understand the frustration that Fatin felt. Sex without a death was seriously unsatisfying!
All three sisters vanished from Juno's office; a moment later, he walked in, wondering what had compelled him to leave. He was about to return to work when he saw a flashing light on his video link. Startled, he logged in and watched as three women appeared in his office, made a call, and then vanished. Son of a bitch! So, there were others out there! Growling, he thought momentarily, and a young woman appeared before him.
Turning the viewer toward her, he heard her gasp. "Do you know who they are?" The older man asked.
"Yes," the young woman hissed, "they are alththulathi almumit! I am sorry, Master, the deadly trio. We must stay clear of them. If they discover that you are a Master, they may come after you also."
Juno sighed. This was most unexpected, but they had invaded his sanctuary. Still, he needed to find out what they were up to before he made a move. "I wish I knew what they were up to." Juno absently said.
Sighing, the young woman nodded and said, "I am afraid, Master, that they are after the Ever Master; it appears they are out to destroy him."
"Wait, I thought you said that the Ever-Last Master still hadn't appeared?" Juno said, shocked at this piece of news. "I know I forbid you from going home, but you still watch."
"It was almost two months ago when I could no longer see. I thought it meant that the Jinn world was destroyed. As I told you, Master, I have no one left there now as my mother and father were destroyed in the war." The young woman said, fresh tears falling from her eyes.
"I give you permission to contact the Jinn world and find out if all this is true," Juno told the young woman.
Concentrating momentarily, the young woman looked at a glowing sphere of light in front of her. "Hello? Are you there, Tyrin?"
A young female’s face appeared a moment later, "Nyrae? Is that you? By the great Jinn, you are still alive! It's.
" The female started talking far faster than Juno or Nyrae could follow her.
"Slow down. What has happened?" Nyrae asked, really confused now.
"You truly don't know? It is a true miracle! It's hard to believe not that many, but a few have returned! The owners have returned to both houses besides mine, but that's not the best part! They are back! Both of your parents are back!" The young woman went on.
"How? They were destroyed during the war. How can they be alive again?" Nyrae, now bewildered, asked the young woman.
"They said it was the Ever-Last Master, and he has appeared and already fulfilled part of the legend." The woman said.
"WHAT! Why can't I feel him?" Nyrae asked. "It has been said he has four Jinns and another protecting him, and you think you could feel him if he didn't want it? It has been said that he is in the same place as you are." The young woman answered.
Nyrae let the link drop as she stared at Juno in shock, "He is here."
"I know that, but where?" Juno asked.
"In this city and with mighty protection, even I can't feel him... yet!" Nyrae said as a smile spread across her face.
To be continued
Chapter 25
Sheeka's face held astonishment. Master Jake had said that she was his Jin. Then that meant, but how and when? The six faces staring at her were all nodding yes, and then she saw Jake reach into his shirt and rub an amulet shaped like a bottle. With a huge boom, there always was one, but until now, they had managed to ignore it; the council appeared.
"I have finally decided," Jake told the council. "Though you have given her to me temporarily, I wish to also take Sheeka on as my fourth Jinn.
The entire council began to smile finally! The beginning of the most potent part of the legend was starting to take shape. Each looked over at Trully who only nodded yes as their eyes grew wider at this news. The leader stepped forward, looking Jake up and down with a sour look. "Fellow council members," he turned away from Jake and his Jinns, suddenly smiling at each member. "Are we really to believe that a human can command four Jinns? We should kill a mere human for suggesting such a thing!"
Each council member had a sour and dour look on their faces. Behind the leader were several gasps, and then the entire council felt not just one but five layers of protection snap up around Jake. Gen stood before the others, her eyes flashing with the power growing in her. "I speak for all of us. We will die before we allow you to harm our master!"
Turning, the leader had a look of disbelief on his face; Gen's power had skyrocketed! Looking at the rest, he could feel all of theirs increasing with each passing second. Then he felt an even stronger power emanating from Sheeka by the great Jinn; it was true!
"Relax, little ones," the council leader told all of Jake's Jinns. "As I said, we can't believe that a mere human could do this, but Master Jake is no mere human. He is, as we have all discovered, Every Master."
Gen, Rosalinda, Rashala, and Sheeka stared at the leader with their mouths hanging open. Akeesha was the only one still in a defensive position; her power was still full. Growling, she had no trust in the council; they had failed her significantly before, and she wasn't about to let it happen again, not with her sister involved.
Jake looked over at Akeesha; he could almost feel an intense heat of hatred and mistrust. Damn! They had pissed the woman off in the past, sighing. There was nothing he could do. Akeesha wasn't his Jinn, so she was free to do as she wished; thinking momentarily, Jake remembered something she'd said. Shrugging his shoulders, he guessed he could try.
Raising close to Akeesha, Jake whispered to her, "I know they have wronged you and your sister. I also know that I am not your master, but if you try to destroy them, then they will have to react and punish you. Please, for your sister, don't."
Akeesha's eyes flew open in shock and amazement. A man had asked her, please? Just the fact that he was a male was shocking enough, but the fact that he asked for her sister and not himself had her respect for him growing by leaps and bounds. "Yes," she whispered back, "I will stand down. Thank you, Master Jake; your wisdom far exceeds your age."
Jake nodded as Akeesha powered down and stepped back. This brought another round of gasps from the council. Master Jake had befriended the man-hater from the past, a feat no one thought was ever possible. Each council member was still shaking through the amount of power shown in the room that could have effectively destroyed the entire council.
The leader himself had been sweating a bit. This wouldn't have ended well had it gone on much longer. It was best not to joke again like this; Master Jake's Jinns were fiercely loyal and were ready to die for him. The leader looked at Jake standing in front of his Jinns between them and the council; it appeared that Master Jake was also ready to die for his Jinns.
The leader's mouth dropped open again as he turned to the rest of the council. Three more parts of the legend were satisfied, amazing!
After a few moments, Jake stepped forward, "You never gave me a decision; may I take her as my fourth Jinn?"
The leader turned back as the rest of the council stood, all bowing to Jake simultaneously. This drew a gasp from Jake Jinns, but the loudest was from Akeesha. The whole council never, EVER all turned at once, not to a single person and especially not a human!
"Please forgive us; you are granted permission, especially now. You have fulfilled another three parts of the legend." Again, the council bowed as one, drawing many gasps from all the female Jinns.
They all thanked Jake and vanished, leaving Jake with several startled Jinns.
Turning Jake looked at all of them, then toward a now smirking Trully. "Alright, spill, I saw all of them looking at you for confirmation of something. I want to know what!" Jake sighed when he saw Trully draw back from the force of his voice. "I'm sorry Trully I'm not mad at you I just want to know; I feel I am being kept in the dark again."
Trully smiled a genuine deep satisfied smile, she just hoped that Jake could take the news she was about to tell him. “Master Jake, they said you fulfilled three more parts of the legend. One way you have befriended the man-hater. I am sorry, Akeesha, but that is what they have called you for a long time." Akeesha only nodded. She was proud of that name. Though in Master Jake's case, she was ashamed for the first time in her life, he wasn't an average male either.
"Okay, and the second?" Jake asked after a few moments.
"The second was you took a fourth Jinn, a fourth that risked her life and was a slave for a short time, a fourth that you also loved as much as the first three." Trully watched Jake's face closely. This was the actual test. Jake was nodding, and then his eyes flew wide. Holy shit! He loved her just as much as Gen, Rosalinda, and Rashala!
"Well, I'll be damned!" Jake said as Trully started to smile and took a deep breath. This next part might have shocked Jake, but he'd ordered her to tell him. It was also the only way she could keep the raw desire she was feeling to throw Jake down for another intense session of sex!
Sighing, Trully ensured, "The third part will shock you greatly, Master Jake. Are sure you wish to hear it? I in no way wish to cause you distress or worry." Trully advised him hoping he took her meaning.
"I think I can handle it Trully I believe I am accustomed to it now." Jake finally told Trully after thinking about it for a few moments.
Nodding, Trully sat both down and then looked straight into Jake's eyes, "The third part also involves you and Sheeka." This perked up Akeesha's ears, which drifted behind where the two were sitting. The rest also drifted over, wishing not to be left out. "It was foretold that the Last Master would be the first human in history to have children with a Jinn. The resulting offspring would be powerful."
Jake's eyes were as wide as they could go, "You're saying I will make a child with all of them?" An astonished Jake asked of Trully.
Smiling intensely, Trully shook her head no to the disappointed groans of the females present. "Well, yes, with each of them, but you see," Trully looked at the other female Jinns in the room and giggled. "You, my dear Master Jake, have already started."
There was a sharp intake of breath from each of his Jinns; they had all been filled with his seed, and. Suddenly, there were four, five, and then six pairs of lust-filled eyes staring at his crotch. Trully shook her head and went on.
"All of these children will be special, none more than this first one. He will become the next leader of the council; he will be mighty and wise, having learned wisdom from his father that hasn't been seen before." Here, Trully stopped hoping she was going only a little. If Jake knew it, all things might not go so well; he had to learn so that when he started teaching his son, it was the wisdom she'd read about.
"Is that all you can tell me?" Jake asked, still in shock that he was so much a part of Jinn's world, though he wasn't part of it.
"That's all I can remember seeing," Trully lied, though it wasn't. She knew the rest, but what she had said WAS the only part she had read. "I have to go. I feel that I and the doctor will be needed soon. I feel that a major battle is coming soon." With that Trully was gone.
All his Jinns had wanted Jake to take them, but they weren't sure who was pregnant yet.
Jake was in too much of a daze to realize that Trully hadn't told them WHO was pregnant! Still sitting there, Jake couldn't believe he would be a father! It was still sinking in when his cell went off a few minutes later.
"Hello?" Jake said, still shocked at the news. "Oh, hello, Juno, yes, already!? Sure, I can be there in about an hour. Bring Gen? Of course, I can, ok, see you there." Jake looked at Gen after he hung up. "That was Juno, and he said that the house is almost ready and wants us to come out and look at it. I thought it would be another month before it was near ready."
Nuha hung up the phone. Good! The fool had taken the bait! Once they were alone, the sisters could efficiently dispatch the human. The sooner, the better! Alba and Fatin were both smiling wickedly. They would have their revenge! Fatin was seething inside. She had never failed before, and all males were putty in her hands. This bastard, a mere human, had made a fool of her! He'd screwed her unconscious! She couldn't forgive; she wanted to enjoy the sex before the kill.
Fatin got up and started to pace. That man would pay dearly for making her look like a fool! It was as if she were still a virgin! Nuha watched as her sister paced the floor. She had to admit the man had fooled her also. She could more than understand the frustration that Fatin felt. Sex without a death was seriously unsatisfying!
All three sisters vanished from Juno's office; a moment later, he walked in, wondering what had compelled him to leave. He was about to return to work when he saw a flashing light on his video link. Startled, he logged in and watched as three women appeared in his office, made a call, and then vanished. Son of a bitch! So, there were others out there! Growling, he thought momentarily, and a young woman appeared before him.
Turning the viewer toward her, he heard her gasp. "Do you know who they are?" The older man asked.
"Yes," the young woman hissed, "they are alththulathi almumit! I am sorry, Master, the deadly trio. We must stay clear of them. If they discover that you are a Master, they may come after you also."
Juno sighed. This was most unexpected, but they had invaded his sanctuary. Still, he needed to find out what they were up to before he made a move. "I wish I knew what they were up to." Juno absently said.
Sighing, the young woman nodded and said, "I am afraid, Master, that they are after the Ever Master; it appears they are out to destroy him."
"Wait, I thought you said that the Ever-Last Master still hadn't appeared?" Juno said, shocked at this piece of news. "I know I forbid you from going home, but you still watch."
"It was almost two months ago when I could no longer see. I thought it meant that the Jinn world was destroyed. As I told you, Master, I have no one left there now as my mother and father were destroyed in the war." The young woman said, fresh tears falling from her eyes.
"I give you permission to contact the Jinn world and find out if all this is true," Juno told the young woman.
Concentrating momentarily, the young woman looked at a glowing sphere of light in front of her. "Hello? Are you there, Tyrin?"
A young female’s face appeared a moment later, "Nyrae? Is that you? By the great Jinn, you are still alive! It's.
" The female started talking far faster than Juno or Nyrae could follow her.
"Slow down. What has happened?" Nyrae asked, really confused now.
"You truly don't know? It is a true miracle! It's hard to believe not that many, but a few have returned! The owners have returned to both houses besides mine, but that's not the best part! They are back! Both of your parents are back!" The young woman went on.
"How? They were destroyed during the war. How can they be alive again?" Nyrae, now bewildered, asked the young woman.
"They said it was the Ever-Last Master, and he has appeared and already fulfilled part of the legend." The woman said.
"WHAT! Why can't I feel him?" Nyrae asked. "It has been said he has four Jinns and another protecting him, and you think you could feel him if he didn't want it? It has been said that he is in the same place as you are." The young woman answered.
Nyrae let the link drop as she stared at Juno in shock, "He is here."
"I know that, but where?" Juno asked.
"In this city and with mighty protection, even I can't feel him... yet!" Nyrae said as a smile spread across her face.
To be continued
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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